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1 See notes below each slide but not part of presentation
Start presentation on next slide.

2 Mr. Slesinski physics teacher
I teach my students about things like motion, gravity, heat, energy, sound waves, magnetism, light waves, and space. Guess how fast that cheetah can run? Up to 60 miles/hour

3 What is electricity? One of my favorite topics I teach my students about is electricity. I understand that you guys have been learning about electricity too. Most of what you learn about today, you have probably learned before. This presentation should be a good review. Perhaps you might learn a few things too.

4 To understand what electricity is, you have to know what matter is
To understand what electricity is, you have to know what matter is. Can you name an object that is in this room? (ask each student for an answer) These are all examples of matter. What is all of this stuff made from? What are the building blocks that make up matter?

5 What is this house made up of?

6 Legos

7 What is matter made up of
What is matter made up of? Let’s take a closer look at one of the objects. Let’s take a closer look at the carpet.

8 Carpet This is what the carpet looks like if you look at it with your eye up close. Do you want to see?

9 Carpet Magnified 100 times
Small Electron Microscope Physicists wanted to take a closer look. The electron microscope allows physicists to see the carpet magnified 100 times. Do you want to see what that looks like?

10 Strand of Carpet Magnified 1000 times
Large Electron Microscope This electron microscope allows the physicists to see what the carpet looks like magnified 1000 times. Do you want to see?

11 Strand of Carpet Magnified 100,000,000 times
Atomic Force Microscope In the 1980s, the atomic force microscope was invented. This microscope allows physicists to see an image of the carpet that is magnified 100,000,000 times. Do you want to see? Show image Those little balls are the building blocks that make up the matter. They are called atoms. Just like that Lego house was made from legos, all the objects that you saw in that living room picture are made from atoms. All objects are made up of atoms.

12 What are the tiny little particles that make up matter called?
t o m s

13 1 atom protons and neutrons in nucleus electron
Physicists have discovered that atoms are made up of three even smaller particles. Do you want to see. Do you know the names of these three smaller particles?

14 Sometimes, some of the electrons can be rubbed off some of the atoms
making up the object. Sometimes, the electrons can be rubbed off of the atoms that make up the carpet. A person walking across a carpet can rub electrons off of the carpet onto to themselves. Without even knowing, this person ends up walking around with extra electrons on them. What happens if this person shakes hands with someone else? You both get a shock when the electrons jump from the person with the extra electrons to the person without the extra electrons.

15 Van De Graff Generator Electrons are constantly rubbed off the rubber belt as it goes round and round. The top metal globe ends up having more and more electrons on it. Since electrons repel other electrons, eventually the electrons will jump off of the top metal globe. Demonstrate Van De Graff or show video by clicking on the title in the slide.

16 Tesla Coil Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors of all time, invented another device that produces many extra electrons on a metal pointer. The device is called a Tesla coil. Guess what happens if you bring the Tesla coil to close to another object? Show demonstration or click on title in the slide to show video.

17 Electricity is a form of energy due to moving electrons.
What is electricity? Answer scrolls up when mouse is clicked again. Electricity is a form of energy due to moving electrons.

18 When is electrical energy harmful?

19 When is electrical energy harmful?
During lightning storms

20 When is electrical energy useful?

21 When is electrical energy useful?
Click on circuit diagram to hyper link to animation to demonstrate the switch. Emphasize that 2 things are needed in an electric circuit: 1. a power supply 2. a closed loop path. In electric circuits

22 Electrical Energy turned into Light Energy
Demonstrate this circuit or click on title in slide to watch video. Video is long; may want to show first part.

23 Electrical Energy turned into Heat Energy

24 Electrical Energy turned into Mechanical Energy

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