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Brainstorm Ways to Slay a Dragon

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1 Brainstorm Ways to Slay a Dragon


3 A Dragon Slayer’s Dilemma
n the days when monsters and giants and fairy folk lived in England, a noble knight was riding across a plain. He wore heavy armor and carried an ancient silver shield marked with a red cross dented with the blows of many battles fought long ago by other brave knights. However, this battle was different. Saint George was asked by Princess Una to fight a dragon that was ravaging the countryside. How might Saint George slay this fire-breathing dragon?

4 Criteria The solution must use weapons and/or materials from the Middle Ages to slay the dragon in an innovative way, but must not involve magic. The solution must not put the princess or the townspeople in harms way. The solution must consider the ethical treatment of the dragon. The degree of risk must be worth the reward (prize = princess’s hand in marriage).

5 1. Define the Problem (What needs to be solved?)

6 2. Establish Goals (What do you hope to accomplish given the criteria

7 3. Generate Possible Solutions (from your brainstorm list)

8 4. Rank the Solutions (use your top 5 ideas)

9 5. Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Chosen Solution (What part of the solution do you think will work? What part may not work?)

10 6. Defend the Chosen Solution (Tell why your choice was a good one and why the other choices weren’t as effective.)

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