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Calculations - Advanced
Operator Aliases Unmasked
Objectives This course will attempt to help utilize the following options in calculation. Variables Functions Flags (Order, Specimen, Result levels) Preservation of historical results Suggested Review: Basic Calculations
Variables Is there an easier way to read and write calculations
Have you ever wanted to build a resulting keypad option in Lab more than 15 characters ? Have you ever needed to provide a specific result to pass to a SCC Gene Suite module? Do you have a multitude of ‘sticky notes’ adhered to your computer monitors that you just want to get rid of?
Variables Variables are helpful when writing long calculations and/or calculations that have the same expressions used multiple times.
Variables $C:=@CAT+@DOG; $A:=@FAST+@SLOW; 186*$C*$A Same as…
One Capital letter code can be used in different calculations as needed. The definition of the Variable by single letter is specific ONLY to that calculation and does not carry-over to any other variable calculation. Maximum defined Variables per calculation = 26 [Letters A – Z] Only 186*$C*$A Same as… On to Variables. A variable is a way to define some shortcut that indicates some information to the system. For example, if I wanted to define a shortcut for saying “the numeric value of the test…”, I could define the letter N to mean “the numeric value of the test…” The SYNTAX for defining a variable is dollar sign, some single character of your choosing, colon, equal sign, the definition, semi- colon In the example, the variable has been defined using the letter N. The definition of the variable is the first line: So that every time you see $N, you know it stands for the numeric value of the test FISH + 10 The you use this variable in your calculation. Note in the example $N is used twice. Each time, you should read $N as the numeric value of the test FISH + 10. And so the calculation part is pronounced- is the numeric value of the test FISH greater than 30? If so, report out the numeric value of the test FISH. Otherwise, is the numeric value of the test FISH less than 10? If so, substituting for the variable N- take the numeric value of the test FISH and add 10. Multiply that sum by 2. Report that product plus the canned Otherwise, again substituting for the variable N, take the numeric value of the test FISH and add 10. Report that sum plus the canned Fisherpeople in the crowd may recognize the humor in this calculation. It is basically saying if you caught 30 or more fish, tell everyone how many you caught. Otherwise, if you caught less than 10 fish, then double the number of fish you caught, add 10 more and tell everyone that’s how many fish you caught (with some little white lie thrown in). If you caught 10 or more fish, but less than 30, then take the number of fish you caught, add 10, throw in a little white lie and tell people that’s how many fish you caught. Notice the variable is a single letter code. More than one variable can be defined. This variable is particular to this calc only. $N could stand for something else in the next calc. Notice the semi-colon after each variable definition. This semi-colon tells the system to perform each part of the calculation consecutively.
CKD-EPI GFR calculation
The CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration) equation was developed in an effort to create a more precise formula to estimate glomerular filtrate rate (GFR) from serum creatinine and other readily available clinical parameters, especially at when actual GFR is >60 mL/min per 1.73m2. GFR = 141 X min(Scr/κ,1)α X max(Scr/k,1) X 0.993Age X [if female] X [if black] Where Scr is serum creatinine (mg/dL), κ is 0.7 for females and 0.9 for males, α is for females and for males, min indicates the minimum of Scr/ κ or 1, and max indicates the maximum of Scr/ κ or 1.
$S:=DBFLD("","SEX")=="F"; $A:=POW(0.993,((DBFLD("ACCDATE","AGE"))/365.25)); $N:=141*$J*$K*$A; $O:=141*$L*$M*$A; $S?(1.018*1.159*$N>=90?">=90":1.018*1.159*$N):(1.159*$O>=90?">=90":1.159*$O)
$S:=DBFLD("","SEX")=="F"; $A:=POW(0.993,((DBFLD("ACCDATE","AGE"))/365.25)); $N:=141*$J*$K*$A; $O:=141*$L*$M*$A; $S?(1.018*$N>=90?">=90":1.018*$N):($O>=90?">=90":$O)
Cascading Variable Have you ever wanted to build a resulting keypad option in Lab more than 15 characters ? Have you ever needed to provide a specific result to pass to a SCC Gene Suite module? Do you have a multitude of ‘sticky notes’ adhered to your computer monitors that you just want to get rid of?
Cascading Variable Example: Prompt Tests
Need to record proper fluid source when received in Lab Or Need to record Clinical Indication for test Ordered for reporting in Lab and/or sending to Genomics suite
Cascading Variable Urine Clean Catch Urine Random Urine Bagged
Urine Foley Catheter Urine Straight Catheter Urine Suprapubic Aspirate Fluid Peritoneal Fluid Pleural Fluid Ascites Fluid Spinal (CSF) Fluid Pericardial Fluid Gastric Fluid Other Penis Vagina Cervix PCR Urine Synovial Knee Synovial Elbow Synovial Other
The calculation is built as a variable
(arbitrarily assigned as $R in this equation). Clean Foley Spinal $R The is the designation of “alphanumeric” result of test ID = FLSRC The double == signs mean "exactly equal" to "whatever is in quotation marks". (First 15 characters only) The quotation marks MUST be STRAIGHT quotes or it will not work. Build calculations using WordPad or build directly in the Canned Message section of Lab. You can use as many as 99 lines and as few as 1. The base equation is: =="max15characters"?"reported result":$R; $R
Cascading Variable Example: Prompt Tests
Need to record Clinical Indication for test Ordered for reporting in Lab and/or sending to Genomics suite
Cascading Variable Flow Cytometry Indications $R:=$@FLIND;
Anemia"?"AA":$R; Leukemia"?"ALEUK":$R; Lymphocyt"?"ALL":$R; Myeloid L"?"AML":$R; Monocytic"?"AMOL":$R; Promyeloc"?"APL":$R; NOS"?"ANOS":$R; Lympho"?"ATYP":$R; Lymphocy"?"BCLL":$R; Lymphoma"?"BCLY":$R; Lymph"?"BURKL":$R; Lymphoc"?"CLL":$R; Myeloid"?"CML":$R; Myelomo"?"CMML":$R; Lymp"?"FOLLY":$R; Dise"?"IDNOS":$R; gamm"?"MG":$R; cell lymp"?"LCL":$R; cell lym"?"MCL":$R; Cell Leuk"?"HCL":$R; Gamm"?"MGUS":$R; lym"?"NHL":$R; cell leu"?"PLCL":$R; Lymphocyt"?"SLL":$R; syndrome"?"SZS":$R; Leukemia"?"TCL":$R; Lymphoma"?"TCLY":$R; m"?"WMACR":$R; fungoid"?"MYCF":$R; Indicat"?"UNK":$R; $R Cascading Variable Flow Cytometry Indications
Calculation Functions
Functions are multiple predefined characters, or commands, that cause a specified action to take place in the calculation MATCH, GETDBF, POW, SQRT, ANY, STRCOMM, LOG, LOG10 And many more……. Many predefined commands. We are only looking at a few in this hour. The rest can be found in the Lab System Design 2 book or in the online Help. The SYNTAX is how a command is written. When written according to the correct SYNTAX, the system knows you want it to do something specific. On subsequent slides, the SYNTAX is written in red and bolded.
MATCH This function allows you to look for a string of characters in a specific individual test.
MATCH( "what" , where ) Can use wild card * Calculated Anion Gap: ? : Translation: Match the < sign in the first character space of the result field of test NA regardless of anything that comes after the sign OR Match the < sign in the first character space of the result field of test CL regardless of anything that comes after the sign Match the < sign in the first character space of the result field of test CO2 regardless of anything that comes after the sign Match the > sign in the first character space of the result field of test CO2 regardless of anything that comes after the sign And if any of those are True….report Canned Message otherwise, add the numeric result of CL to the numeric value of CO2 and subtract that value from the numeric result of NA The next function is the very frequently used function call MATCH. Its SYNTAX is MATCH, open parenthesis, quotation mark, what you’re looking for, quotation mark, comma, where you’re looking for the info which is the alphanumeric value of a particular test which is annotated as closed parenthesis. Note you can use an * as a wild card.
MATCH Change result from SOURCE [SOURI] keypad to Result Canned Message $I:=($A||$B||$C||$D||$E||$F||$G||$H); $A||$B ? "See Below" ? "See Below" ? "See Below" ? "See Below" Below" + "
Total Manual Segmented Neutrophils
MATCH Total Manual Segmented Neutrophils : Translation: SEG + (if no BAND then add 0, otherwise add BAND value) + (if no MYELO then add 0, otherwise add MYELO value)……….etc………. x WBC1)/100 Using MATCH before defining Variable
POW ( base , exponent ) SQRT(x) ANY(@TEST) or #@TEST Example:
SQRT(x) This function will find the square root of the value of (x) Example: SQRT(5) would return 2.236 The first function we’ll look at is POW or exponential notation. It is written as POW, open parenthesis, the base number, comma, the exponent, closed parenthesis. An example is 5 to the power of 2. When written as a function- POW, open parenthesis, 5, comma, 2, closed parenthesis. The value of this function is 5 times itself twice which is 5 times 5 which is 25. a b The second example is pronounced .45 times the numeric value of the test WT to the power of Take that number and substitute if for a. Then take 2.54 times the numeric value of the test HT to the power of .725 and substitute that result for b. Then take the number substituted for a and multiply it by the number substituted for b. or Any function that would normally return an error will actually be returned as false (0). Example: or will return 1 (true) if test is ordered, 0 (false) otherwise.
GETDBF Looking at Database Fields in Calculations
The ability to look at database fields in calculations started in SoftLab version 3.x with the introduction of function DBFLD. Sometime later another function was added, GETDBF. For most instances, the two functions were interchangeable, except when calculating AGE. [Then DBFLD was superior since it could be written to only calculate the patient’s age at a specific time, like ACCDATE (order collection date)]. This does not mean that calculations already present in the system written using DBFLD need to be changed There is also a third function that allows us look at database fields. It is known as “test access operator” or “->”.
GETDBF With three options available, which is the best to use?
That depends! Since the beginning of release 4.0, using GETDBF and -> have been the most prevalent because of the ease of use. Overall, you will find that if assistance in writing calculations is needed or if conversion in RBS takes place, you will only see these two operators.
GETDBF If looking specifically in the Test level then it’s best to use the -> operator For example, if I want to look to see if the SOURCE of the CXURN is URN, I would write it this way: == "URN" If I want to see if the specimen and workstation for test T5 are LAV and PCHMA, I’d do this: == == "PCHMA") If looking at the Patient, Stay, Order level, then best to use the GETDBF If I want to see if the patient MRN is 123, I’d do this: GETDBF("MRN")=="123" If I want to see if the order collection date is before July 13, 2010, I’d do this: GETDBF("ACCDATE")<
GETDBF Available fields
At the present moment only the following Patient level fields can be used in calculation formula: MRNUM Medical Record Number SSNUM Social Security Number SEX Sex/Gender RACE Race DOB Date of Birth AGE Age of Patient TEL Telephone Number of Patient ESO Epidemiologically Significant Diagnosis CITY City of Patient Address STATE State of Patient Address ZIP Zip Code of Patient Address RELIGION Religion of Patient PTOB Patient Time of Birth DOD Patient Date of Death TOD Patient Time of Death This example is looking for the contents of the database field known to the system as SEX. It is pronounced- Are the contents of the database field SEX equal (note the ==) to F? If so, report the numeric value of the test TESTO plus the canned Otherwise, report the numeric value of the test TESTO. Notice this requires you know two things- what the system calls the database field and what the contents of that field may be. For example, the database field called RACE- does it contain B, C, etc. or 1 2 3?
If the gender of the patient is F (female) then take the result of test TESTO and add canned otherwise just take the result of TESTO. If the Collection Date is after date Feb and that is true…Look for a Match in any position of the result field for test Serum Pregnancy…if that is true report the Alphanumeric result of Serum Pregnancy test..otherwise…report the Alphanumeric result of Serum Pregnancy test and add Result Canned
GETDBF Available fields
At the present moment only the following Doctor level fields can be used in calculation formula: DCNUM Doctor Number (ID) - Requesting DCROUTE Doctor Route – Courier Route DCSERV Doctor Service Type DCSCHED Doctor Schedule DCPCSCHED Doctor Pickup Schedule DCMEDSERV Doctor Medical Service Code This example is looking for the contents of the database field known to the system as SEX. It is pronounced- Are the contents of the database field SEX equal (note the ==) to F? If so, report the numeric value of the test TESTO plus the canned Otherwise, report the numeric value of the test TESTO. Notice this requires you know two things- what the system calls the database field and what the contents of that field may be. For example, the database field called RACE- does it contain B, C, etc. or 1 2 3? GETDBF("DCNUM")=="12045"?
GETDBF Available fields
At the present moment only the following Clinic level fields can be used in calculation formula: CLCODE Ward/Clinic Code - ID CLSERV Clinic Service Type CLAREA Clinic Area CLFACIL Clinic Facility CLGROUP Group of Clinics CLTEL Clinic Telephone Number – Primary CLTEL Clinic Telephone Number – Secondary This example is looking for the contents of the database field known to the system as SEX. It is pronounced- Are the contents of the database field SEX equal (note the ==) to F? If so, report the numeric value of the test TESTO plus the canned Otherwise, report the numeric value of the test TESTO. Notice this requires you know two things- what the system calls the database field and what the contents of that field may be. For example, the database field called RACE- does it contain B, C, etc. or 1 2 3? GETDBF("CLCODE")=="ICU"?
GETDBF Available fields
At the present moment only the following Stay level fields can be used in calculation formula: BILN Billing Number WARD Ward/Clinic (from Stay) ATDOCT Attending Doctor ADMDATE Admission Date DISDATE Discharge Date DIAGNO Primary Stay Diagnosis This example is looking for the contents of the database field known to the system as SEX. It is pronounced- Are the contents of the database field SEX equal (note the ==) to F? If so, report the numeric value of the test TESTO plus the canned Otherwise, report the numeric value of the test TESTO. Notice this requires you know two things- what the system calls the database field and what the contents of that field may be. For example, the database field called RACE- does it contain B, C, etc. or 1 2 3? GETDBF("WARD")=="ED"?
GETDBF Available fields
At the present moment only the following Order level fields can be used in calculation formula: ORDERNO Order Number ACCDATE Order Collection Date ACCTIME Order Collection Time AFLAGS Order Flags REQDOC Requesting Doctor TODOC Copy to Doctor TODOC Copy to Doctor TODOC Copy to Doctor TODOC Copy to Doctor TODOC Copy to Doctor PRIOR Order Priority DEPOT Ordering Depot INS st Insurance Code INS nd Insurance Code INS rd Insurance Code ABN ABN Form Flag This example is looking for the contents of the database field known to the system as SEX. It is pronounced- Are the contents of the database field SEX equal (note the ==) to F? If so, report the numeric value of the test TESTO plus the canned Otherwise, report the numeric value of the test TESTO. Notice this requires you know two things- what the system calls the database field and what the contents of that field may be. For example, the database field called RACE- does it contain B, C, etc. or 1 2 3? GETDBF("DEPOT")=="M1"?
GETDBF Available fields
At the present moment only the following Specimen level fields can be used in calculation formula: ASCDATE Collection date ASCTIME Collection time ASRCDATE Receiving date ASRCTIME Receiving time ASFLAGS Specimen flags ASPECIM Specimen ID This example is looking for the contents of the database field known to the system as SEX. It is pronounced- Are the contents of the database field SEX equal (note the ==) to F? If so, report the numeric value of the test TESTO plus the canned Otherwise, report the numeric value of the test TESTO. Notice this requires you know two things- what the system calls the database field and what the contents of that field may be. For example, the database field called RACE- does it contain B, C, etc. or 1 2 3? GETDBF("ASPECIM")=="SST"?
Test level then it’s best to use the -> operator
Available fields At the present moment only the following Test level fields can be used in calculation formula: AFLAGS Test Flags 1 AFLAGS Test Flags 2 – Result Flags ACOUNTER Test Flags 3 ATDATE Test Resulted Date ATTIME Test Resulted Time ARDATE Test Verification Date ARTIME Test Verification Time ATWRKID Ordering Workstation ID ATWRKRES Resulting Workstation ID This example is looking for the contents of the database field known to the system as SEX. It is pronounced- Are the contents of the database field SEX equal (note the ==) to F? If so, report the numeric value of the test TESTO plus the canned Otherwise, report the numeric value of the test TESTO. Notice this requires you know two things- what the system calls the database field and what the contents of that field may be. For example, the database field called RACE- does it contain B, C, etc. or 1 2 3?
Test level then it’s best to use the -> operator
@CREA"): == "URN" == "LAV") && == "PCHMA")
Specimen Age Calculation
Test level then it’s best to use the -> operator Specimen Age Calculation Calculation help requested for specimen age calculation We have a request to add a canned message to a test PHFLD whenever the test result time and test collection time differ by greater than 4 hrs. @4HR")))
Calculations Using Flags
Many predefined commands. We are only looking at a few in this hour. The rest can be found in the Lab System Design 2 book or in the online Help. The SYNTAX is how a command is written. When written according to the correct SYNTAX, the system knows you want it to do something specific. On subsequent slides, the SYNTAX is written in red and bolded.
Flags – AFLAGS1 Recollection - flips all specimen flags back to “N”
AFLAGS1 stores all kind of other Test result related flags e.g. test verified, edited, posted, downloaded etc. atest.aflags1 Hexadecimal Decimal (Use this Value in Syntax) RES_FLAG_W 0x Worksheeted RES_FLAG_D 0x Downloaded RES_FLAG_E 0x Edited RES_FLAG_P 0x Posted RES_FLAG_V 0x Verified RES_FLAG_R 0x Reported RES_FLAG_O 0x Called RES_FLAG_X 0x Ordered as Reflex RES_FLAG_L 0x Result Not Changed RES_FLAG_C 0x Credited RES_FLAG_B 0x Billed RES_FLAG_A 0x Rerun Flag RES_FLAG_S 0x Specimen Collected RES_FLAG_I 0x Specimen Received RES_FLAG_F 0x Ref Lab RES_FLAG_G x Result at Ordering Recollection - flips all specimen flags back to “N” and there is no flag which = specimen was recollected.
Flags – AFLAGS1 If we are interested in flag “collected”
is only a subsidiary condition checking that test GT3 is ordered. It is required for faster work of RBS server. So correct calculation for “received” flag would be:
Flags – AFLAGS2 atest.aflags2
Hexadecimal Decimal (Use this Value in Syntax) F_PANICL 0x01 1 Panic Low F_PANICH 0x Panic High F_PANIC 0x03 3 Panic F_ABNORML 0x Abnormal Low F_ABNORMH 0x08 8 Abnormal High F_ABNORMAL 0x0c 12 Abnormal F_DELTAP 0x Delta Percent F_DELTAA 0x Delta Absolute F_DELTA 0x Delta F_ABSURL 0x Absurd Low F_ABSURH 0x Absurd High F_ABSURD 0xc Absurd F_NOTNORM 0xcf 207 Not Normal F_QCVIOL x QC Violation F_REFLTST x Ref LabTest The AFLAGS2 field stores Range related flags like panic, delta, absurd, abnormal.
Flags – AFLAGS2 & 8) && & 15) && ? + If the TROPI test is flagged as ‘Posted’ and at the same time the Result Flag of the TROPI test is NOT ‘NOT NORMAL’ [Panic/Abnormal] AND at the same time there is NOT a MATCH characters in the result field of TROPI and all of that is True……..Report the alphanumeric result of TROPI and attach Result Canned Do Nothing. (Calculation is best used in RBS rule rather than Test level as the result MUST have a Posted flag present which is set by the Instrument Interface. This calculation / RBS idea was set to AutoVerify a specific test if within Normal range but flagged as a Delta check).
Flags – ACOUNTER The ACOUNTER field stores Range related flags like: Reported to ELR, Pathologist Review, hidden result test, etc. Hexadecimal Decimal (Use this Value in Syntax) FAC_QCTIME 0x In SA BASE 4.5.x 1 QC time violation FAC_QCBAD 0x In SA BASE 4.5.x 2 QC bad violation FAC_HIS_RR1 0x Reported to HIS (sys#1) FAC_NONCALL 0x In SA BASE 4.5.x 8 Not callable test FAC_NONREP 0x In SA BASE 4.5.x Not reportable test FAC_SPECALL 0x Specimen marked to call FAC_SUPERV 0x In SA BASE 4.5.x Test reported in supervisor report FAC_HIDEN 0x In SA BASE 4.5.x Hidden result test FAC_ABNREP 0x In SA BASE 4.5.x Test abnormal-reported FAC_RFSEND 0x Send to reference lab, manifest FAC_TIMESTP x Time reported in atvdate, atvtime FAC_SUPERV_R x Test result reviewed by the supervisor FAC_HIS_RR2 0x Reported to HIS (sys#2) FAC_HIS_RR3 0x Reported to HIS (sys#3) FAC_HIS_RR4 0x Reported to HIS (sys#4) FAC_HIS_RR 0x Reported to HIS all sys + FAC_ELR_RES FAC_REV_ADHOC_TYPE0x Pathologist review type ad hoc FAC_FR_CALL 0x Call result (forced by RBS) FAC_FN_CALL 0x Call result (forced not by RBS) FAC_MO_CALL 0x Call result (marked order) FAC_MS_CALL 0x Call result (marked specimen) FAC_MT_CALL 0x Call result (marked test) FAC_NF_CALL 0x001c Call result (marked order,spec,test) FAC_CT_CALL 0x001f Call result (any type) FAC_ELR_ORD x Reported to ELR when ordered (LOINC) FAC_ELR_RES x Reported to ELR when resulted (LOINC) FAC_RES_LT x Result Life Threatening (set by RBS) FAC_RES_DP x Result passed delta checking FAC_BIL_HIS x Test marked as billed from HIS FAC_ROBOTICS x Downloaded to robotics system FAC_IMALERT x Result reported in immediate alert report FAC_SUMMARY x Result reported in summary alert report FAC_MIC_BILL x Micro billing test -not present in mic db FAC_REV_REQ x Pathologist review required FAC_REV_DONE x Pathologist review performed Only 7 items marked are included with SA Base or as indicated.
Calculations Apply a New Calculation to an existing Test
Write and add a NEW calculation to a test that historically has NOT had a calculation using Order Collection Date Write and add a NEW calculation to a test that historically has NOT had a calculation using a Specimen Collect Date and a Specimen Collect Time
Changing Calculations Apply a New Calculation to an existing Test with a Calculation already present Calculation is built in canned message and will be expired. New calculation will be written another same canned message ID. What is the correct way to enter the calculation in the Ind. Test calc field? Need to use MESEXPDATE(<expr1>,<expr2>) Sets the expiration date for messages use in calculation where <expr1>returns the code of the message <expr2> returns the date according which program will search for the message. Example: MESEXPDATE("MES", GETDBF("ACCDATE"));<<MES>> Shows how you can expire a message with calculation. The proper message "MES1" will be taken according to collection date from order. To Edit the calculation in a test: 1. Expire canned message with the old calculation. 2. Create a NEW canned message, using the old canned message ID 3. Enter the new calculation as the text for the message. 4. Place the new canned message ID in the calculation box of the Individual test. 5. The canned message ID is CANMG in the example below. TEST is the test for which the calculation has been entered. MESEXPDATE("CANMG",GETDBF("ACCDATE"));<<CANMG>>
RBS Only Operators/Calculations
- returns the same but reads the test level data even if there is no result. Invented because "AFLAGS1" can have collection flags set before test resulting and we wouldn't be able to inspect them until resulting. - returns the same but reads not just the result but the abnormal Flags of the test.
RBS Only Operators/Calculations
RESETNTEST( ) Sets sequential access to a Test in the current order. Resets the pointer does not point to any test GETNTEST() Sets to the next test in the current order. First call after RESETNTEST() to the first test in the order. • Example: Entering the following formula in a Reflex rule. This formula returns TRUE if any test in the current order is flagged as absurd or panic. $A:=0.0; RESETNTEST(); WHILE(!$A && GETNTEST()) DO( IF & FLG("XP")) THEN $A:=1.0 ELSE 0.0 ); $A
RBS Only Operators/Calculations
RESETNSPEC( ) Sequential access to Specimens in current order. Resets the pointer does not point to any test. GETNSPEC( ) Sets to the first test on the next specimen in the current order. First call after RESETNTEST() to the first test on the first specimen in the order. Formula returns TRUE if "LAV" specimen was collected for current order. • Example: $A:=0.0; RESETNTEST(); WHILE(!$A && GETNTEST()) DO( IF = "LAV" && $A:=1.0 ELSE 0.0 ); $A • Example: Add some test (BUN) for any order that has a test ordered that has atwrkid that is defined in the calculation. In this case, "QUEST" workstation. This type of example could be used for something like an extra handling fee for sendouts. $A:=0.0;RESETNTEST(); WHILE(!$A && GETNTEST()) DO( IF == "QUEST" ) THEN $A:=1.0 ELSE 0.0 );$A
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