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10 Blended Families Part 1.

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Presentation on theme: "10 Blended Families Part 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Blended Families Part 1

2 Blended Family - Statistics
48% of all first marriages end in divorce. 79% women and 89% men remarry 68% of remarriages have children from previous marriages -

3 Blended Family - Statistics
21 New blended families formed every day in U.S. Less than 12% divorced or single parents go too church because they, “…don’t feel the church cares about their broken lives.” -


5 Blended Family – Biblical Examples
Jacob and two wives

6 Blended Family – Today’s Examples
Subsequent marriages

7 Blended Family – Today’s Examples
Subsequent marriages Single parents with multi-partner children

8 Blended Family – Today’s Examples
Subsequent marriages Single parents with multi-partner children Grandparents raising grandchildren

9 Blended Family – Today’s Examples
Subsequent marriages Single parents with multi-partner children Grandparents raising grandchildren Multigenerational Adoptive situations, group homes

10 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages

11 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages

12 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages
Immaturity Sex

13 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages
Immaturity Sex Marriage Prep

14 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages
Immaturity Sex Marriage Prep In-laws

15 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages
Immaturity Sex Marriage Prep In-laws Values conflict

16 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages
Immaturity Sex Marriage Prep In-laws Values conflict Adjustment problems

17 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages
Immaturity Sex Marriage Prep In-laws Values conflict Adjustment problems Child rearing

18 Reasons for Divorce in First Marriages
Immaturity Sex Marriage Prep In-laws Values conflict Adjustment problems Child rearing Finances

19 Reasons for Divorce in Second Marriages

20 Reasons for Divorce in Second Marriages
Child Rearing

21 Reasons for Divorce in Second Marriages
Child Rearing Finances

22 Reasons for Divorce in Second Marriages
Child Rearing Finances Relatives

23 Reasons for Divorce in Second Marriages
Child Rearing Finances Relatives Values

24 Reasons for Divorce in Second Marriages
Child Rearing Finances Relatives Values Sharing of Tasks

25 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:13-14

26 How To Prepare – Philippians 3:13-14
Know Your Mate and Children

27 How To Prepare – Philippians 3:13-14
Know Your Mate and Children Understand Children’s Needs

28 How To Prepare – Philippians 3:13-14
Know Your Mate and Children Understand Children’s Needs Build a New Relationship

29 How To Prepare – Philippians 3:13-14
Know Your Mate and Children Understand Children’s Needs Build a New Relationship Include Everyone

30 Arriving at Unity

31 Avoid Co-Conductor System
Arriving at Unity Avoid Co-Conductor System

32 Arriving at Unity Avoid Co-Conductor System Give Up Previous Role

33 Establish Ground Rules
Arriving at Unity Avoid Co-Conductor System Give Up Previous Role Establish Ground Rules

34 Ground Rules Courtesy

35 Ground Rules Courtesy Family Rules

36 Ground Rules Courtesy Family Rules Fairness

37 Ground Rules Courtesy Family Rules Fairness Division of Labor

38 Spiritual Goals Ground Rules Courtesy Family Rules Fairness
Division of Labor Spiritual Goals

39 Only Jesus can make two into one.

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