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Recycling 11 November 2018 Objective;

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Presentation on theme: "Recycling 11 November 2018 Objective;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycling 11 November 2018 Objective; To survey views on recycling and analyse the results. Starter Do you agree or disagree? Explain why. Recycling protects the environment. Recycling saves energy. Recycling saves money. We should recycle. Photo credit: © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

2 Recycling Why do you think some people drop litter?
They drop accidentally. They cannot find a bin so they drop their rubbish on the ground. They cannot be bothered to put it in the bin. It’s not cool to put rubbish in bin. It’s the cleaner’s job to put rubbish in bins. Other reason. Photo credit: © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

3 Have a think – where does your rubbish go?

4 Your rubbish Landfill (83%)
Incinerate (8%) – may use energy from this to generate electricity. Recycle/re-use (9%). But you can recycle over 50% of your rubbish. For every 54kg of paper that is recycled, a tree is saved.

5 What is in your rubbish? 33% paper 30% kitchen and garden waste
10% cans 10% glass 7% plastic bottles 4% textiles 6% other waste HSW – draw a pie chart of this information.

6 Reduce, reuse, recycle… How are they different? Which do you do?

7 , reuse, recycle… Reduce

8 Reduce, , recycle… reuse

9 Reduce, reuse, … recycle

10 Reducing Pollution by Recycling
Reasons why recycling is good Reasons why recycling is bad Still requires energy Reduces demand for raw materials Recycling Paper, metal and plastic can be recycled Requires money to sort and recycle Reduces the amount of rubbish going to landfill sites

11 Recycle survey Materials Tally Total Paper Cardboard
Tin foil and trays Drink Cartons Batteries Metal drink and food cans Plastic Containers Aerosols Glass Small electrical items Food waste Don’t know

12 Anagrams

13 Multiple-choice quiz

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