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Tools for reporting on MSFD Art 11 monitoring programmes

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for reporting on MSFD Art 11 monitoring programmes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for reporting on MSFD Art 11 monitoring programmes
Agenda point 4 Mette Wolstrup

2 Overall considerations and approach

3 Considerations for the Art 11 reporting
The reporting system should be intuitive be focused on the specific reporting tool and its reporting template be developed to minimise the time spent on enter data into the system be simple and require a minimum of steps from data collection to final reporting perform to an acceptable level

4 Approach for the Art 11 reporting
Steps for the Art 8, 9, 10 reporting Access DB Conversion tool Upload in CDR Run QA/QC Release files in CDR Steps for the Art 11 reporting Web forms Run QA/QC Release files in CDR

5 Conditions for and benefits of using web forms
simple reporting structure questionaire type of dataflows small xml files Benefits no specific software needed very few reporting steps user-friendly reporting template re-use of already reported XML files in CDR

6 How to work with web forms in Reportnet

7 Web forms based on 2 XML schemas
One XML schema supports reporting of the monitoring programmes One XML schema supports the reporting of one sub programme XML <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> Web form

8 Web forms – how to start in Reportnet
One XML schema supports reporting of the monitoring programmes One XML schema supports the reporting of one sub programmes. If more than one sub programme exists – one XML should be created for each sub programme <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

9 How to start in Reportnet (2)
When a web form is saved it will automatically appear in the list of uploaded XML files – the default name will be 'questionaire msfdmonitoring' – however it is recommended to rename the file to the following structure: MSFD11Mon_CountryCode_RegionCode.xml <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

10 How to start in Reportnet (3)
The default name for the sub programme will be 'questionaire msfdsubprogrammes' – however it is recommended to rename the file to the following structure: MSFD11Sub_CountryCode_RegionCode_ [unique identifier for the subprogramme - eg. SubProgrammeID].xml eg. MSFDSub_DE_ANS_1a <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

11 How to start in Reportnet (4)
It is recommended if more than one sub programme will be reported and if the data between the sub programmes not will be re-used to 'add and edit' a MSFD monitoring SUB programmes and just save and close it empty. <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> And then just copy the XML file as many times as needed

12 How to start in Reportnet (5)
When several XML files for the sub programmes exists in Reportnet it will be possible to chose which one to edit

13 How to start in Reportnet (6)
If there is a need to re-use a XML file from one region to another (eg. only modify it slightly) this can be done using the copy button in the region where the file should be copied from – then go to another region and paste the file If monitoring programmes/sub programmes are identical between regions this can be indicated in the web form

14 Presentation of web forms

15 Web forms – Monitoring programmes start page

16 Web forms – Structure

17 Web forms – refer to another monitoring programme

18 Web forms – refer to sub programmes
Refer to existing sub programmes – only relevant when an existing monitoring programme is referenced and if the sub programmes within this region are the exact same

19 Web forms – tips and tricks
* Asterix indicates that information is required – if this field is not reported an error will be present in the QA ('XML schema validation') <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

20 Web forms – tips and tricks (2)
If cursor is moved to the field where to enter data – the definition for the field will be shown if such is present <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> In other cases the structure of information is indicated in the text as illustrated for the dates. If it is a free text field – the limit is characters

21 Web forms – tips and tricks (3)
Where several values can be picked from a defined list this is set-up as the full list where the relevant values can be picked using a tick box as illustrated below – 'not relevant' will be the default <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

22 Web forms – tips and tricks (4)
Drop down list are used in cases where one value should be entered based on a pre-defined list this <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

23 Web forms – tips and tricks (5)
In other cases where more than one value can be entered based on information reported under eg. Art 10 – the web form will have the below functionality where a new row can be added

24 Web forms – tips and tricks (6)
Save data can be done with buttons in all tabs and both at the top and the bottom Please notice that data will be kept while moving around between different tabs – but will be lost of the 'Cancel' button is hit or if the browser is closed

25 XML schema – overall principles

26 XML schema XML files can as an alternative to reporting through the web forms be uploaded directly in Reportnet The two XML schemas can be accessed through the ressource page: <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

27 XML schema - structure The XML structure is designed to fit the web forms – the structure is therefore slightly different compared to XML schemas as seen for Art8, 9 and 10 In special cases the schema is designed so data can be entered directly in the main element And where several values are reported – eg. GESCriteria – these are reported in the same element – just separated with a space <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

28 Reportnet workflow

29 XML schema XML files can as an alternative to reporting through the web forms also be uploaded directly in Reportnet The two XML schemas can be accessed through the ressource page: <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

30 Release data When happy with the reporting the files can be released and a set of QA's will be automatically generated The automatic quality assessment can take some minutes <Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES> <Q5d_AdequateData>N</Q5d_AdequateData> <Q5d_EstablishedMethods>NotReported</Q5d_EstablishedMethods> <Q5d_dequateUnderstandingGES>N</Q5d_AdequateUnderstandingGES> <Q5d_AdequateCapacity>Y</Q5d_AdequateCapacity> </Q5d_AdequacyForAssessmentGES>

31 Release data

32 Assess QA result and correct issues where needed

33 Finish reporting when satisfied with data
When the reporting for a specific envelope is finalised the status for the envelope will be 'Complete' and a 'Confirmation of receipt' will be released as a proof of the reporting

34 Test phase

35 What's next Member states to volunteer to participate in testing phase
A small introduction in how to use the test site will be ed to volunteer member states Test phase to run for the two last weeks of October Member states decides what to test - test can be done on the entire work flow from web forms to guides to QA or just one of the products/steps Tools to be finalised and released by the end of 2013

36 Questions ?

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