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Transitioning to Secondary School

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1 Transitioning to Secondary School
South Lee Autism Services TEEN Years Intervention Team September 2012

2 Our goals: Increase understanding of secondary school Reduce anxieties
Increase independence

3 TEEN Years Team Seamas Feehan, Psychologist
Alice Mc Inerney, Social Worker Noreen O’Sullivan & Denise Healy, Speech & Language Therapists Karen Barry, Occupational Therapist Sarah Keohane & Roisin McDaid, Home Support Workers

Understanding ASD training Parent Post-Diagnostic group Early Bird, Early Bird Plus Environmental accommodations e.g. visuals, schedules etc Parent information evenings UNIVERSAL INTERVENTIONS 80-90% of needs All children & families Proactive, preventative Being Well Social Story training Incredible Years Hanen Sensory strategies Behaviour management Emotional development Being-well training Communication groups Fun with food groups Home support groups After schools groups Handwriting groups ALERT Programmes Self-care/Life skills Sibshop groups TARGETED INTERVENTIONS 5-15% of needs Some 'at risk' children & families Individual consultation with families, school staff etc telephone home visit / school visit Assessment 1:1 programmes 1:1 therapy INTENSE INTERVENTIONS 1-5% of needs Few children & families You are already familiar of this model – used successfully by NEPS Bring copyof NEPS documents 4 4

5 Our role in supporting a smooth transition:
To provide information to parents & schools To provide resources and useful links To compile a team transition report To provide support & training to secondary schools To provide support regarding specific needs

6 Information to parents & schools:
Handover from Middle to Teen Years Team Information evenings for parents, from 4th class until transition Information morning for primary schools resource staff South Lee schools with students transitioning to secondary school have been invited

7 Resources Secondary Skills Checklist
Transitioning to Secondary School Workbook, created by the BOC South Lee Autism Services List of additional resources to support specific target areas All resources available What the workbook it. Review sections, schools and parents may have it. Trecommended from 4th class on. Resopurce time. Identify needs from it – which he understands which . Practice the practical skills, even without mentioning secondary. Find ways that you can practice the skills in school, home, etc. Resources schools/home/clinic

8 Team Report What is the goal? Who is it for? Who writes it?
Where does the information come from? When is the report sent? What is in the report? GOAL – Identify child’s need for resources to the SENO, provide information to new staff at secondary school. It is a practical report that gives an overall picture of child and the key strategies that are needed. To meet the need for recent report – for parents, schools, SENO . Schools sometimes pressure parents for recent assts, when in fact, the SENOS have informed our service that that it is not what is required. This MDT report meets the needs. Came from our own experiences from school, parents and SENOs Reader friendly – practical functional . WHO - It is SENO & parents sent to both. It is parent decision to send to secondary school. However, it would be most useful to share with secondary school, prior to school starting. One randomly selected member of the team is the report manager- - RM compiles report. Each report is regularly discussed with all of the TEEN years members, to identify strengths and needs and obtain a holistic image of child. SW may be the RM but all of team have input, and including file review. WHERE – we have loads of info about the child . File, handover from middle years - - up to date info of interventions; file review provides lots of information from scores from assts, progress made, -helps to determine if additional asst is required. Eg each psych section last cognitive, the child falls within average range of ablility . That is positive. Parents – you know your child best – you’re the expert on your child. SO, there is input from parents, Resource teacher & clinical staff. WHEN – March is our deadline , because that is the time the SENOs require the report so that they can apply for resources USE BLANK REPORT TO GO THROUGH

9 Support and training Invited all secondary schools (South Lee) with a child in our service ; morning session – practical KEY message: Understand, accept and make changes Specific workshop training provided to schools, on request Individual school visit, based on need Whole school. Resources – specific program Environment changes Strategies alrady in place and continued

10 Support regarding individual needs
Referral system – for a functional problem Teachers and parents can refer for specific issues Keeping in mind intervention model in place Support needed when needs cannot be met through strategies already in place Need may be met through more universal strategies .


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