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Working with your Trustee

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1 Working with your Trustee
Janet McDougald and Suzanne Nurse

2 Trustees 101 12 trustees serve from Dec. 1, 2014 to Nov. 30, 2018
elected by public school taxpayers every four years during municipal elections directly accountable to the community Quick definition of a trustee, including how they are elected, who they represent and how long they represent for

3 Role of Trustee advocate for community needs to other members of the board help community members address concerns about the school system set policies in curriculum, facilities, human and financial resources explain policies and decisions of the board to the community List roles of trustee (each bullet appears on click)

4 Role of Trustee evaluate the board's achievement of its goals and objectives and monitor its implementation of new policies participate in budget development, approve budget decisions and monitor its progress protect the future of the board by always considering the long-term effects of decisions

5 Trustee role in school councils
provide advice on board policies or on drafting a recommendation for board consideration support the work of school councils act as a resource for council members act as a liaison between the council and the board act as a link between school councils and the community help make community contacts List role of trustee in school councils – each point appears on click

6 Working with your Trustee
Get connected introduce yourself to your trustee by or phone all contact information is posted at

7 Working with your Trustee
Share information keep your trustee informed by sending meeting agendas and minutes be sure to invite your trustee to events

8 Working with your Trustee
Trade knowledge ask your trustee for: any insights he or she has about the community any particular concerns he or she may have heard from parents

9 Working with your Trustee
Stay informed subscribe to board highlights at  attend a board meeting to meet the board in person view meeting agendas online in the Trustees section

10 What makes a school council meeting successful?
meeting has purpose and agenda members participate actively democratic process What makes a school council meeting successful? members are committed to decisions and actions generation of creative, relevant ideas

11 Effective school council meetings
Listen and facilitate  ensure all voices at the table are heard don't allow one member to dominate the discussion help the group to come to consensus on topics

12 Effective school council meetings
Provide focus remind members the purpose of the council is to represent the entire school population, not personal interests always consider the best interests of students and the school

13 Effective school council meetings
Stay positive stay positive to keep the experience fun and productive always look for solutions

14 Effective school council meetings
Be strong it may be necessary to manage difficult situations as a leader, you will need to speak on behalf of the group

15 Thank you. Any questions?

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