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Report on CEARAC activities after the 20th NOWPAP IGM

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1 Report on CEARAC activities after the 20th NOWPAP IGM
Good afternoon, all the participants. I am Yuichi NAGASAKA, Director of NOWPAP CEARAC since July this year. From now on, I would like to report the progress of CEARAC activities since the 20th NOWPAP IGM. The report includes the results of the past biennium and the current activities for the biennium. NOWPAP CEARAC 21st NOWPAP IGM 23-25 November 2016

2 Activities for 2014-2015 Meetings 2 FPMs and 1 Expert Meeting
Web Maintenance Update of information Upgrade of Marine Environmental Watch System <Projects> Marine biodiversity Eutrophication Seagrass mapping Pilot assessment of the impacts of major threats to marine biodiversity in the selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region - Trial application of the screening procedure of the NOWPAP Common Procedure for eutrophication assessment - Case studies of seagrass mapping in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region Cooperation & Coordination Participation and/or joint organization of meetings, workshops, etc. Marine litter (RAP MALI) - Compilation/Harmonization of monitoring data - Case study report on basin-wide collaborative actions to prevent land-based marine litter input in Japan First, you can see the list of CEARAC activities for the biennium. By the end of 2015, all work were to be completed; however, there were delay in 3 major projects and still on going. So we will explain the progress this year in the first part of my presentation.

3 Pilot assessment of the impacts of major threats to marine biodiversity in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region <Focused threats> Eutrophication Non-indigenous species Habitat alteration <Pilot Study area> China Coastal area of Yantai and Dalian Japan North Kyushu sea area Coastal area of Hokuriku region Korea Saemanguem area Russia Peter the Great Bay The 1st project is pilot assessment on the impacts of major threats to marine biodiversity in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region. You can see the list of the selected areas for this pilot assessment. Nominated experts in each NOWPAP member state collected data on eutrophication, non-indigenous species and habitat alteration, and evaluated the status of the marine environment.

4 Development of data inventories
Data inventories on non-indigenous species in each member state China Japan Korea Russia Number of NIS N A Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukuoka 2-8 times/year Distribution of NIS Endangered species Red list published by each Prefectural government Protected species Spotted seal in coastal area of Yantai List of protected species in National Park China Japan Korea Russia Aquaculture of NIS A N Volume of discharged ballast water Number of foreign ship Maritime passenger transport Port cargo You can see some examples of collected data by the nominated experts. Since submission of national input was delayed, it affected the entire schedule, and a planned regional report was not developed by the end of 2015. So the work has been still underway. Expert of each member state assessed current situation using available data and prepared national report Based on the submitted national reports, regional report is preparing now * Submission of national report from Korean expert was delayed until March 2016, therefore, continuation of the activity is proposed and approved at the 14th CEARAC FPM.

5 Trial application of the screening procedure of the NOWPAP Common Procedure for eutrophication assessment <Screening procedure (1st diagnosis)> Trend of COD Frequencies of red tide and hypoxia Level and trend of satellite derived Chl-a Eutrophication potential High The 2nd project is application of the screening procedure of the NOWPAP Common Procedure for eutrophication assessment. CEARAC has refined the NOWPAP Common Procedure for eutrophication assessment in The refined procedure has two parts, screening procedure, the 1st diagnosis, and the comprehensive procedure for more detailed assessment. The screening procedure was applied to the entire NOWPAP areas and aweb GIS prototype for mapping potential eutrophic zones in the NOWPAP region is being construed. A webGIS map will be open the the public by the end of this year. A web GIS prototype

6 Level and trend in satellite derived Chlorophyll-a from 1998 to 2015
Eastern part 5 ug l-1 was used as a threshold to determine level of Chl-a for eutrophication assessment Hypereutrophic (>60ug l−1) High (>20, ≤60ug l−1) Medium (>5, ≤20ug l−1) Low (>0 and ≤5ug l−1) Western part CEARAC succeeded in processing time series of ocean color data with regionally tuned algorithm and finally completed the map in October, 2016. We plan to update the map on a regular basis. Terauchi et al. (2014)

7 Seagrass and Seaweed beds distribution mapping
Case studies of seagrass mapping in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region A manual for Seagrass and Seaweed beds distribution mapping by satellite images Teruhisa Komatsu March 2015 Under peer review A manual was developed and applied to selected sea areas Eastern Section of the Far Eastern Marine Reserve Swan lake 3rd one is case studies of seagrass mapping in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region. A manual for seagrass and seaweed bed distribution mapping with satellite images were developed and applied in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region. Usefulness of the manual were evaluated and CEARAC continue to map seagrass distributions in the NOWPAP coastal zones in this biennium. Case study reports in each area will be uploaded on CEARAC website soon. Nanao Bay and Toyama Bay Jangheung Bay

8 Budget & Expenditure for 2014-2015
Activity Budget Expenditure (US$) as of July Total 2014 2015 Balance 2 FPMs & EM 54,000 + ext. 23,307 29,950 53,257 Web Maintenance 3,000 + in-kind 1,470 1,584 <Projects> Marine BD Eutrophication Seagrass mapping 24,000 20,000 23,653 Cooperation/ coordination 4,000 2,251 2,785 5,036 125,000 27,028 97,972 Marine litter Data compilation Report on Japan Regional Node web In-kind 6,000 In-kind 6,000 (13,000 by GPA) (13,000) Grand Total 131,000 103,972 (+13,000) The table shows the budget and final expenditure of CEARAC activities for the biennium. As you can see, payment for the 3 projects were to be done in the 2nd year of the biennium. Since most of the budget is on implementing assessment or case studies by nominated national experts in each member state, and the payment is done after the reports were submitted to CEARAC Secretariat. So, it is natural to have more payments in the 2nd year of the biennium.

9 Activities for * The original title “Development of a draft common procedure for the assessment of impacts of major pressures on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region” which was in the document in NOWPAP IGM20 has been changed based on the suggestion at CEARAC FPM 14 (April 2016) Now, I’ll move on to the current CEARAC activities. Besides regular work such as organization of meetings and website maintenance, CEARAC has been implementing two new projects. One is on marine biodiversity and another is on seagrass.

10 FPMs and Expert Meeting
14th FPM - spring 2016 - to review the progress of planned activities ( & ) Expert Meeting - summer 2017 - to report progress of on-going activities - to exchange opinions on potential activities for 15th FPM - September 2017 - to review progress of on-going activities - to discuss a draft workplan for Now, I briefly explain each activity. First, CEARAC organizes FPMs annually. The 14th FPM was held in April this year. In 2017, Expert meeting is planned to be held in summer, before the 15th FPM in September. In the expert meeting, nominated experts who have been working on current CEARAC projects gather and report their assigned work. Then, based on the results, the Secretariat of CEARAC will develop a draft workplan for the biennium and propose it at the 15th FPM.

11 14th CEARAC FPM (7-8 April, 2016) Review the results of activities - 3 projects have not been completed - They are useful input for activities in continuing these activities in 2016 The 14th FPM was held in Toyama, Japan in April this year. At the meeting, the Secretariat reported the results of CEARAC activities of the last biennium, including some tardiness of three projects. CEARAC FPs understood the importance of these activities and agreed the continuation of them in 2016. Also, considering the situation and practicability of work, they emphasized to be more watchful eyes on the progress of planned activities.

12 14th CEARAC FPM (7-8 April, 2016) Advise to 2016-2017 activities
- time management of each activity - more productive outputs change the task/title of marine BD activity “Development of a draft common procedure for the assessment of impacts of major pressures on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region”      “Assessment of major pressures on marine                biodiversity in the NOWPAP region” Actually, they suggested reducing the volume of work in marine biodiversity activity. The original workplan was very ambitious, yet the FPs were concerned about the time constraint to finish all the tasks. The, following the suggestion by FPs, it was decided to focus on some tasks during the biennium and the title of the project has been changed accordingly.

13 Specific projects in NOWPAP MTS Theme 2. Regular assessments of the state of the marine environment Theme 4. Biodiversity conservation (including invasive alien species) Now, I would like to move on to 2 main projects for this biennium. Since CEARAC is a RAC which specializes in Special monitoring and coastal environmental assessment in the NOWPAP region, we have been working on monitoring and assessment of the state of the marine environment, including developing new common assessment methodologies. During the biennium, we are implementing 2 projects based on the outputs and outcomes of the past biennia, and which are relevant to 2 themes of NOWPAP medium-term Strategy

14 Assessment of major pressures on marine biodiversity
Pilot assessment on the impacts of major threats to marine biodiversity in the selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region Assessment of major pressures on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region Identifying common data on 3 threats - eutrophication, - non-indigenous species - habitat alteration Assessment of three pressures in the NOWPAP region Selection of assessment indicators Organizing workshop The first project is “assessment of major pressures on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region”. During the last biennium, CEARAC investigated availability of data on eutrophication, non-indigenous species and habitat alteration in each member state. Based on the information, the Secretariat of CEARAC plans to develop a draft of new assessment methodology. The draft methodology will be refined in the following biennia with some case studies and finalized as a new assessment tool in the future. Then, during this biennium, information on strategies and policies on marine biodiversity conservation in each member state will be collected to provide input for development of a new assessment methodology.

15 Assessment of major pressures on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region
2016 Q1 Developing detailed workplan along with IGM20 decision done Q2 ~ Q4 Adoption of workplan at CEARRAC FPM14 Preparing a regional report on pilot assessment of major threats on marine biodiversity in the NOWPAP region (continued) Collecting information on policies for marine BD conservation in each member ongoing 2017 Q1 Q3 Assessment of the impact of major pressures on marine biodiversity Organizing Workshop (Q1 or Q2) Review of assessment results Discussion on future CEARAC biodiversity activity Developing regional report on marine BD conservation Now you can see a brief timeline of tasks in this activity. In accordance with the IGM 20 decision, the secretariat prepared detailed workplan and presented it to CEARAC FPM 14 for adoption. As I already mentioned, objective and tasks of CEARAC’s marine biodiversity activity for this biennium has modified by CEARAC FPs suggestion. During this biennium, CEARAC focuses on development of draft assessment methodology. By now, we have contracted with nominated experts in each member state, who collect information on basic policies on marine biodiversity conservation in their respective states. At the same time, the Secretariat has been working on a draft assessment procedure.

16 Case studies of seagrass mapping in selected sea areas in the NOWPAP region Feasibility study towards assessment of seagrass distribution in the NOWPAP region Developed a manual for seagrass distribution mapping with satellite images Carried out of case studies in selected sea areas Literature review on seagrass distribution and threats Database of seagrass distribution Cost estimation International workshop Feasibility study report The 2nd project is “feasibility study towards assessment of seagrass distribution in the NOWPAP region.” We learned that application of remote sensing techniques for mapping seagrass in the NOWPAP costal zones; however, it requires substantial time, money and manpower if we want to map seagrass in entire NOWPAP coastal zones. Therefore, CEARAC plans to investigate the feasibility for mapping seagrass distribution, including identifying obstacles ad required.

17 MoU for literature review on seagrass distribution and threat to seagrass
China Dr. Yang Dingtian South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Japan Consultant in Japan Korea Dr. Jongkuk Choi Korea Institue of Ocean Science and Technology Russia Dr. Vasilii Zharikov Pacific Geographical Institute Nomination of experts who carry out literature review on seagrass distribution and threat to seagrass is done. Conclusion of MoU between CEARAC and these nominated experts are being processed.

18 Maintenance of Website
Renewing the structure of CEARAC website to be more user-friendly and updating information and data of the contents Next is maintenance of CEARAC website. Since the development of CEARAC website, information has been added and updated many times, and now the structure is complicated and difficult to find necessary information in a short time. So, CEARAC plans to improve the web structure while keeping “user-friendly” in mind. Information in newly developed WebGIS of potential eutrophic zones in the NOWPAP region will be updated on a regular basis.

19 Cooperation/coordination
17th POGO Plenary Meeting (Japan) NEASPEC 20th Senior Officials MT (Japan) DINRAC FPM (China) MERRAC FPM (Korea) Amamo (seagrass) Summit (Japan) Google Earth Engine User Summit (USA) NOWPAP ICC (Russia) Sustainable Ocean Initiative Global Dialogue with RSOs and RFBs on Accelerating Progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (Korea) 18th Global MT of the RS Conventions and Action Plans (Korea) Google Geo for Good 2016 (USA) PICES 2016 Annual Meeting (USA) While working on our planned activities, CEARAC staff finds chances to exchange information with experts in and out of the NOWPAP region and introduces CEARAC and NOWPAP activities worldwide. So, CEARAC staff has attended meetings and workshops this year as you can see on the screen. Also, satellite data processing is one of essential skills and knowledge which CEARAC staff needs to employ, they have attended some technical workshops as well.

20 Marine litter activities (RAP MALI)
Regular work - Compiling/summarizing monitoring data from the member states and submitting to DINRAC New work - Updating website contents of the Northwest Pacific Regional Node by adding information of China, Korea and Russia Information of Japan was collected using GPA support in 2015 (China has not nominated an expert yet.) Along with the increase of global attention to marine litter, it is necessary to provide latest data and information to raise public awareness. CEARAC and NOWPAP RCU established the Northwest Pacific Regional Node of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter in 2014. During the last biennium, information on countermeasures and laws and regulations on marine litter in Japan was added to the web contents. So, similar information of other NOWPAP members will be collected and uploaded on the site in this biennium. Also, CEARAC continues compiling and summarizing monitoring data from the member states to submit to DINRAC.

21 Budget (US$140,000) Activity 2016 2017 Total
FPMs (14 & 15) + Expert Meeting 27,000 +ext 54,000 Renewal of CEARAC website 6,000 12,000 Assessment of major pressures on marine BD - Collecting information in each state - Developing a report - Review of a draft report - Workshop 9,000 5,000 10,000 30,000 Feasibility study for assessment of seagrass distribution - Developing database - Developing a regional report 16,000 4,000 15,000 40,000 Cooperation and Coordination 2,000 60,000 80,000 140,000 Marine Litter - Monitoring data compilation - Update of NW regional node In-kind This is the budget plan for CEARAC activities for the biennium. As I mentioned already, along with the revised workplan on marine biodiversity activity, breakdown of the budget for assessment of major pressures on marine biodiversity has been changed since the last IGM20, when CEARAC Secretariat submitted a draft workplan. However, the total budget of the entire CEARAC activities is 140,000 US dollars same as the decision of IGM 20 and another 6,000 US dollars for marine liter activity is added.

22 Thank you That’s all. Thank you very much for your attention.

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