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Be A Scout Locating Units Using Google Maps

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Presentation on theme: "Be A Scout Locating Units Using Google Maps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be A Scout Locating Units Using Google Maps
Unit leader and Youth Serving Executive Lead management

2 Training Support Presentation can be downloaded and used to train units at: Click on Volunteer Choose BeAScout Webinar Presentation in the Quick Links Print PowerPoint as “Notes Pages” to get the script for use in presenting. This presentation can be downloaded and used to train units at: in the Volunteer tab, choose BeAScout Webinar Presentation in the Quick Links along the right side menu. note: this is the full version…you may wish to edit it for presentation to unit level volunteers Print the PowerPoint as “Notes Pages” to get the script for use in presenting.

3 Locating Units Using Google Maps
Session Objectives: Describe and show how a unit leader or a Youth Serving executive will manage the leads The Session Objectives are: Describe and show how a unit leader sets a unit pin Describe and show how a parent chooses a unit pin to be contacted by your council or unit representative Describe and show how a unit leader or a council executive will manage the leads

4 Accessing the Unit Lead Management is via MyScouting account
Accessing the Unit Lead Management is via MyScouting account. And remember after the initial set up 6 individuals from the unit will have access to this information. To get to the unit lead management page click on the gadget “Unit Lead Management” at the top The Unit Lead Management portion is used by the Unit Leaders.

5 Select the Unit to display all leads

6 Leads are displayed with the following categories of information in the dashboard:
Lead Name, which is the parent name Address, of the parent/child Initial Request time, displays the date and time of the parents initial site contact for unit leaders and councils to ensure speedy contact with the lead. Address, of the parent Q or C, displays a flag showing the leader or executive that there is additional information needed to be read through. Next, the Phone number. The Number of youth in the family A status of the lead. This is a manual selection process..but more on this later The Notes section is used for follow up. This allows each person looking at the lead to know what has been done by a previous reviewer. …and, how did you hear about us?

7 Clicking on the red flag in the Q & C field opens a box allowing an email contact with the parent.

8 All of the necessary information to contact this parent is on this page. Once contacted, the status of the lead should be updated—to move the radio button, leaders will need to do that manually. The statuses are displayed. The description of each status is located in the information bar above the display fields bar. NC= not contacted F= follow up needed C= contacted by the unit J= has joined the unit U= needs to go to another unit or council

9 District or Youth Serving Executive
Managing Leads: District or Youth Serving Executive

10 Log in to MyBSA Click on Membership
Login to MyBSA using your user name and password. Then click on the Membership category.

11 Click on BeAScout in the far right corner
Click on BeAScout. You will see the gadget icon once your council administrator has set it up—we will get to that in a few minutes. It is at the far right of the screen in the corner. Remember that staff uses MyBSA while unit volunteers use MyScouting.

12 Council Dashboard Opens
There are four functions of the BeAScout page in MyBSA. They are: Unit PIN Administration: for the council to edit unit pins Unit Lead Administration: this is where the council reviews who the leads are for units to monitor BeAScout Administration : your council administrator will go here to set access to MyBSA and BeAScout And the Council Reports Dashboard: a statistical representation of the number of leads Council Dashboard Opens

13 In Unit PIN Administration you will see a pull down menu of stop-levels. This structure begins with the council and cascades down through districts and service areas. Select the appropriate one in this menu. A district executive uses this administration tool to update or alter any items not done by a unit or that need to be changed.

14 Once selecting the district, choose your unit in the unit description drop down box.
Next select the status of your PIN. If it is necessary the council can make a pin inactive ---the pin will no longer show on the Google map As in our earlier demonstration in Unit PIN Management, the unit logo, Primary contact information and Unit Meeting address can be changed from here by the council. As well as, special announcements and alternate contact information. Be sure to save your updates. The unit leaders will get an telling them that their pin has been changed.

15 Council Dashboard Opens
Unit Lead Administration allows a council to manage unit leads….and leads that have been pushed to the council. Select the link in the Unit Lead Administration gadget. Council Dashboard Opens

16 Once Unit Lead Administration is open, select the appropriate district and unit within the district to manage leads for that unit. Next, to sort them select the date range and status of the lead. The leads for that district and unit will display in this area. To access the lead, click on “edit” in the far left column.

17 “Edit Lead Information” opens, and the lead can be viewed.
At this point, the lead may be assigned to another unit. It can even be assigned to another council.

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