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I really know what to do so why doesn’t someone just ask me? The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

10. Once a leader, always a leader Leadership is about balancing the books 8. Leaders never fail 7. Leadership = Power 6. Leadership is about training 5. Leaders know everything 4. Leaders must make all the decisions 3. Leadership is easy 2. Leaders are born not made 1. Only bosses can be leaders 10. The title of leader is transient. It is the accumulation of behaviors and actions that makes a person a true or great leader. One improper behavior, even just the perception of impropriety, can destroy all the ‘good’ you have accumulated. Leaders earn their title every minute of every day. 9. Leadership is not about budgets, programs implemented, the wealth you have or the records you break. Leadership comes from inside; it is all about you – your ability to recognize, respond to and overcome the challenges that you face every day of your life. 8. There is no substitute for being in the trenches, belly to belly, planning events, motivating others and actually getting things done. Leaders will sometimes fail, but that is part of learning and part of leadership. 7. I was more powerful as a community-based E.D. than as an ADM. 6. Effective leadership is the result of opportunity, training and experience This does not mean that if given the same opportunities all will rise to the same level of leadership. Without training, experience and opportunity it is highly unlikely that any person will realize their leadership potential to the maximum. However, given the proper mix of these three components anyone can emerge as an effective leader as their leadership quotient is developed. 5. Not only is it arrogant to think that one single person must be all knowing, but to believe that there’s enough time in the day to do so is simply unrealistic. 4. Wrong. If this is you then you need to check your ego at the door. Leaders must be decisive, but a leader’s job is to set the conditions that enable his or her employees to decide at their levels. 3. Leadership is highly complex. There is no checklist to follow to become a great leader. It is situation dependent. The skills that make you a great leader in one setting may be irrelevant in another. 2. We are not born teachers, policeman, doctors or leader. Although we recognize that some individuals have certain characteristics that predispose them to leadership roles, everyone can develop and improve their leadership capabilities. Every person is born with leadership potential and provided the suitable training and appropriate opportunity, can be molded into an effective leader. 1. Leadership is not about your title, positional authority, the number of people who report to you or where you sit in the organization. Leadership is really those making a difference in someone else’s life. When we realize that parents, siblings, friends, yes, even children, are leaders we are beginning to understand the true meaning of leadership The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus – Martin Luther King Jr. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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L is for Lead, follow or get-out-of-the-way… I’m not sure if this is what General George Patton meant but sometimes the best thing you can do as a leader is to shut up and let others do what they need to do. Being a leader means putting your vision forward but it also means following the vision of others when that makes the most sense or getting out of the way of good ideas that aren’t yours rather than trying to shape every idea in your own image. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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E is for Empathy… As leaders it is important to always try to understand the challenges that others may be facing whether those are work-related or not. It’s important that we don’t become paralyzed by being overly compassionate so that our compassion gets in the way of making necessary decisions or meeting work requirements but it is also important that we try to ‘walk a mile in the shoes’ of those we lead before we jump to conclusions about what a person is or isn’t accomplishing. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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A is for Action… Like the NIKE ad used to say: Just Do It. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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D is for Determination… Things rarely happen on the timetable we have planned. If you believe in your idea keep working at it. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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E is for Evaluation – particularly self-evaluation… We must think about what we are doing and how we are doing it – all the time. As leaders we need to develop formal mechanisms for evaluating our own work and the work of those we lead such as checking with colleagues and other staff whether what and how we’re working is working for them. Also, it is vital that we make sure that the things we and our teams are working on are evidenced-based and not just happening because ‘that’s the way we’ve always done it’. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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R is for Reframing… This relates to determination and evaluation. It is important to be determined but it is also important to be flexible. If something really isn’t working and is stuck then ask yourself if you need to make an adjustment or bring in a new partner to help. It’s never too late to re-examine a good idea to make it even better. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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S is for Silliness… I’m not suggesting that leaders need to be Jerry Seinfeld but it is important to not always take things too seriously – particularly ourselves. Have some fun at work every now and then. We spend almost half our lives there. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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H is for Helping… Remember, as leaders we’re never too important to take on what might be seen as menial tasks. If a deadline is looming and envelopes need to be stuffed then get stuffing. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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I is for Instigator… Leaders are idea people. Leaders instigate discussion. Leaders instigate evaluation. Leaders instigate camaraderie. Leaders instigate respect. Leaders instigate. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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P is for Planning… Make a plan. Work your plan. Ask yourself if your plan is working. Adjust your plan. Repeat. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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16 What is Leadership? Some Key Elements of Leadership
Adapted from gamelearn Copyright GAMELEARN 2016 The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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VISION Leading means having a vision and sharing it with others. Only when we get a chance to inspire others is it possible to share a common goal that provides a shared focus where your team can direct their efforts and dedication. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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MOTIVATION Leaders know how to motivate and it is a key skill in their tool box. Motivation is about channeling the energy and professional potential of your team in order to achieve the objectives and reach the goal. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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SERVING The leader is at the service of the team – not the other way around. Team members must have and feel the support from their leader, they must have access to the tools necessary to do their job, they must be recognized for their efforts, and know that there is someone paying attention to help correct bad habits. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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EMPATHY Emotional Intelligence is an important leadership trait that is one of the most difficult leadership skills to teach but is also one of the most fundamental. Leaders must put themselves in the place of others to best understand their challenges and inspire team members to find meaningful and sustainable solutions. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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CREATIVITY Good leaders inspire their team to use their imagination. Good leaders learn from their team. Brainstorming, informal dialogues, and ensuring that the team understands that all questions are good questions helps build a culture of creativity. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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THOROUGHNESS Strong leaders set the bar high because our reach should always slightly exceed our grasp. Only demanding leaders – who set high standards and lofty goals for themselves – are able to inspire their team to achieve great results. The fundamental element of Thoroughness is an ability to listen. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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MANAGING Leaders are the key Torchbearer that leads and guides their team through the process of achieving its goal but leaders also need to know when to step back and get out-of-the-way. This is essential to encouraging the personal and professional growth of every team member. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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TEAM BUILDING People Management is possibly the most difficult task faced by any leader. To help facilitate positive people management leaders must be optimistic, promote trust over doubt, take full responsibility if something goes wrong, and give credit to the team when something goes right. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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TAKING RISKS Leaders are the ones who must be willing to take the necessary risks to achieve the team’s goal when other team members might be reluctant. If a mistake is made because of the risk; it is the responsibility of the leader to rectify the mistake. Good leaders see possibilities not barriers. Strong leaders see challenges not dead ends. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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IMPROVING True leadership seeks continuous improvement. True leadership is always ready to question the same-old, same-old. Not because everything needs to change all the time but because it is just as important to confirm that existing processes are still the best practice as it is to create new and improved processes. The Leadership Acronym - J C Stinson

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