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Discernment of Spirits

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1 Discernment of Spirits
Ignatius’ Rules for Discernment

2 Interior Movements Growing in spiritual freedom stirs emotions
Emotions can spur us to growth or derail us How do we learn to trust what our feelings are telling us? Positive emotions good signs Negative emotions spur us to growth

3 Responding to Emotional States
Consolation Desolation Emotional states that affect us globally…deep. Almost seem to come from beyond us!

4 Human Tendencies Movement towards light, truth, freedom, love, life.
Movement towards darkness, lies, enslavement, egoism, death. Former comes from the Good Spirit Latter comes from the Evil Spirit

5 Human Tendencies Evil, bent on human destruction, seeks to conceal itself…like the enemy We are not doomed to succumb to evil. We can figure out its logic!

6 Rules for Discernment Introductory Principles
Those who are moving from bad to worse experience the evil spirit as congenial and confirming of their ways! Encourages our self-seeking ways! The good spirit counters - stinging conscience

7 Rules for Discernment Introductory Principles
Those who are growing in spiritual freedom experience the OPPOSITE… The evil spirit can send desolation- gnawing anxiety, sadness, temptations, discouragement. The good spirit encourages giving consolation, grace, strength, joy, peace.

8 Rules for Discernment Advancing in Spiritual Freedom
Enemy discourages – Desolation God’s Spirit encourages – Consolation Consolation releases new energies, widens our vision, directs us beyond ourselves Remember: Consolation, though pleasant is different than pleasure. It’s deep peace, joy….amidst struggles Drawn to generosity, gratitude, sacrifice for others. “The Right Thing”

9 Rules for Discernment Advancing in Spiritual Freedom
Enemy discourages – Desolation God’s Spirit encourages – Consolation Remember: Desolation occasioned by external events, or our own emotional, physical states. Personal tragedy, depressing news, failure, persecution, frustration, fatigue. Drains energy, draws us into self-satisfaction Generosity seems repugnant Prayer becomes difficult. God seems distant! Desolation: Sadness, inner turmoil Deep…


11 Desolation Negative thinking Narrows vision Obscures memory of good
Obscures possibility of grace!

12 As we grow in spiritual freedom:
Expect to encounter desolation Times of consolation Times in between, calm.

13 As we grow in spiritual freedom:
Consolation will not pose obstacles, though it can call us to follow difficult course. Desolation: Calls us to question our actions.

14 As we grow in spiritual freedom:
Rule: When in desolation, do not make important changes! Why: In desolation we lack the peace of mind necessary to assess alternatives properly. Stick to course chosen while in consolation!

15 As we grow in spiritual freedom
When in desolation, resist temptation actively. Don’t Negotiate! Evil spirit will eat you alive! How resist: Do the Good! Turn to God. Be resolute about who you wish to be. Desolation if we prevail, can strengthen us. Reminds us we are creatures, and we don’t do the good just to get warm fuzzy feeling.

16 Finally… When in desolation, remember that consolation awaits us around the corner! When in consolation, don’t get arrogant, desolation lurks ahead. Remember Peter, Satan waits to sift you like wheat! But my grace will be available to you.

17 Two Tips The Evil spirit prefers secrecy in attacking our weaknesses.
So confiding our temptations causes them to lose their power. Remember: The evil spirit has a personalized game plan for attacking us. We must know our weak points! Take measures to fortify ourselves…

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