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EMT 245: lecture 4: assembly language

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1 EMT 245: lecture 4: assembly language
Razaidi Hussin **Notes taken from WAN MOKHDZANI BIN WAN NOR HAIMI and Mr. Ahmad Husni

2 Hierarchy High Level Language Compiler Assembly Language Assembler
Machine Code Microprocessor Hardware

3 8085A Instruction Set Can be classified into the following five functional categories: Data transfer (copy) Instruction, Arithmetic Instruction (add, subtract), Logical Instruction (and, or), Branching Instruction (jump, delay), and Machine-control Instruction (input, output port).

4 8085A Instruction Set Data Transfer Instruction
Move data between registers or between memory locations and registers. Includes moves, loads, stores and exchanges. Copies data from a location called a source to another location, called a destination, without modifying the contents of the source. In technical manuals, the term data transfer is used for this copying function. The term transfer is misleading; it creates the impression that the contents of a source are destroyed when, in fact, the contents are retained without any modification.

5 8085A Instruction Set Arithmetic Instruction
Adds, Subtracts, Increments, Decrements data in registers or memory. Logic Instruction ANDs, ORs, XORs, compares, rotates or complements data in registers or between memory and registers. These instructions perform various logical operations with the contents of the accumulator.

6 8085A Instruction Set Branch/Jump Instruction
Initiates conditional or unconditional jumps, calls, returns and restart. This group of instructions alters the sequence of program execution either conditionally or unconditionally: Jump - Conditional jumps are an important aspect of the decision-making process in programming. These instructions test for a certain condition (e.g., Zero or Carry flag) and alter the program sequence when the condition is met. This set includes an instruction called unconditional jump. Call, Return, and Restart -These instructions change the sequence of a program either by calling a subroutine or returning from a subroutine. The conditional Call and Return instructions also can test condition flags.

7 8085A Instruction Set Stack, I/O and Machine Control Instruction
Includes instructions for maintaining stack, reading from input port, writing to output port, setting and reading interrupt mask and clearing flags. These instructions control machine functions such as Halt, Interrupt, or do nothing.

8 Programming Model 8 bit A FLAG B C D E H L SP PC CPU 8 bit I/O 8 bit

9 Data Transfer IMMEDIATE DATA TRANSFER MVI reg , data8 ;data8  (reg)
LXI rp ,data16 ;data16  (rp) REGISTER DATA TRANSFER MOV reg1 , reg2 ;(reg2)  (reg1) Reg (Register) : A,B,C,D,E,H,L Rp (Register Pair) : BC,DE,HL & SP

10 Example 1 2 MVI A ,10 ;A=0AH MVI B ,10010001B ;B=91H MVI D ,7FH ;D=7FH
LXI B , ;B=00H , C=03H LXI H ,2345H ;H=23H , L=45H LXI D , ;D=00H , E=64H LXI SP,3FF0H ;SPH=3FH,SPL=F0H MVI B, 55H MOV A , B MOV C , A MOV H , C MOV L , A MOV E , L HLT 1 2

11 Direct data transfer LDA address16 STA address16 LHLD address16
SHLD address16

12 Example LDA 3000H (3000H)  (A) STA 2100H (A)  (2100H) 0000H 0001H ..
STORE 2100H x1 A 2101H x1 2102H .. .. LOAD 3000H y1 A .. y1 3509H

13 Example 0000H LHLD 8000H (8000H)  (L) (8000H + 1)  (H) SHLD 3500H
STORE .. 3500H x1 L x1 3501H x2 H x2 3502H .. LOAD .. 8000H y1 L y1 8001H y2 H y2 3509H

14 Indirect data transfer
LDAX B ;pointer is BC register LDAX D ;pointer is DE register STAX B ;pointer is BC register STAX D ;pointer is DE register MOV reg , M ;pointer is HL register MOV M , reg ;pointer is HL register MVI M data8 ;pointer is HL register

15 Example LXI B , 2020H 0000H 0001H 0002H 0003H 0004H 0005H 0006H B C
MVI A , 88H STAX B INX B LDAX B LXI H , 3000H MOV D , M MOV M , A 0000H 0001H 0002H 0003H 0004H 0005H 0006H B C 2020H 88H A 88H 20H 20H 2021H AAH D H L 30H 00H 3000H FFH

16 Example 0000H Instruction INX – increment Register pair BC = 2021H
AAH 20H 21H 2021H AAH D FFH H L 30H 00H 3000H FFH

17 Example 0000H Transfer 10 byte data from memory location 3000h
To memory location 3500h using LDA & STA LDA 3000H STA 3500H . LDA 3009H STA 3509H 0001H .. 3000H x1 3001H x2 .. .. 3009H x10 .. 3500H x1 .. .. 3509H x10

18 Example Transfer 10 byte data from memory location 3000h
To memory location 3500h MVI H,10 LXI B , 3000H LXI D , 3500H LOOP: LDAX B STAX D INX B INX D DCR H JNZ LOOP HLT 0000H 0001H .. 3000H x1 3001H x2 .. .. 3009H x10 .. 3500H x1 .. .. 3509H x10

MOV MVI LDA LDAX LXI LHLD STA STAX SHLD XCHG SPHL XTHL Copy from source to destination Move immediate 8-bit Load accumulator Load accumulator indirect Load register pair immediate Load H and L registers direct Store accumulator direct Store accumulator indirect Store H and L registers direct Exchange H and L with D and E Copy H and L registers to the stack pointer Exchange H and L with top of stack

20 Arithmetic Operation ALU FLAG CPU REGISTER

21 Arithmetic Instruction
ADDITION Any 8-bit number, or the contents of a register, or the contents of a memory location can be added to the contents of the accumulator and the sum is stored in the accumulator. No two other 8-bit registers can be added directly (e.g., the contents of register B cannot be added directly to the contents of register C). The instruction DAD is an exception; it adds 16-bit data directly in register pairs. ADI data8 (A) + data8  (A) ADD reg (A) + (reg)  (A) ACI data8 (A) + data8 + CY  (A) ADC reg (A) + (reg) + CY  (A) DAD rp (HL) + (rp)  (HL)

22 Example ADI 99H ; A contains 88 (H)
register A decimal constant decimal _____________ _____ register A decimal S = 0 Bit D7 = 0 after addition Z = 0 The accumulator contains other than zero after addition AC = 1 There is a carry out of bit D3 to bit D4 during addition P = 1 The accumulator contains an even number of ‘1’s after addition CY = 1 There is an overflow as a result of the addition

23 Example ADC B ; A contains 88 (H) B contains 99 (H) ; CY =1 CY 1
register A register B _____________ register A Flag : S = 0, Z = 0, AC = 1, P = 1,CY = 1

24 Arithmetic Instruction
SUBTRACTION Any 8-bit number, or the contents of a register, or the contents of a memory location can be subtracted from the contents of the accumulator and the results stored in the accumulator. The subtraction is performed in 2’s complement, and the results, if negative, are expressed in 2’s complement. No two other registers can be subtracted directly. SUI data8 (A) - data8  (A) SUB reg (A) - (reg)  (A) SBI data8 (A) - data8 - CY  (A) SBB reg (A) - (reg) - CY  (A)

25 Arithmetic Instruction
INCREMENT/DECREMENT The 8-bit contents of a register or a memory location can be incremented or decremented by 1. Similarly, the 16-bit contents of a register pair (such as BC) can be incremented or decremented by I. These increment and decrement operations differ from addition and subtraction in an important way; i.e., they can be performed in any one of the registers or in a memory location. INR reg (reg)  (reg) DCR reg (reg)  (reg) INX rp (rp)  (rp) DCX rp (rp)  (rp) Note : No Flag Effected for INX & DCX

ADD ADC ADI ACI DAD SUB SBB SUI SBI INR INX DCR DCX DAA Add register or memory to accumulator Add register to accumulator with carry Add immediate to accumulator Add immediate to accumulator with carry Add register pair to H and L registers Subtract register or memory from A Subtract source and borrow from A Subtract immediate from A Subtract immediate from A with borrow Increment register or memory by 1 Increment register pair by 1 Decrement register or memory by 1 Decrement register pair by 1 Decimal adjust accumulator

27 Logic Instruction AND, OR, Exclusive-OR - Any 8-bit number, or the contents of a register, or of a memory location can be logically ANDed, ORed, or EXORed with the contents of the accumulator. The results are stored in the accumulator. AND AND Immediate With Accumulator ANI data8 (A) Λ Data8  (A) AND Register/Memory With Accumulator ANA reg (A) Λ (Reg)  (A)

28 Logic Instruction OR OR Immediate With Accumulator
ORI data8 (A) V Data8  (A) OR Register/Memory With Accumulator ORA reg (A) V (Reg)  (A)

29 Logic Instruction EXCLUSIVE-OR EX-OR Immediate With Accumulator
XRI data8 (A) ⊕ Data8  (A) EX-OR Register/Memory With Accumulator XRA reg (A) ⊕ (Reg)  (A)

30 Logic Instruction Complement - The contents of the accumulator can be complemented; all 0s are replaced by 1s and all 1s are replaced by 0s. COMPLEMENT THE ACCUMULATOR CMA ( )  (A) COMPLEMENT THE CARRY STATUS CMC ( )  (CY) A CY

31 Logic Instruction Compare - Any 8-bit number, or the contents of a register, or a memory location can be compared for equality, greater than, or less than, with the contents of the accumulator. Compare Accumulator With Immediate Data CPI data8 (A) – data8 Compare Accumulator With Register/Memory CMP reg (A) – (reg) Note: Only flag affected

32 Logic Instruction Rotate - Each bit in the accumulator can be shifted either left or right to the next position. Rotate Accumulator Right Through Carry RAR (A0)  (CY) (An+1)  (An) (CY)  (A7) A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 CY

33 Logic Instruction Rotate Accumulator Left Through Carry
RAL (A7)  (CY) (An)  (An+1) (CY)  (A0) A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 CY

34 Logic Instruction Rotate Accumulator Right RRC (A0)  (A7)
(An+1)  (An) (A0)  (CY) A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 CY

35 Logic Instruction Rotate Accumulator Left RLC (A7)  (A0)
(An)  (An+1) (A7)  (CY) A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 CY

36 LOGIC INSTRUCTIONS CMP Compare register or memory with A CPI
ANA ANI XRA XRI ORA ORI RLC RRC RAL RAR CMA CMC STC Compare register or memory with A Compare immediate with accumulator Logical AND register or memory with A Logical AND immediate with accumulator Exclusive OR register or memory with A Exclusive OR immediate with accumulator Logical OR register or memory with A Logical OR immediate with accumulator Rotate accumulator left Rotate accumulator right Rotate accumulator left through carry Rotate accumulator right through carry Complement accumulator Complement carry Set carry

37 Branch Instruction Unconditional Jump JMP address16
(Byte 3) (Byte 2)  (PC) Conditional Jump J Condition address16 If (Condition= true)

38 Conditional Jump Condition JZ Z=1 Jump if Zero flag SET
JNZ Z=0 Jump if Zero flag NOT SET JC CY=1 Jump if Carry flag SET JNC CY=0 Jump if Carry flag NOT SET JM S=1 Jump if Sign flag SET JP S=0 Jump if Sign flag NOT SET JPE P=1 Jump if Parity flag SET JPO P=0 Jump if Parity flag NOT SET

39 Conditional Jump Example 1 - Check Zero Flag MVI B, 255 LOOP: DCR B
JNZ LOOP ;if Z == 0 then goto ;LOOP

40 Conditional Jump Example 2 – Find the smallest value between
two number = x1 ; (B) = x2 LOOP: CMP B ;(A) – (B) JNC EXIT ;if CY == 0 then EXIT JMP STORE EXIT: MOV A, B STORE: STA 2050H

41 Branch Instruction Unconditional Call Subroutine CALL address16
(PCH)  ((SP) –1) (PCL)  ((SP) –2) (SP) – 2  (SP) (Byte 3)(Byte 2)  (PC)

42 Branch Instruction Conditional Call Subroutine C Condition address16
If (Condition = True) (PCH)  ((SP) –1) (PCL)  ((SP) –2) (SP) – 2  (SP) (Byte 3)(Byte 2)  (PC)

43 Conditional Call Subroutine
CZ Z=1 Call if Zero flag SET CNZ Z=0 Call if Zero flag NOT SET CC CY=1 Call if Carry flag SET CNC CY=0 Call if Carry flag NOT SET CM S=1 Call if Sign flag SET CP S=0 Call if Sign flag NOT SET CPE P=1 Call if Parity flag SET CPO P=0 Call if Parity flag NOT SET

44 Branch Instruction Return From Subroutine RET ((SP))  (PCL)
((SP) + 1)  (PCH) (SP) + 2  (SP) Return From Subroutine (Conditional) R Condition If (Condition = True)

45 Return From Subroutine (Conditional)
RZ Z=1 Return if Zero flag SET RNZ Z=0 Return if Zero flag NOT SET RC CY=1 Return if Carry flag SET RNC CY=0 Return if Carry flag NOT SET RM S=1 Return if Sign flag SET RP S=0 Return if Sign flag NOT SET RPE P=1 Return if Parity flag SET RPO P=0 Return if Parity flag NOT SET

46 Return From Subroutine
Example LXI SP, 3FF0H ;init Stack Pointer MVI A, 80H OUT 83H ;Init 8255, all port as output REPEAT: MVI A,0 OUT 80H CALL DELAY ;Call subroutine MVI A,1 JMP REPEAT DELAY: MVI B, 0 ;Subroutine LOOP: DCR B JNZ LOOP RET END

JMP JC JNC JP JM JZ JNZ JPE JPO Jump unconditionally Jump on carry Jump on no carry Jump on positive Jump on minus Jump on zero Jump on no zero Jump on parity even Jump on parity odd

CALL CC CNC CP CM CZ CNZ CPE CPO Call unconditionally Call on carry Call on no carry Call on positive Call on minus Call on zero Call on no zero Call on parity even Call on parity odd

RET RC RNC RP RM RZ RNZ RPE RPO PCHL RST Return unconditionally Return on carry Return on no carry Return on positive Return on minus Return on zero Return on no zero Return on parity even Return on parity odd Load program counter with HL contents Restart

50 I/O,Stack, Machine Control Instruction
Stack Operation Write The Content of Register Pair onto the Stack PUSH rp (reg high)  ((SP) –1) (reg low)  ((SP) –2) (SP) – 2  (SP)

51 Stack Operation Write The Content of Accumulator &
Flag Status onto the Stack PUSH PSW (A)  ((SP) –1) (Flag)  ((SP) –2) (SP) – 2  (SP)

52 Stack Operation Retrieve The Content of Register Pair From The Stack
POP rp ((SP)) (reg low) ((SP) + 1) (reg high) (SP) + 2 (SP)

53 Stack Operation Retrieve The Content of Accumulator &
Flag Status From The Stack POP PSW ((SP)) (Flag) ((SP) + 1) (A) (SP) + 2 (SP)

54 Working with the Stack Example - Write a program to exchange the contents of BC register with DE register Program 1 Program 2 MOV H,B PUSH B MOV L,C PUSH D MOV B,D POP B MOV C,E POP D MOV D,H MOV E,L

55 I/O,Stack, Machine Control Instruction
Input/Output Operation Input From The Port IN Port_Address (port)  (A) Output To Port OUT Port_Address (A)  (Port)

56 Example Input From The Port IN 80H ;Read from Port 80H
STA 2100H ;Store to Memory Output To Port MVI A, 01H OUT 81H ;Write 01H to Port 81H

57 I/O,Stack, Machine Control Instruction
Interrupt RIM Read interrupt mask SIM Set Interrupt mask DI Disable Interrupt EI Enable Interrupt (Detail discussion in interrupt topic)

PUSH POP OUT IN NOP HLT DI EI RIM SIM Push register pair onto stack Pop of stack to register pair Output data from A to a port with 8-bit address Input data to A from a port with 8-bit address No operation Halt Disable interrupts Enable interrupts Read interrupt mask Set interrupt mask

59 Common Errors MOV B, A: Assuming that this copies from B to A.
Incrementing the address in decimal, from 2039H to 2040H. HLT: Not terminating a program.


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