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2 Approximately 2% of pregnancies involve maternal C
Approximately 2% of pregnancies involve maternal C.V , associated with increased risk of both mother & fetus Pregnancy complication may provide an opportunity for early identification of women at increased risk for C.V disease late in life…. Cardiac disease may sometimes be manifested in the first trimester because the hemodynamic change may compromise limited cardiac reserve

3 Due to declining incidence of RHD in western countries maternal cardiac disease is now prodominently congenital althouh at present the leading cause of maternal death are acquired disease with MI , Ao discection & CMP at top….

4 HEMODYNAMIC CHANGES Begin in the first trimester
Plasma volume begins to increase in 6th week & by the second trimester approaches 50% above baseline & tends to platu until delivery Lesser rise in RBC mass HR begins to increase to approximately 20% Uterine blood flow increases with placental growth with fall in peripheral resistance

5 HEMODYNAIC CHANGES reduced Peripheral resistance leads to slight fall in BP ,begins in the first trimester Increased lower exterimity venous pressure leads to peripheral edema (80%) 30-50 % increase in CO by the end of first trimester

6 HEMODYNAMIC CHANGES Volume overload may lead to hemodynamic compromise in pts with LV dysfunction Stenotic valvular lesions are less well tolerated than regurgitant lesions

7 HEMODYNAMIC CHANGES During labor & delivery
Abrupt hemodynamic changes Release of 500 cc blood to the circulation with each uterine contraction leads to increased CO & BP 50% increase in CO in second stage & even more at delivery 400 cc blood loss in NVD & 800 cc in C/S

8 HEMODYNAMIC… Abrupt increase in venous return at baby delivery
Autotransfusion continue in the h after delivery ( risk of pulmonary edema ) For the most pts NVD is feasible….

9 SYMPTOMS Symptoms of normal pregnancy may mimic those of cardiac disease Lightheadness Dizziness Shortness of breath Peripheral edema Syncope

10 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Reflects hemodynamic changes & may mimic those in cardiac disease: Increased HR Bound pulse volume Elevated JVP by the middle of second trimester with brisk descends ( because of volume overload & reduced peripheral resistance )

11 PH.E Prominent apical impulse Loud S1 Up to 3/6 systolic murmur on LSB
Accentuated S2 *…ASD or PH Cervical venous hum or mammary soufle Peripheral edeme in advanced pregnancy



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