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Presentation on theme: "Colors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colors

2 Colors – Paint (Subtractive Color Model)
Primaries: magenta, yellow, and cyan This color system is called subtractive because: Each primary color absorbs (subtracts) a certain part of the color spectrum. Every time a color is added, less light is reflected. When you mix all three primaries together, the entire spectrum of color is absorbed, and we’re left with black. Does anyone know the primary colors?

3 Colors - Lights (Additive Color System)
Primaries: Red, Blue, Green Additive color systems start without light (black). Light sources combine to make a color. As colors are added, the resulting color is brighter. The primary colors are different for computers

4 Colors (
We’ll be working with the additive color system Mix various amounts of red, green, and blue to create a color. Colors can be represented by rgb (red#, green#, blue#) Each color is indicated by a number from (0,0,0) = black (255,255,255) = white

5 Images and Backgrounds

6 Images

7 Black and White Pictures

8 Pictures are stored as pixels
Monochrome: BLACK or WHITE

9 What is needed? Different levels of black and white Shades of gray
Percentage of black

10 ASCII Images (
Instead of pixels, use characters

11 Color Pictures

12 Color Pixels How do we represent colors? That’s also a color pixel!
RGB(red,green,blue) That’s also a color pixel!

13 Formats & Fidelity

14 Many Formats jpeg or jpg, png, tif, gif, …
Different encodings, different sizes but they all will work Actually different ways to COMPRESS them Why compression? 1000 red pixels in a row… That’s why they are different sizes But you MUST use the correct extension name and capitalization

15 How much fidelity? Big difference in size is how many pixels were used (dpi) you WILL run out of space Don’t use more than you need! Common dpi: 96, 300, Dimensions in pixels (700, 2000, 4000, …) Little pictures don’t need that much detail Don’t always need HD! Tools to change the fidelity Use any program Can do it on the web

16 Tools Changing Fidelity Formats Cropping Tools Programs Web: Phixr

17 Images in HTML

18 Images on the Web Pictures Page backgrounds
Element backgrounds (list items!) Link displays (arrows) List markers Borders

19 Images in HTML Remember that HTML is just text
Need to point to pictures Use the img tag <img src=“where” alt=“what”> alt: screen reader REQUIRED for this class and to validate

20 Picture Sources Your own Publicly available
Reduce fidelity! Publicly available Flickr and the Creative Commons Google and labeled for reuse IMPORTANT TO ASSURE NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT

21 Formatting and Sizing

22 Formatting img All the box-related characteristics in CSS
Add class in HTML

23 Resizing and Cropping Resize and crop before you put it in the folder
Why? Size on page Size of file More control

24 Sizing Pictures in CSS HTML permits you to put size on an img, but NOT in this class. ALWAYS do it in css. Only size ONE dimension. Deductions for using both: funny house effect Why not always resize picture to wanted size? May want to reuse image multiple times Simpler to make multiple pictures consistent in CSS

25 Adding a caption <figure> <img …> <figcaption>caption</figcaption> </figure>

26 Images as Background

27 Overall page design Default: window size
Advantage: grows and shrinks easily Disadvantage: harder to design Making body fixed width Advantage: easier to control Disadvantage: scroll bars and unused space Using fixed width section in default body Combines advantage of fixed width without scroll bar Allows complex backgrounds

28 Background Image Body background Need to assure readability
Simple images (see resources) For busier images: use overlay Use div or section or … Opacity (0 to 1) to let it show through Background-image: url(“file name”); Background-size Background-repeat

29 Opacity (on div) 1 is fully opaque : can’t see through
0 is fully transparent: background disappears Biggest issue: Everything inside inherits the opacity Figures problematic

30 Gradients Any place that you have a background Lots of different types
Google it! Not supported consistently on browsers

31 Storing Images

32 Where are pictures stored?
Can be any where on the web src has full url <img src=“ us/sittersonsmall.jpg” alt=“Sitterson”> Problems Pictures change or disappear You’re poaching on their resources NOT PERMITTED FOR THIS CLASS

33 Preferable: IN THE FOLDER
If you only have one or two, just another file src just needs the file name <img src=“sittersonsmall.jpg” alt=“Sitterson”> REMEMBER: case matters If you have a lot, keep them in their own folder src needs the path <img src=“images/sittersonsmall.jpg” alt=“Sitterson”> Either is specific to this website

34 Same image on ALL your websites
Examples Company logo Your picture Put it in the top level e.g., onyen for this class (same place as your course page) Reference as <img src=“../sittersonsmall.jpg” alt=“Sitterson”>

35 References Summary (src or href)
In my folder file.ext In a subfolder subfolder/file.ext In a higher folder ../file.ext On the web

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