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Ancient Rome (509 BC-476 AD).

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1 Ancient Rome (509 BC-476 AD)

2 I. Ancient villages along the Tiber River form the city of Rome in the 700’s BC, Romans were very influenced by the Greeks

3 A. Roman Government- established world’s first republic- democratic government in which people vote for representatives to run the government & vote in the Senate

4 Roman Architecture


6 Senatus Populusque Romanus (Roman Senate & People)

7 Roman Latin Alphabet A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z

8 Countries that use the Latin Alphabet

9 1. Republic establishes highly disciplined and organized army divided into legions, each with 6,000 soldiers

10 The Roman Legions


12 Spoils of War

13 2. By 265 BC, Romans controlled all of Italy, began expansion into Mediterranean

14 Roman Emergence

15 B. By 55 BC, Julius Caesar conquered Spain, Britain, and Gaul (France)

16 Julius Caesar quotes: “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
“I’d rather be first in a small village than second in Rome.” “Cowards die many times before their actual deaths.”

17 Caesar’s Invasions


19 1. Amazingly popular, Caesar defeats rivals & becomes dictator for life, but jealous Senators stab him to death in 44 BC Julius Caesar Marcus Brutus


21 2. Roman republic plunged into civil war, won by Caesar’s adopted son, Augustus (Octavian)
Augustus defeats Mark Antony & Cleopatra at Actium

22 Augustus’ Enemies: Antony & Cleopatra

23 Augustus “I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.”

24 Ancient Rome

25 Circus Maximus

26 The Pantheon

27 A few Greco-Roman gods & goddesses
Zeus Jupiter (king of the gods) Aphrodite Venus (goddess of beauty) Athena Minerva (goddess of wisdom) Ares Mars (god of war) Eros Cupid (god of love) Hades Pluto (lord of the underworld) Helios Apollo (sun god & god of music) Poseidon Neptune (sea god)

28 II. Rise of the Roman Empire

29 A. Augustus ends the republic by eliminating the power of the Senate, the Roman government now ruled by an Emperor (Emperors worshipped as one of the gods)

30 B. Romans continue expansion into Egypt, Greece, Palestine, and North Africa

31 C. 27 BC-180 AD a time of great prosperity known as the Pax Romana (Roman Peace)

32 Height of the Empire, AD 117

33 Coliseum


35 Gladiators Fight In The Colosseum


37 Chariot Races in the Circus Maximus

38 1. Romans set up an efficient administration, roads & aqueducts supplied all regions with food and water

39 Roman Roads

40 Roman Aqueducts

41 Public Bathhouse

42 2. Roman law codes became the basis of all modern law

43 III. Rise of Christianity

44 A. Life of Jesus- at age 30 began preaching message of love and forgiveness, attracted crowds, promised eternal life

45 1. Roman and Jewish leaders believed Jesus a threat to the traditional order, he’s crucified (followers believe he was the son of God & was resurrected 3 days later)

46 Roman Crucifixion


48 B. Early Christians persecuted, many died and became martyrs (one who dies for a cause or belief)

49 Early Christian Martyrs

50 1. Christianity slowly spreads, and by 391 AD, Christianity is the official religion of the Roman Empire Paul the Apostle Emperor Constantine

51 Early Christian Areas

52 IV. The fall of the Empire- internal corruption and external invasion combine to topple Rome

53 A. Internal- millions of poor drained resources, series of weak and unstable emperors & civil war


55 B. External- empire became too large to defend, couldn’t stop invasions from German barbarian tribes

56 1. Rome captured by German barbarian tribes in 476 AD, Western Europe broken into separate kingdoms ruled by German kings, Roman and German societies combine

57 The Roman Empire

58 The Roman Forum

59 C. Eastern portion of the Roman Empire continued to live on as the Byzantine Empire (500 AD AD)

60 D. Legacy- Romans the most powerful in the ancient world, continued Greek knowledge/ learning, society and culture is example to all future nations

61 On a ½ sheet of paper write your name and…..
*Two things you learned from 1.2 *One question you have about anything in 1.2

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