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A Workshop for Leaders of Churches in Transition April 28, 2018

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1 A Workshop for Leaders of Churches in Transition April 28, 2018
Beginning Well A Workshop for Leaders of Churches in Transition April 28, 2018 Welcome and overview of the day – am with current church working on leaving well– afternoon with your new congregation and ideas for beginning well. Bonnie - AGENDA

2 1 Corinthians 3: 4-11 4 Some of you say that you follow me, and others claim to follow Apollos. Isn’t that how ordinary people behave? 5 Apollos and I are merely servants who helped you to have faith. It was the Lord who made it all happen. 6 I planted the seeds, Apollos watered them, but God made them sprout and grow. 7 What matters isn’t those who planted or watered, but God who made the plants grow. 8 The one who plants is just as important as the one who waters. And each one will be paid for what they do. 9 Apollos and I work together for God, and you are God’s garden and God’s building. 10 God was kind and let me become an expert builder. I laid a foundation on which others have built. But we must each be careful how we build, 11 because Christ is the only foundation.


4 Leadership Standards What does it mean to be a
spiritual leader in this process?

5 Making the Handoff

6 4 Key Challenges of Pastoral Transitions
Personal Professional Leadership Congregational Lovett Weems handout Four Key Challenges

7 Saying Goodbye


9 Thinking About Where I Am?
Work through grid worksheet -

10 Releasing Ourselves and Each Other for New Ministry
BOW litany - handout

11 Break Come up and get big post it note – pink and yellow – one per church/charge while on break

12 What do I do with these Post-Its?
Take notes With an eye to building a plan with dates, events, activities Me – get a piece of newsprint – get your post it notes – create a grid for 8 weeks. Use one note for each idea – you are going to

13 Living into the new reality with a plan
8 weeks to transition Helping the congregation understand Helping the congregation say goodbye and hello Bringing some closure to pastoral relationships Using spiritual disciplines and the means of grace as tools for this journey Managing the nuts and bolts

14 Things to remember as you plan the handoff
Highlights from Joe Kenaston, Dean of the Cabinet

15 Making the Handoff Video of Greg Markins and Mark Smith Amy

16 Lunch

17 How can you introduce your colleague?
Video from Okey Harless and Teresa Markins

18 Starting off on the right foot

19 Strategies for Managing stress
Remember the acronym HALT – Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired During a move period, when establishing a new support system, it may be a good time to consider talking with a trained counselor. This is also a good option for your family. Contact Ravi Isaiah for information about funds available to clergy for counseling –

20 Social Media Plan

21 New pastors position themselves as learners
“The incoming pastor must work to earn trust and respect, discern the church’s cultural nuances and practices, discern it’s ministry and mission, as well as build relationships with the key people who make ministry happen.” The Changeover Zone – Ozier and Griffith

22 Listen Up and Lead With Your Ears
Church leaders set up the groups and schedule in consultation with incoming pastor. Try to have as many off church property as possible. Have a church leader serve as guide and note-taker during the meeting. Church members and staff issue invitations and receive RSVPs. See Chapter 2- The Necessary 9

23 Possible Listening Tour Questions
One thing I need to know about church? One way we are going to reach new people? One dream you have for our church One thing you are afraid I might do? One question you would like to ask me? Use what you hear and learn in sermons, announcements, conversation and meetings. Listen for themes and ideas to explore.

24 “Way to Go” Notes Invite a group of church veterans to meet at the church once a week. Go over newspapers and other community news. Write notes to those in the community and church who have done good things and have something to celebrate – telling them “Way to Go!” This helps the new pastor build relationships and knowledge – and it’s FUN!

25 Learn Together Study a book together – a leadership book, a bible study, a book of the Bible. Some suggestions: The Necessary Nine – Bob Farr and Kay Kotan Anatomy of Peace – Arbinger Institute Leadership and Self-Deception- Arbinger Institute Developing an Intentional Discipleship System Discipleship Essentials - Ogden Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition - Harper

26 Planning Sermons Introduce yourself and your family in real life vignettes. Include humor as a way to get through resistance and anxiety. Reveal your heart and passion. Demonstrate your character, personality and professionalism. Share favorite scripture and how you apply the Bible to daily life. Lift up community history and values to connect with the congregation. Indicate how much you care about your new church and are excited to be here. Remember that this is summer – people are on vacation – don’t be afraid to repeat.

27 Practice Humor, Gratitude and Prayer
Chapter 4 – The Necessary 9

28 Things to remember as you plan for the first 6 months
Highlights from Joe Kenaston, Dean of the Cabinet

29 Build a 6 Month Plan

30 Questions and Evaluation

31 Closing Worship Based on BOW – An Order for the Celebration of an Appointment

32 Questions? Contact Your District Superintendent
Director of Leadership Formation and Ministry Support– Rev. Bonnie MacDonald – Director of Evangelism and Congregational Development – Rev. Amy Shanholtzer –

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