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Chemistry of Life Molecules

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1 Chemistry of Life Molecules
Organic Chemistry

2 All Life is Organic – Carbon Based

3 Carbon is- A. Carbon can easily changes shapes B. Carbon can form four covalent bonds C. Carbon can form millions of different compounds – long chains

4 Macromolecules (large molecules)
Long molecules (polymers) made of individual units (monomers)

5 B. Four Main Macromolecules of life
Carbohydrates Lipids (fats) Proteins Nucleic Acids

6 Carbohydrates (Carbs)
Sugars and Starches Function: Primary source of our ENERGY Two types of Carbs Simple Sugars ( monosaccharides) Fructose Glucose Complex Sugars (polysaccharides) All starchy foods

7 Proteins Chains of molecules called amino acids
20 different types Millions and Millions of different proteins Found in Meats, Beans, and Dairy products Functions: MANY!!!! Enzymes (controls reactions) Movement (muscles) Immunity (antibodies) Growth and Repair

8 Model of a Protein Molecule

9 Lipids (fats) Any fat, oily, or waxy substance Functions:
Energy Storage Hormones Body Membranes Types of Lipids Saturated (gel-like) b. Unsaturated (liquid)

10 Nucleic Acids “DNA” and “RNA”
Function: to store and pass on genetic information to the body and to offspring.

11 Summary Monomer Polymer Glucose ……………………………Starch
Amino Acid……………….…….Protein Glycerol + Fatty Acid…..Fat Nucleotide………………………DNA & RNA

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