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Aztec Civilization.

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1 Aztec Civilization

2 Map of Aztecs

3 Which continent was the Aztec Civilization located on?
Aztecs where located in Central Mexico

4 Major Surrounding Geographical Landmarks
Sierra Madre Del Sur (A mountain range) Sierra Madre means mother range Gulf of Mexico Pacific Ocean Lake Texcoco


6 Climate Conditions Lived in a tropical zone
Due to elevation however weather was cooler than normal Average temperature for capital was 53° F Average rainfall was 27 inches a year

7 Social System Marriages were arranged
Usually men where in their early 20’s and women in mid-teens Husbands were allowed as many wives as they wanted However the children of the first wife would be the inherited All wives were suppose to be treated equally For the most part men and women were treated as equals Women could run businesses and work outside the home Elderly of both genders were respected and listened to

8 Social System Education was free for all
Separate schools for upper class and middle class Boys and Girls were taught separately The entire Aztec society was centered on two things Trade WAR!!!

9 Aztec Warriors Average spear man Elite Jaguar and Eagle fighters

10 Political System Over the empire was an emperor or (Huey Tlatoani)
He ensured that each city-state paid their required tribute Under the emperor was the Council of Four This group was the next in line to become Emperor They gave advice and it was important to have their agreement on major decisions

11 Political System Each Aztec family was put into a Calpulli
This group shared everything They elected a leader who took orders from the emperor Aztec empire divided in several city-states These city-states were conquered territories They were allowed to keep their ruler As long as the tribute was paid the city-states were left to run themselves

12 King Montezuma

13 City Structure Capital city was Tenochtitlan Was an island city
Had to build causeways (raised roads) to connect the island to shore Built aqueducts to bring water to the city Water from lake was undrinkable

14 City Structure Had huge temples
On the temple where huge shrines one blue (rain god) one red (sun god) One of the world’s largest cities at the time Even the Spanish were impressed




18 Class Structure Nobles Priests, Officials, Warriors Merchants
Craftsmen, Traders Commoners Farmers & Laborers Slaves

19 Class Structure Nobles Passed down through family
Expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner If disobedient to the emperor they where punished worse than a commoner

20 Class Structure Priests
Considered to be Noble, although anyone could be one Messenger to the gods Warrior Another noble class anyone could be a part of Basically Sparta for the Americas (unafraid of death) Better warrior meant higher status Even a common farmer could have high status if he was a good warrior

21 Class Structure Upper middle class were the Merchants
Coordinated trade in the empire Lower Middle Class were farmers and peasants Worked the land of the nobles Had to pay a tax to the noble (could be paid in work) Slaves Prisoners of war Criminals Those in debt


23 Agriculture In the capital city they used floating gardens to grow crops Mainly grew: Maize (corn) Beans Squash Sweet Potatoes


25 Religion Aztec were polytheistic Main god was Quetzalcoatl
The Aztec’s religion focused on keeping nature in balance A screw up could lead to a natural disaster….or worse Blood was needed to move the sun across the sky Light and Dark were in a constant battle and the sacrificed people would rise to help fight the Darkness

26 Religion Aztecs believed they owed an endless blood debt to the gods
They would sacrifice animals and humans to pay back this debt Aztecs would sacrifice thousands of people a year One estimate says 20,000 people a year Every 18 months there would be a ritual sacrifice The heart was cut out and held up to the sun Body was then thrown down the temple


28 Religion Every 52 years, the people were terrified that the world would end.  All religious fires were extinguished, people all over the empire would destroy their furniture and precious belongings and go into mourning.  When the constellation of the Pleiades appeared, the people would be assured that they were safe for another 52 years.

29 Family Life Men’s role: Farm, Hunt, Fight in war, make weapons, and discipline children To discipline children they would stab them with a spike or tie them face down to a wet mat Women’s role: Run the house and have babies. They could have a small business Childbirth was seen as a symbolism for war and women who died during it were seen on the same level as warriors dying in battle

30 Oral Traditions / Art Art was religion related and usually contained animals that symbolized gods From art to clothing everything was brightly colored Stories were written in pictures

31 Advancements Created a calendar much like the Mayan one
Told them the best times to go to war or have ceremonies Advanced medicine Had over 100 plants that they used as medicines First group to use writing Wrote a “codex” that contained their history

32 Other Played a game called ullamaliztli Losers died
Was a kind of cross between football, soccer, and basketball Think of football type rules Just like in soccer no hands allowed, in fact the ball had to stay in the air the whole time Game ended when the ball went through a stone hoop Rarely happened Other ways to score to win Losers dying is disputed by some since it was an honor to be sacrificed as an Aztec the winners may have been killed


34 Other Liked Riddles What is a mountainside that has a spring of water in it? The nose Lovers of chocolate Montezuma (their king at the time of the Spanish invasion) drank 50 cups of chocolate a day Gave some to the Spanish who introduced it to the rest of Europe


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