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Short "Derivations" of Key Formula of Modern Physics

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1 Short "Derivations" of Key Formula of Modern Physics
W. J. Wilson Department of Physics & Engineering University of Central Oklahoma Edmond, OK 73034 Web:

2 Outline World’s Shortest Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation of SR “Derivation” of Bohr Quantization Condition, “Derivation” of Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution “Derivation” of Fermi-Dirac Distribution

3 World’s Shortest Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation
We assume that in the previous lecture one has developed the time dilation And the Lorentz contraction formulae in the usual way Where

4 In O Frame, x’ (Length measure by O’) is Lorentz contracted
v v t x’ x x’ x In O Frame, x’ (Length measure by O’) is Lorentz contracted So, solving for x’

5 In O’ Frame, x is Lorentz contracted
y’ y v v t’ x’ x x’ x In O’ Frame, x is Lorentz contracted But as we just showed So Solve this for t’

6 Solve this for t’ But Thus, the Lorentz Transformation: So

7 “Derivation” of Bohr Quantization

8 “Derivation” of Bohr Quantization

9 “Derivation” of Boltzmann Factor

10 For ideal gas Isothermal (Exponential) Atmosphere:

11 But So But the probability of finding a particle should be proportional to the density, so …

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