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Tuesday, January 25th Unit A – Leadership & Supervision

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, January 25th Unit A – Leadership & Supervision"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, January 25th Unit A – Leadership & Supervision
Warm-up – Obj Vocab – Write Terms & Definitions Obj 1.01 – Effective Leader Traits & Skills Slide Show / Notes Activity – List 4 Types of Power & people who exercise them List 3 Rules you don’t like – Why do we have them, what would things be like if we didn’t Current Event

2 Current Event – Due Every Friday
Write 3 Paragraphs 1st Paragraph In your OWN WORDS – summarize the event 3-7 sentences Must be statewide or national news. 2nd Paragraph Relate the Event to Business – how does the event impact the business world – positively or negatively – give examples if necessary 3rd Paragraph Relate to Vance County – How does the event impact Vance County? – ripple effect, demonstrate that we are part of the global economy


1.01 Recognize personal traits and special skills important for effective leadership.

5 What is a Leader?? What is the difference between a leader and manager? Can someone be a manager and NOT a leader? Can someone be a leader and NOT a manager?

6 Leadership Leader: An individual who gains the respect and cooperation of others to effectively accomplish a given task. Leadership: The ability to achieve goals by influencing others. Leadership style: The way a manager relates to employees in order to accomplish goals.

7 Leadership Human relations: The way people get along with one another.
Power: The ability to control others.

8 Sources of power for the manager
Expertise Identity Position Control

9 Sources of power for the manager
Expertise: A high degree of skill or knowledge. Ex. – Doctors, Lawyers

10 Sources of power for the manager
Identity: Recognition from those who want acceptance and approval from an individual. Social Leaders, Actors - Stars

11 Sources of power for the manager
Position: The relationship between the manager and the employee on the organizational chart of the business. Principals, Teachers

12 Sources of power for the manager
Control : of resources, rewards and punishments Department Chairs, Principals, etc.

13 Activity List the 4 Types of Power
For each one, list 3 people you know who have that power along with their job title

14 Rules Managers express power thru establishment of rules!
Why else do we have rules??

15 Rules as a method of control
Work rules: Regulations established to maintain control and order in the workplace and to create an effective working environment.

16 Rules as a method of control
The importance of rules Develop and maintain positive working environment Develop and maintain positive working relationships among colleagues Improve and maintain positive employee morale Improve production Improve communication within the organization

17 Activity Write 3 School Rules that you think should be done away with
Write 3 School Rules that you don’t like but understand why we have it Write 3 Rules that we SHOULD have in school that we don’t.

18 Activity Write 3 rules you do not like For each rule –
why is it in place? What would be consequences of not having that rule?

19 Wednesday, January 26th Unit A – Leadership & Supervision
Warm up – Vocabulary Quiz – Use your notes! Obj – Review Rules – Activity Slide Show Obj – Leader Characteristics Activity – prepare & present your assigned characteristic

20 Rules as a method of control (cont.)
Procedures used to enforce rules Oral warning Written warning Suspension Dismissal/Termination If employees are labor union members, procedures may be governed by the labor union.

21 Rules as a method of control (cont.)
Rules as a method of control (cont.) Procedures used to enforce rules Oral warning – usually stated as an oral warning but is documented and placed in employee personnel file Employer usually explains what penalties for failure to follow warning will be. 11/11/2018 Free template from 2121

22 Rules as a method of control (cont.)
Rules as a method of control (cont.) Procedures used to enforce rules Written warning Usually given verbally AND in writing. Placed in employee personnel file 11/11/2018 Free template from 2222

23 Rules as a method of control (cont.)
Rules as a method of control (cont.) Procedures used to enforce rules Suspension Most employers do not have this step!! 11/11/2018 Free template from 2323

24 Rules as a method of control (cont.)
Rules as a method of control (cont.) Procedures used to enforce rules Dismissal/Termination Employer documents and places in employee’s file in case of lawsuit or claim filed with ESC 11/11/2018 Free template from 2424

25 Rules as a method of control (cont.)
Rules as a method of control (cont.) Procedures used to enforce rules If employees are labor union members, procedures may be governed by the labor union. 11/11/2018 Free template from 2525

26 Characteristics of a good leader
Intelligent Experienced Interested Cooperative Honest Ethical Understanding Stable Mature Objective Empathetic Confident Courageous Dependable Shows initiative Self-starter

27 Activity Prepare a presentation on your assigned characteristic
Define the trait Why is it important in the workplace Give scenario of a situation where a leader utilizes the trait Give scenario of a situation where a leader should have but didn’t utilize the trait and the consequences. Powerpoint – 5 slide minimum

28 Thursday, January 27th Unit A – Leadership & Supervision
Obj – Student Presentations Slide show – HR Skills Obj – Leadership Styles Slide show - Notes Small Groups Activity

29 Human relations skills required of managers
Self-reflection Communication Team building Ability to motivate

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