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Treaty of Versailles Were the peace treaties of fair?

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Presentation on theme: "Treaty of Versailles Were the peace treaties of fair?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Treaty of Versailles Were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair?
What were the motives and aims of the Big Three at Versailles?

2 Objectives… Recall information about the people and events at the Paris Peace Conference. Recognize the outcomes of the Treaty of Versailles

3 In the view of the Allied Powers the war was the greatest crime against humanity and the freedom of peoples that any nation calling itself civilised has ever committed. Germany is responsible for the savage inhumane manner in which the war was conducted. There must be justice. From the Allies’ statement to German delegation, June 1919

4 Paris Peace Conference
Big Three: US, Britain, France Russia could not attend Germany not allowed to attend

5 Aims of the Big Three… Clemenceau: Wilson: Lloyd George:
Prime Minister of France Revenge against Germany Punishment for causing WWI Pay for damages Lose land Lloyd George: Prime Minister of Great Britain Make Germany pay Justice, not revenge British Empire to remain dominant Wilson: President of US Fourteen Point Plan: safe world, peace League of Nations Disarmament: reduction of weapons Self Determination: Right to rule own nation

6 Creating the treaty… Argue for five months over resolution
Compromise: League of Nations (Wilson) in return for reparations (Clemenceau) Britain gets Palestine Romania gets Transylvania Germany is outraged to receive treaty Forced to sign, dejectedly

7 Punishment for Germany
Germany treated very harshly BRAT: Blame (Clause 231): accept all blame for war Reparations: pay for war Army: forbidden to have submarines or air force Navy: six battleships – Army: 100,000 men Territory: lost land in Europe and all colonies to Britain


9 German Reaction

10 In the view of the Allied Powers the war was the greatest crime against humanity and the freedom of peoples that any nation calling itself civilised has ever committed. Germany is responsible for the savage inhumane manner in which the war was conducted. There must be justice. From the Allies’ statement to German delegation, June 1919

11 Quiz Questions: A. In what ways was the Treaty of Versailles designed to restrict Germany’s ability to attack France? AO1 - recall, select, organize, and deploy knowledge of the syllabus content

12 Quiz Questions: B. Why did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany?
AO1 - recall, select, organize, and deploy knowledge of the syllabus content AO2 – an understanding of: Change and continuity, cause and consequence, similarity and difference Motives, emotions, intentions and beliefs of people in the past

13 Quiz Questions: C. ‘The peacemakers of dealt successfully with the problems the faced.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. AO1 - recall, select, organize, and deploy knowledge of the syllabus content AO2 – an understanding of: Change and continuity, cause and consequence, similarity and difference Motives, emotions, intentions and beliefs of people in the past

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