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What’s going on out there

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1 What’s going on out there
What’s going on out there? Measuring the use of alternative immunization schedules Mark H Sawyer, MD, Tanya Dansky, MD, David Kopald, BS, Gregory May, MA, Wendy Wang, MPH; Karen Waters-Montijo, MPH

2 Background Recent vaccine safety concerns have led to increasing numbers of parents seeking alternatives to the ACIP recommended immunization schedule All of these alternative schedules involve some delay in immunizations Vaccine delay leads to unimmunized populations that are at risk for outbreaks of disease

3 Background(cont.) Vaccine delay also impacts measures of immunization delivery (e.g. Pay-for-performance) Measuring the frequency with which alternative immunization schedules are being used is challenging and may not be reflected in immunization coverage rates Both IIS and managed care databases offer tools to monitor alternative immunization practices

4 Personal Belief Exemptions (PBE) Kindergarten Entrance Assessment 2001-2008
S:\PHS\Immun\Evaluation\Results\Children\Kindergarten Retro\2008KindExemp ppt

5 4 Year Trend of Immunization Rates CPMG Managed Care Database

6 IZ Coverage Rates

7 When we overlay the schools’ PBE numbers over median income, we see some clustering of higher numbers of PBEs in higher income zip codes In geographic analysis, higher PBE rates correlated significantly with higher median income, examined either by zip code or census tract

8 The Sears schedule?

9 Objectives Explore the utility of an Immunization Information System (San Diego Immunization Registry/SDIR) for tracking the use of alternative immunization schedules Explore the utility of a managed care (Children’s Primary Care Medical Group/CPMG) claims database for tracking the use of alternative immunization schedules

10 San Diego Immunization Registry SDIR
Regional IIS for San Diego County Population 3 million Records for children <2 years: 124,539 Public Health Clinics, non-profit Community Health Centers, and private practice users

11 CPMG Pediatric Office Data
Local Managed Care Organization 9 separate office practices All patients born in 2007 year olds in high SES practices year olds in low SES practices Same PCP throughout 1st year of life

12 Methodology Queries were developed to monitor the non-simultaneous use of vaccines that are typically given together based on the ACIP immunization schedule Apply queries to different aged populations and to populations of different SES characteristics IIS queries run over several consecutive years

13 Methodology (Cont.) Queries for SDIR Query for CMPG database
Children 6 weeks to 7 months of age… who received DTaP but no IPV on the same day who received DTaP but no PCV7 on the same day who received less than 3 vaccines on the same day Children months of age who received varicella vaccine but no MMR on the same day Query for CMPG database Children who did not receive Hib, DTaP, and IPV on the same day

14 n= n=

15 n= n=

16 n= n=


18 Differences Between Practice Populations CPMG database
0% 0% High SES Low SES

19 Summary of CPMG Office Data-High SES Practices
Overall, 16% of infants in these 4 offices received “split schedule” for vaccines Ranged from 7% to 40% Overall, 84% of the infants were up-to-date with recommended immunizations by age 2 Ranged from 72% to 94%

20 Summary of CPMG Office Data-High SES Practices
Of the “split schedule” group, compliance was only 31% for these 70 infants. Of the infants who received immunizations at the recommended schedule, 94% were compliant with all immunizations!

21 California Immunization Coalition materials

22 Conclusions Immunization Information Systems and Managed Care Databases should be useful to track the rate with which alternative vaccine schedules are being used In San Diego the trend in private practice offices is for increasing use of alternative schedules There is significant variability in use of alternative schedules between practices

23 Acknowledgements Coauthors: Tanya Dansky, MD, David Kopald, BS, Gregory May, MA, Wendy Wang, MPH; Karen Waters-Montijo, MPH Wilma Wooten, MD, MPH, Public Health Officer Participating providers  San Diego Immunization Branch staff 23

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