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Lecture 11 Goals: Employ Newton’s Laws in 2D problems with circular motion Relate Forces with acceleration Assignment: HW5, (Chapter 7, 8 and 9 due.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 11 Goals: Employ Newton’s Laws in 2D problems with circular motion Relate Forces with acceleration Assignment: HW5, (Chapter 7, 8 and 9 due."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 11 Goals: Employ Newton’s Laws in 2D problems with circular motion Relate Forces with acceleration Assignment: HW5, (Chapter 7, 8 and 9 due 10/18) For Wednesday: Reading through 1st four sections in Ch. 9 1

2 Chapter8 Reprisal of : Uniform Circular Motion
For an object moving along a curved trajectory with constant speed a = ar (radial only) |ar |= vt2 r ar v

3 Non-uniform Circular Motion
For an object moving along a curved trajectory, with non-uniform speed a = ar + aT (radial and tangential) aT |ar |= vT2 r ar dt d| | v |aT|=

4 Uniform or non-uniform circular motion
|aradial | =vT2 / r implies  and if there is acceleration there MUST be a net force

5 Key steps Identify forces (i.e., a FBD) Identify axis of rotation Apply conditions (position, velocity & acceleration)

6 Consider a person on a swing:
Example The pendulum axis of rotation Consider a person on a swing: (A) (B) (C) When is the tension equal to the weight of the person + swing? (A) At the top of the swing (turnaround point) (B) Somewhere in the middle (C) At the bottom of the swing (D) Never, it is always greater than the weight (E) Never, it is always less than the weight

7 Example Gravity, Normal Forces etc.
mg T q y x axis of rotation vT mg T at top of swing vT = 0 Fr = m 02 / r = 0 = T – mg cos q T = mg cos q T < mg at bottom of swing vT is max Fr = m ac = m vT2 / r = T - mg T = mg + m vT2 / r T > mg

8 Conical Pendulum (Not a simple pendulum)
Swinging a ball on a string of length L around your head (r = L sin q) axis of rotation S Fr = mar = T sin q S Fz = 0 = T cos q – mg so T = mg / cos q (> mg) mar = (mg / cos q ) (sin q ) ar = g tan q = vT2/r  vT = (gr tan q)½ L r Period: T= 2p r / vT =2p (r cot q /g)½ = 2p (L cos q /g)½

9 Conical Pendulum (very different)
Swinging a ball on a string of length L around your head axis of rotation r L Period: t = 2p r / vT =2p (r cot q /g)½ = 2p (L cos q / g )½ = 2p (5 cos 5 / 9.8 )½ = 4.38 s = 2p (5 cos 10 / 9.8 )½ = 4.36 s = 2p (5 cos 15 / 9.8 )½ = 4.32 s

10 Another example of circular motion Loop-the-loop 1
A match box car is going to do a loop-the-loop of radius r. What must be its minimum speed vt at the top so that it can manage the loop successfully ?

11 Loop-the-loop 1 To navigate the top of the circle its tangential velocity vT must be such that its centripetal acceleration at least equals the force due to gravity. At this point N, the normal force, goes to zero (just touching). Fr = mar = mg = mvT2/r vT = (gr)1/2 vT mg

12 Loop-the-loop 2 The match box car is going to do a loop-the-loop. If the speed at the bottom is vB, what is the normal force, N, at that point? Hint: The car is constrained to the track. Fr = mar = mvB2/r = N - mg N = mvB2/r + mg N v mg

13 Orbiting satellites vT = (gr)½
Net Force: ma = mg = mvT2 / r gr = vT vT = (gr)½ The only difference is that g is less because you are further from the Earth’s center!

14 Geostationary orbit

15 Geostationary orbit The radius of the Earth is ~6000 km but at km you are ~42000 km from the center of the earth. Fgravity is proportional to r -2 and so little g is now ~10 m/s2 / 50 vT = (0.20 * )½ m/s = 3000 m/s At 3000 m/s, period T = 2p r / vT = 2p / sec = = sec = s/ 3600 s/hr = 24 hrs Orbit affected by the moon and also the Earth’s mass is inhomogeneous (not perfectly geostationary) Great for communication satellites (1st pointed out by Arthur C. Clarke)

16 Recap Assignment: HW5, For Wednesday: Finish reading through 1st four sections in Chapter 9 1

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