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Leaders of Adult Groups
Match the Competency With The Description Competency Description
Transformational Teaching Evangelism Leadership Matters Great Commission Mission Support Image of Jesus Soul Care Multiplier Gospel Advance Group Ministry Spiritual Growth Biblical Truth Disciple Maker Point Person
Match the Competency With The Description Competency Descriptor
Transformational Teaching Biblical Truth Leadership Matters Point Person Mission Support Great Commission Soul Care Group Ministry Gospel Advance Evangelism Spiritual Growth Image of Jesus Disciple Maker Multiplier
What Are Core Competencies?
Core Competencies are the essentials of leading a Small Group or Sunday School class into spiritual growth and disciple-making. Core Competencies help focus the group leader on being intentional. Ultimately, the core competencies are like compass points that keep the group leader focused on his or her ultimate purpose of making disciples of the people in the group, who will then make more disciples.
Transformational Teaching
The Bible is God’s Word (God-breathed) and therefore it is transformational. Information does not always mean transformation! The Bible is eternal truth and is always relevant to every culture. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to humanity.
Transformational Teaching
Bible teachers must teach in a way that encourages participants to: Engage the Bible Encourage members to bring their Bibles to group meetings; Read the study passage from the Bible, not the leader guide; Ask for volunteers to read the passage; Point to the next week’s study and encourage daily reading.
Transformational Teaching
Bible teachers must teach in a way that encourages participants to: Understand the Bible Context. What was the context when the passage was written? Truth. What truth is being shared? Today. What is the eternal truth that applies to us today?
Transformational Teaching
Bible teachers must teach in a way that encourages participants to: Apply the Bible Personally Avoid applying the Bible to “others”. Bible teacher should personally apply biblical truth before teaching it. (Ezra 7:10) Offer examples of how group members can apply the teaching, then allow time for the group to offer their own applications.
Transformational Teaching
5 Ways that God speaks to us through Scripture Hear Read Study Memorize Meditate
Leadership Matters “Lead with diligence…” (Romans 12:8) People model the leader, so leadership matters. Your leadership is perfectly designed to achieve the results you are getting. (Allan Taylor, LifeWay) So if you want different results…
Leadership Matters You lead by…
Leadership Matters Growing leaders… Submit to godly leadership.
Apply truth to their own life. Have a posture of humility, not pride.
Leadership Matters Groups grow spiritually when…
godly group leaders apply the truth to the hearts of people that are in a teachable posture.
Mission Support The church is the body of Christ on earth, with a mission to fulfill. The Sunday School or Small Group structure is how the church is organized to carry out its mission!
Mission Support How could the individual Small Groups of the church carry out the church’s mission?
Mission Support Mission projects Develop new leaders Evangelism Start a new group Contribute financially Biblical teaching Personal ministry Support the work of the pastor
Soul Care Now all the believers were together and had everything in common. So they sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need. And every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart. Acts 2:44-46
Soul Care Share how your group ministers to the needs of the group in these three categories: Physically Emotionally Spiritually
Soul Care How does your group minister to the needs of attendees? How about absentees? What adjustments does your system need in order to deliver soul care to everyone in the group?
Gospel Advance “Follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fish for people.” Mark 1:17
Gospel Advance As disciples, every believer is called to “go and make”. A Sunday School group is the perfect place to evangelize unbelievers and develop new evangelists.
Gospel Advance Evangelism must be intentional Monthly plan for evangelism (5 minutes per meeting) Week #1 – Pray for lost friends Week #2 – One or two group members share their testimony Week #3 – Plan a fellowship for group members to bring a lost friend Week #4 – Evangelism training (how to use a tract, memorize an evangelistic verse, how to share your testimony, etc.)
Spiritual Growth Just one thing: live your life in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27
Spiritual Growth Research reveals that personal spiritual growth happens best through… Daily Bible reading Prayer Biblical community
Spiritual Growth Daily Bible reading (immersion in God’s Word)
Prayer (communing with God through the Spirit) Biblical community (a group of four people for accountability)
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations… Matthew 28:18
Disciple-Making Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations… Matthew 28:18
How would you define a disciple?
A disciple is a follower of Jesus that:
Shares the Gospel; (Mark 1:17) Grows in Bible study and prayer; (2 Timothy 3:16, Thessalonians 5:16-18) Lives in biblical community; (Acts 2:46) Is on mission through the local church to make more disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Disciple-Making Identify the four generations of disciples in 2 Timothy 2:2… And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
Disciple-Making Principles of making disciples of people in your group
You will probably not be able to disciple everyone yourself. Making disciples is an intentional process. T-I-M-E Start with 3-4 people from your Sunday School class. Have a start and end date for the group. Model how to lead a D-Group and encourage group members to start a group themselves.
Which of the Seven Core Competencies…
Is your strongest? Why? Which competency needs improvement? How will you improve it? Who in your group could help you become a better leader?
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