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Peduncled Oak and Common Hornbeam Forest Community

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Presentation on theme: "Peduncled Oak and Common Hornbeam Forest Community"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peduncled Oak and Common Hornbeam Forest Community
MONITORING IN LOVLAND FOREST ECOSYSTEMS CROATIAN FOREST RESEARCH NSTITUTE B. Vrbek & I. Pilaš Plot No. 36 Forest Office: Jastrebarsko Locality: Lovland forest of Jastrebarsko Established: 1991 Area of plot: 1ha 100 X100 m Area of sublot: 0,25 ha 50 X 50 m Altitude: 117 m Coordinate:s GPS E N Soil map MONITORING ON THE PLOT -BULK THROUGHFALL -STEMFLOW -SOIL SOLUTION -GROUNDWATER LEVEL -FOREST HELTH -MANAGEMENT -SEED PRODUCTION Peduncled Oak and Common Hornbeam Forest Community Zero tension lysimeter soil solution monitoring Ground level water monitoring Zero tension lysimeter schema Endogleyic Luvic Stagnosol (Ruptic, Siltic, Clayic) K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ NH4+ Cl- NO3- SO42- H+ HCO3- kgha-1 gha-1 Throughfall 33,7 1,3 0,9 3,7 3,0 6,9 13,7 4,7 29,7 590.3 Bulk 3,3 6,3 0,8 4,8 7,5 26,0 510,5 Lysimeter 5,2 18,7 44,8 20,0 0,4 13,5 14,1 14,6 59,1 345,7 Water quality analyses Yearly average contet of cations and anions on plot 36

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