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Regulation of DNA Replication

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1 Regulation of DNA Replication

2 Control of the Cell Cycle
-The proteins that control the cell cycle are different from the proteins that are involved in the process -Series of checkpoints -Each checkpoint serves as a biochemical switch

3 Cyclin-Cdk Complexes APC/C Anaphase-Promoting Complex, or Cyclosome
G1-cyclin APC/C Anaphase-Promoting Complex, or Cyclosome -Regulated by protein destruction

4 Key Control Components
1. Cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk) -Activities vary throughout the cell cycle -The targets of phosphorylation then varies 2. Cyclins -Control the activity of Cdk’s -Undergo synthesis and degradation in each cell cycle Cycling of the cyclins creates the cycles of the cyclin/Cdk complex allowing for the varying activities resulting in progression through the cell cycle

5 Control of Proteolysis of APC/C
-Degrading S and M-cyclins stops the Cdk activity and the Cdk’s targets become dephosphorylated and inactive or Cdh1 or S-cyclin -APC/C is active in G1 keeping Cdks inactive

6 S phase -Functions -Duplicate the DNA
-Protein packing must be reproduced -2 issues facing DNA replication -Accuracy of replication -Copy DNA only once

7 Control of DNA Duplication
2 steps in Replication 1. Late M/Early G1 -Formation of prereplicative complex (pre-RC) 2. Start of S phase -Preinitiation complex

8 Initiation of DNA Replication
ORCs are always bound to the origins pre-RC assembly: -Inhibited by Cdk activity -Stimulated by APC/C

9 Initiation of DNA Replication
-S-Cdk triggers the preinitiation complex -ORC and Cdc6 is P by Cdk -Diassembly of pre-RC -Cdc6 is degraded -Cdt1 is inhibited by geminin

10 Initiation of DNA Replication
-DNA Replication is completed -In late M, APC/C the degradation of geminin -Cdk activity is decreased, OCRs are dephosphorylated -Cdc6 is synthesized -pre-RC assembly

11 Cohesins and Sister Chromatids
-Cohesin – large protein complex which holds the sister chromatids together Smc (Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes)

12 Sister Chromatid Separation
Securin inhibits separase Separase cleaves cohesin

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