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CLEOC/BESIII— New Frontiers of -C Physics
Z.G. Zhao University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA IHEP of CAS, Beijing, China I . CLEOC/CESRC and BESIII/BEPCII II. Physics Over View III. Current Status Suggestions to BESIII V. Summary
Current Operating e+e- Colliders
B VEPP-2M DAFNE VEPP-2000 BEPC BEPCII CESR-C KEKB PEPII VEPP-4M CESR Factory Peak Luminosity (1/1030 cm-2s-1)
CESR-C CESR Modify CESR for low-energy operationCESR-C;
Add wigglers for transverse cooling
CLEOC State of art detector, well understood
1.5 T now, T later 93% of 4p sp/p = dE/dx: 5.7% 83% of 4p 87% Kaon ID with 0.2% p 93% of 4p sE/E = = Trigger: Tracks & Showers Pipelined Latency = 2.5ms Data Acquisition: Event size = 25kB Thruput < 6MB/s 85% of 4p For p>1 GeV State of art detector, well understood Replace silicon strip tracker with 6 layer inner drift chamber
BEPC II — Double Ring Ecm=2~5.16 GeV Luminosity~1033 cm-2s-1
IP e - RF SR + Ecm=2~5.16 GeV Luminosity~1033 cm-2s-1 (optimized at 3.68 GeV)
BESIII Must be competitive to CLEOC Almost a completely new detector
Magnet: T existing BESII magnet - 1 T Super conducting magnet BESIII CDC: xy=50 m MDC: xy=130 m sp/p = dE/dx=6% TOF: T = 80 ps Barrel 100 ps Endcap EMCAL: sE/E = z = 0.5 cm/E Muon ID: 9 layer RPC Trigger:Tracks & Showers Pipelined; Latency = 2.4ms Must be competitive to CLEOC Almost a completely new detector Data Acquisition: Event size = 12kB Thruput ~50 MB/s
Physics Features in -c Energy Region
Physics Features in -c Energy Region
Transition between smooth and resonances, perturbative and non-perturbative QCD Rich of resonances, charmonium and charmed mesons. New type of hadronic matter are predicted in the region, e.g. glueball and hybrid Threshold characteristics, large , low multiplicity, pure initial state, S/B optimum
A Typical Hadronic Event in CLEOIII/BESII
Hadronic events from BESII R scan CLEO
Key Issues in Particle Physics
Verify the SM The test of the SM has been dominating exp. HEP for about three decades. Establish and test strong-coupled, nonperturbative quantum field theories Still the foremost challenge in modern physics The effects of the strong interactions non PQCD permeate every experimental measurement involving quarks and are an obstacle in almost every attempt to extract precision electroweak physics from data. Probe new physics beyond the SM It’s of profound importance to systematically study the weak interactions that mix quark and lepton flavor complete understand QCD Precision data is badly needed to enable a comprehensive mastery over non PQCD and to calibrate and validate the theoretical technology
CKM Matrix CKM, fundamental parameters in nature that reflect the flavor and generation mixing, is induced by weak interaction. Cannot be predicted within the SM and must be determined by experiment. Charm decays is a unique laboratory to determine directly Vcd and Vcs, indirectly Vub and contribute to Vcb. D decay Mixing B decay
Lattice QCD LQCD is the only compete definition of QCD. It includes both perturbative and non perturbative QCD. LQCD is not a model. - The only parameters are s and the quark masses. - Relates B/D physics to Y/ physics and to glueball physics to … Predict to ~15% accuracy for a wide range of masses (include glueball and hybrid), decay constants, form factors for many conventional hadrons. The challenge for LQCD is to demonstrate reliability at the level of a few percent accuracy require wide range of highly precision experimental data
LQCD Predictions for Glueball Masses
Lowest Lying States: Scalar 0++, M ~ 1.6 GeV Tensor 2++, M ~2.3 GeV Pseudoscalar, M ~ 2.5 GeV QCD is not understood until we understand gluonic degree of freedom in the spectrum, glueballs and hybrids.
The CLEOC Program Act I (2003): (3770) 3 fb-1
30M events, 6M tagged D decays Act II (2004): ~ 4100 3 fb-1 1.5M DsDs, 0.3M tagged Ds decays Act III (2005): (3100) 1 fb-1 1 billion J/ decays Focused data samples to collect and clear physics goals to reach.
Precision Standard Model Tests
Absolute hadronic charm branching ratios with 1-2% errors fD+ and fDs at ~2% level Semileptonic decay form-factors (few % accuracy) Contribute to CKM Measurements
Absolute Branching Ratios
Decay Mode PDG CLEOC (dBr/Br %) (dBr/Br %) D0 Kp D+ Kpp Ds fp Set absolute scale for all heavy quark measurement
CLEOC Expected Precision in Decay Constants
fD+ and fDs LQCD can predicts fB/fD and fBs/fDs. Measure fD, fDs give fB and fBs, thus determine Vt d and Vts Similarly measure fD/fDs checks fB /fBs CLEOC Expected Precision in Decay Constants Decay Mode Decay Constant fDq/fDq (%) D+ + fD Ds+ + fDs Ds+ + fDs
Semileptonic Form Factors
Semileptonic decay severe as excellent laboratory to study both weak and strong interaction e.g. D+ Kl Decay Mode / CKM Element CKM Precision D0 K-e+ % |Vcs| % D0 -e+ % |Vcs| % Weak physics Strong physics
How Much CLEOC Can Improve CKM
Present After CLEOC
Other Interesting Topics
Test of the SM and QCD in Continuum
R scan 2-5 GeV (2~3%) Evaluating QED, a’ mHiggs, high precision test of SM, hunting for new physics beyond the SM; structures of high mass region Large hadronic events sample at point (2-3GeV) - Multiplicity: second binomial momentum R2 [nch(nch-1)/nch2] = 11[1-cs(s)]/ NLQCD - =-ln(p/s) distribution for charged particles MLLA, LPHD - Hadronic events shape: thrust, transverse moment distribution pQCD, power correction - (e+e- 2/4 /K); e+e- /K+X; Polarized parton density, S/U universality; quark and glue fragmentation (combine with J/ data) Charmed baryons pQCD, string fragmentation, HQE and duality
Relative Uncertainty Contribution to a and (Mz2) without BES R Data
Relative Contribution in Magnitude and Uncertainty
Second Order Momentum Peak Position of
MeanThrust S/U Universality
J/ and (2S) Decays J/ decays Search for new forms of matter
- Glueballs: h(1440), f0(1370), f0(1500), f(1700), fJ(2000) - Exotic mesons: 0--, 0+-, 1-+, 2+- p1(1400), p1(1600), Study of excited baryonic states (N*, *, *, *... ) (2S) decays Search for missing or unconfirmed states: 1P1, c’ Measure hadronic branching fraction ( puzzle) Measure radiative transition rate Study of cJ states Best laboratory to elucidate a tricky situation; unique opportunity for QCD studies and new level of understanding
New Study of the Lepton
Lower limit on m at sub 10 MeV level Determination of m 0.1 MeV Precision measurement of key Br. (,0) Measure Michel parameters Direct search for non-SM physics
Searches and New Physics
D0D0bar mixing CP violation in , J/, (2S) decays Lepton flavor violating processes e.g. J/’, =e, , Rare decays --X, e-G, -……. J/DX Taking advantage of threshold production, much high statistics and low background
Why CLEOC in B Factory Era
Some important measurements at B’s are limited by systematical uncertainty CLEOC enjoys threshold production, large production cross section, low multiplicity, low BG, high S/B. But limited by statistics
CLEOC: 2003: y(3770) -- 3 fb-1; 30 M 2004: fb-1; 1.5M DsDs 2005: y(3100) -- 1 fb-1; 1 Billion J/y BESIII
Why BESIII in CLEOC Era? Three years CLEOC program does not cover all the interesting physics in c energy region - 2-3 GeV, 2-3% R scan in 2-5 GeV - physics of and (2S) - Charmed baryon Need higher statistics for searches (glueball, exotica), rare decay, D0-D0bar mixing, CP and further improve the precision measurements. New discoveries needs to be confirmed or continued. New type of matters, need high statistics to study it’s properties.
Is BESIII Worth Doing? YES
if L~1033 cm-2s-1 and BESIII is competitive to CLEC, and the commissioning is not too late Otherwise NOT really
Possible Side Product Cosmic ray experiment
e.g. low energy (E<10 GeV) spectrum. Important for SupperK experiment L3CBESIII-C (cosmic exp.)
Suggestions to BESIII/BEPCII
BEPCII: L~1033 cm-2s-1; BESIII must be compatible to CLEOC Learn experiences and lessons from the other successful labs. Utilize ONLY mature technology. Don’t use highest version of hardware and software. Build a workable, reliable system has the highest priority. Don’t try to design fancy systems which is difficult for one to learn and use. Set up an active international collaboration. A team that can committed and devoted to the project is essential Select or train qualified experts in charge of each sub-system is of profound importance for the success of the project
Suggestions to BESIII/BEPCII
Prototype, R&D work should be done as early as possible Additional attention should be paid to - overall detector/ machine integration - alignment and monitoring - IR region - trigger - detector simulation, database, computing and network - better thermo isolation in detector hall (~ C) - better gas supply system (shorten the transportation distance, less T)
CLEOC/CESRC Status CESR/CLEO Program Advisory Committee
Sept Endorsed CLEO-c Proposal submission to NSF (October 15,2001) Site visit on Jan/Feb 2002: Endorsed CLEO-c Expect approval in Summer of 2002 Wiggler prototype test successfully in vertical cryostat; now being installed in its horizontal cryostat. Will be put into CESR in July Start building six layers CDC Cost $3.5 M
Feasibility Study Report of BEPC II has been submitted to the funding agency. Technical Design Report of BEPC II to be submitted soon. Construction expected d to be started in 2003 and commissioning in 2007. Cost $75 M (~1/3 for BESIII)
Interesting Schedule of CLEOC/BESIII
CLEOC phys. run ? BESII BESIII Construction Engineer & phys. run MARKIII CLEOC/CESRC: Wisely seizes the great opportunity; perfectly fills the gas in the frontier of weak and strong interactions BESIII/BEPCII: Nature extension. Will be a unique frontier of c physics for a decade after CLEOC.
Typical Peak Luminosity of CESR-C, BEPC and BEPCII
(1/1030 cm-2s-1) L(BEPCII) 3 L(CESR-C) 50L(BEPC)
Typical Dada Samples Proposed
Additional Data for other physic topics Charm baryons at threshold, e.g. +- pairs at threshold R scan in 2-5 GeV; large hadronic event sample in 2-3 GeV
Summary Physics in tau-charm energy region is sill very rich in the B’s era. CLEOC/CESRC, a smart decision that seizes great physics opportunities, is opening a new era of understanding weak and strong interaction. BESIII/BEPCII, an nature extension of the only high energy physics base in China, will continue BESII and CLEOC’s mission to deepen the understanding of weak and strong physics, play a unique role in the precision test of SM, QCD and search for new physics in c sector.
Tanks to Maury and CLEOC collaboration for the
Information about CERSC/CLEOC Weiguo Li and BES collaboration for the information about BESIII/BEPCII Fred for many useful discussion about BES’s future
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