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Eyes, Eyes, What do you See?

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Presentation on theme: "Eyes, Eyes, What do you See?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eyes, Eyes, What do you See?
A Story about the Colors We See

2 What is color? Color is light from the Sun that we can see.
Visible waves of light make different colors. The colors we see are just like the colors in a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Note: Language of science concepts has been simplified for student understanding.

3 Rainbows are sunlight, spread out by water droplets, into colors.

4 Rainbows are a multi-colored arc, with red on the outside and violet on the inside. A rainbow spans a continuous range of colors. We generally talk about 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

5 Red Venegas, A. (Photographer) (2010). Tropical flower. [Print].

6 Orange

7 Yellow

8 Green

9 Blue                                             Venegas, A. (Photographer) (2010). Bluebonnet. [Print].

10 Indigo Indigo is not very common in nature. It can be mentioned to students, but is not a color that is expected to be remembered. Fuentes, L. A. (Artist) (1922). Indigo bunting [Print]. Available from

11 Violet                                            

12 Can you see objects in our classroom that are…

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