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Clarksville and Olive Branch United Methodist Charge

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Presentation on theme: "Clarksville and Olive Branch United Methodist Charge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clarksville and Olive Branch United Methodist Charge
Strategic Plan 2018

2 Strategic Plan Committee Vision Current Church Status Attendance
Finances Programs Proposed Goals / Programs

3 Vision Team Committee Volunteer Committee commissioned January 2017
Met monthly except during the summer Membership Jeff Drapalik, Chair Linda Fox Debbie Kaylor Kathy Largent Julie Malcom Scarlett Rowland Kathy Rager

4 Church Vision Statement Olive Branch
Caring People, Sharing Jesus, Transforming the World through Joyful Discipleship

5 Church Vision Statement Clarksville
Claim The Cross Of Jesus… Reclaim The Lost… Proclaim The Good News…

6 Action Statement Go Love Your Neighbor Now

7 Strategic Plan Current Church Status Committee Vision Attendance
Finances Programs Proposed Goals / Programs

8 Strategic Plan Church Attendance
Olive Branch Clarksville Combined Charge Average Weekly Attendance New Members 2017 62 7 29 6 91 13 2016 61 33 1 94 2015 60 35 95 2014 8 39 100 Jeff

9 Strategic Plan Church Attendance
Area projected growth For zip codes and 45113 2000 2010 2017 2022 2027 Population 5,197 6,374 6,579 6,584 6,616 Increase 1,177 205 5 32 Percent Change 22.6% 3.2% .1% .5%

10 Strategic Plan Church Finances
Olive Branch 2017 2016 2015 2014 Beginning Balance 39,562  44,837 30,495 32,473 Income  140,999 109,267 109,341 115,552 Disbursements  127,867 114,542 94,999 117,530 Ending Balance  52,694 39,562 Endowment  801,963 Clarksville  2017 27,475  20,092 16,364 10,977  65,494 58,684 57,491 63,987  52,940 53,058 53,763 58,600 Additional income for special funds (food pantry, memorial fund, etc) 3,060 1,757 43,089  27,475 161,787 

11 Current Programs – Olive Branch
Scouting – Girl and Boy Bible Studies – Women and Men Community Meals Pig Roast Spaghetti Supper Soup Supper Women and Men’s Groups Movie Night Choir

12 Current Programs – Olive Branch Missions
Christmas Meal Delivery Foods Resource Bank Mission Team - Volunteers in Mission VBS – Vacation Bible School Your Father’s Kitchen Festival of Sharing – Health Kits Pie Sundays Drama Team Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt Operation Christmas Child Mary Haven

13 Current Programs - Clarksville
Men’s Breakfast Game Night Youth Night Art Night Boy Scouts

14 Current Programs – Clarksville Missions
Food Pantry Operation Christmas Child Festival of Sharing Drama Team Choir Sunday School VBS – Vacation Bible School Game Night and Youth Group Easter Egg Hunt Splash Party Trick or Treat Harvest Party Birthday Party for Jesus

15 Strategic Plan Proposed Goals / Programs Committee Vision
Current Church Status Attendance Finances Programs Proposed Goals / Programs

16 Strategic Plan Proposed Programs
Increase attendance Publicize Yard signs Church signs Social Media  And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing. Luke 9:2

17 Strategic Plan Proposed Programs
Increase attendance Invitational Ministries Knock on Doors Mail Campaign Inviting Neighbors to Events Follow-up with Visitors Welcome Gifts Partner with Clinton-Massie Schools Adopt young children and mentor as they grow Open the building to other groups Concerts/Music Programs Community Service Develop Youth Programs Youth sports Community youth groups And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.“ Matthew 4:19

18 Strategic Plan Proposed Programs
Meeting Needs of the Community Strengthening Marriages Divorce Group Budgeting Classes (Financial Peace University) Afterschool Tutoring Senior Assistance (yard work) For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind. I Timothy 1:7

19 Strategic Plan Proposed Programs
Finances Teach stewardship regularly Review each program’s investment related to fiscal requirements and impact on budget. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

20 Strategic Plan Proposed Programs
 Facilities Review each program and buildings impact Current building use Strengths/Weaknesses of buildings Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

21 Clarksville and Olive Branch United Methodist Charge
Go Love Your Neighbor Now

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