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How Health Impact Assessment (HIA) equips the public health workforce to collaborate in addressing health inequalities. Presenter– Lee Parry-Williams –

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Presentation on theme: "How Health Impact Assessment (HIA) equips the public health workforce to collaborate in addressing health inequalities. Presenter– Lee Parry-Williams –"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Health Impact Assessment (HIA) equips the public health workforce to collaborate in addressing health inequalities. Presenter– Lee Parry-Williams – Senior Public Health Practitioner (Policy & HIA), WHIASU, PHW Insert name of presentation on Master Slide

2 Presenting - Context for Health Impact Assessment in Wales
How HIA practice is developed and applied in Wales Translating learning into practice

3 HIA & WHIASU Welsh Government strongly advocates for the use of HIA and established WHIASU in 2004 HIA is recognised as a tool to raise awareness and understanding of HiAP Because HIA: Promotes an integrated approach to policy making and supports collaboration Requires active participation of all stakeholders Enables all sectors to identify and demonstrate their contribution to: reducing health inequalities preventing/mitigating unintended negative impacts on H&WB through their plans/policies.

4 The devolved Welsh Government has placed an emphasis on:
Health & Wellbeing Addressing inequalities within the population Sustainable Development Citizen centered public services Partnership working Integrated agenda Addressed through the adoption of a Health in All Policies approach to policy making

5 Growing Welsh Legislation demonstrates that ongoing commitment –
Social Services & Wellbeing (Wales) Act (2014) Environment (Wales) Act 2016 Planning (Wales) Act 2015 The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 Wellbeing of the Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015) (WbFG) Public Health Act 2017-includes measure to make HIA statutory

6 WbFG “It speaks our language..”
Acknowledgement for slide Jo Charles, North Wales LPHT (2016)

7 Shared principles Long term Prevention Integration Collaboration
Involvement Open Transparent Ethical Democratic Values and principles of HIA Equitable Sustainable Participatory Robust

8 Equipping the public health workforce -

9 Formal training sessions/packages:
E-learning introductory HIA Course Introduction to HIA (half day) Rapid HIA Competency (2 day) in partnership with CIEH– first UK accredited competency course Comprehensive HIA (3 Day) Quality Assuring HIA (1 day) Tailored half day/full day for specific organisations Mentoring ‘learning by doing’ support and facilitation Advice and advocacy to Welsh government Guidance, resources and evidence briefings, Quality Assessment Framework Tool Planning for better health and wellbeing in Wales -

10 Public health workforce reports:
Stronger collaboration between sectors Stronger united partnerships contributing to maximising positive health and wellbeing outcomes and reduction in health inequalities A consistent approach to addressing, and evidencing, a consideration of potential impacts on health and wellbeing from policies and projects across the sectors.

11 ‘Carrying out a HIA helped break down barriers between communities and statutory services’ (N. MC. 2017) Sectors Planners Environmental Health/CIEH Voluntary Housing NHS Public Health Public Bodies (WbFG) “Once I realised the versatility of HIA and that it’s not complicated,  it became an additional tool which I could use in my day-to-day work. I’ve assessed the merits of various planning applications as well as the effects of the authority’s public toilet closures. I find it highlights issues which you may otherwise have overlooked”.  An EHO 2017 Conclusion from undertaking the HIA: Helped inform the design of the scheme Supported the ambitions of the Wellbeing of Future Generations 9Wales) Act 2015 Made connections between policy, scheme delivery and affected population’ (N, Mc. 2017)

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