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Devotional Writing “For a long time, seminaries have done a good job of producing scholar-pastors. Reason and knowledge have been prized over intuition.

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Presentation on theme: "Devotional Writing “For a long time, seminaries have done a good job of producing scholar-pastors. Reason and knowledge have been prized over intuition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Devotional Writing “For a long time, seminaries have done a good job of producing scholar-pastors. Reason and knowledge have been prized over intuition and imagination. I think we may have begun seeing another kind of pastor in post modernity – the artist-pastor.”

2 Devotional Writing Three Types of Resources
The most important resources are unwritten, resources God gives us: presence of Christ, prayer, sacraments, Word, sermons, testimony, faith friends for the walk. Resources for learning about the resources God gives for living as disciples. Resources for leaders to learn how to best deliver and teach the resources God gives.

3 Devotional Writing Capturing and sharing our personal faith stories.
What is devotional writing? Capturing and sharing our personal faith stories. We announce to you what we existed from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have seen and our hands handled, about the word of life . -- 1 John 1:1 (CEB)

4 Devotional Writing Invite others to draw closer to God.
Why devotional writing? Invite others to draw closer to God. What we have seen and heard, we also announce it to you so that you can have fellowship with us… with the Father, and with his Son, Jesus Christ. -- 1 John 1:3 (CEB)

5 …artists help people see or hear beyond the immediate to the eternal.
Chasing Francis

6 Good Devotional Writing . . .
Grows from personal engagement with the Bible Is authentic—real and honest Is clear, concise and active 1. Helps people make a connection between their lives and what God is doing in the world and Helps people know God, not know about God. 3. Sound theology is important, but theological terms can be a barrier to readers. 3. Active verbs make writing direct and active Is concrete and sensory 5. Builds on one image 6. Is not preachy

7 Concrete and sensory Help readers engage all their senses.
Egyptian editor goat roasting for feast, fresh mango juice, heavy and sticky shirt after getting caught in the rain, quiet sound of Bible pages turning God is invisible, intangible, limitless; we seek to convey truth to creatures who are visible, sensory, and limited.

8 One Image Jesus called himself: the light the bread the door
Concrete, relevant, single images to connect with the readers and invite them closer to God the door the good shepherd the vine

9 Augustine said the human mind was particularly delighted when truth was presented to it indirectly, like in symbols and sacred space. Chasing Francis

10 Common Themes of Meditations
Illness and Healing Relationships Family life God’s love and Grace Growth through hardship Forgiveness and reconciliation Personal relationship with Christ/Salvation Evangelism and witness Trust/Obedience

11 Common Errors Misusing scripture—out of context; limiting meaning, basing on one word Failing to move from personal experience to universal relevancy Abstractness (ideas without flesh) Tired examples or metaphors Self-righteous or scolding tone

12 Tips for Productive Writing
Consistent, regular writing, rather than “hit-and-run” brings satisfying results. Free-writing sessions help to deliver us from mental block. Keep on writing even when you don’t feel like it. Hardly any first draft is good enough, so avoid wasting time on self-editing when the ideas are still flowing. Don’t discard anything you write—it is the raw material for expansion. Of all types

13 Writing Exercise Start with a testimony.
When, during this past week, have you noticed God’s presence in a special or different way? What incident happened that gave you a glimpse that God was near or that taught you something important? What scripture have you been thinking a lot about lately and why? You will have at least 30 minutes to write Find a quiet place in the room or outside.

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