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HGears-Project Kick-off Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "HGears-Project Kick-off Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 HGears-Project Kick-off Meeting
KIM Dong-Hwan

2 Introduction 1. Project Team Organization 2. Main program information
3. Product Pictures & BOM 2. Main program information 4. Design Overview 5. Process Overview 6. Customer Planning / Timing 7. Planning(S&S INC) 1. Project Team Organization 8. Open Issue Review

3 1. Project Team Organization
PSW > > 2. Process Flow Chart > > 3. Process FMEA short result > > 4. Process Control Plan > > 5. Ballooned drawing > > 6. Inspection report > > 7. Process Capability of the critical dimensions > > 8. MDS report 회의 참석자 Project Leader 차성수 상무 Project Manager 김동환 차장 1. Sun Gear Part : 이상민 과장 2. Gear Shaft Part : 안민규 사원 해외 영업팀 이승호 과장 품질확보팀 임지민 대리 SQE 구동근 과장 생산 1,2 ,3팀 정인선 부장 김선도 차장 정성균 차장 관리팀 김진태 차장 기술연구소 이의철 부장 생산관리팀 박민수 과장

4 2. Main program information
Industrial Key data Major Project Information Customer: hGears Italy Description: Sun Gear 4 ea Sun Gear Shaft 1 ea Project: Audi E-Tron Project Key dates SOP date: Mar (1분기) PPAP: Sep. 2017 VFA Pilot (700 pcs): Jun. 2017 0-Series (500 pcs) : Sep. 2017 Volume Customer Volume - Total: 260,000 sets, Average/yr: 70,000 sets Plant information Customer plant: Padova, Italy S&S INC plant: Boryeong Key figures Product life time: 7 yr Forecast of Sales(Max): 17억

5 3. Product Pictures & BOM Picture No Part No Part Name Material Remark
Qt’y Material Remark 1 EDP F SUN GEAR SHAFT 16MnCr5(DIN EN 10084) FRT Axle 2 F SUN GEAR 3 F 4 F RR Axle 5 F

6 1. Sun Gear Shaft (EDP-F-621734-01-2091)
4. Design Overview 1. Sun Gear Shaft (EDP-F ) ■ 현 도면 사양 ■ 검토 및 변경 요청 사항 1. 원 소재 재질 변경 요청 제안 : 16MnCr5(DIN EN 10084) → 17CrMnNiMo (대체 재질 사용 가능 확인 - 세아) =>사유 : 원 소재 수급 곤란. 대체 재질 사용 가능 확인 완료 : 해외 영업팀

7 1. Sun Gear Shaft (EDP-F-621734-01-2091)
4. Design Overview 1. Sun Gear Shaft (EDP-F ) ■ 현 도면 사양 ■ 검토 및 변경 요청 사항 1. SPEC 변경 요청 제안 : Run out 0.02 → Run out 0.04 =>사유 : 도면 사양 만족 어려움 Run out 0.02 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無

8 4. Design Overview 2. Sun Gear (621734-02-1041 & 621735-02-1041)
PROPOSE 1 2 1. After broaching, these dimensions are no use 1. Need a new drawing with turning and broaching New drawing for broaching without turning dim. will be issued. 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無 1. Too tight tolerance of Run out 0.03 Need to loosen Run out Spec Run out > 0.05 =>To improve productivity Can decide after CRP program (6 months later)

9 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1041 & EDP-F-621735-02-1041)
4. Design Overview 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) NO. DESIGN PROPOSE 3 4 1. Roughness requirement too tight 1. Request to loosen Roughness regulation Ra 1.6 -> Ra 3.2 => Too tight for turning process to meet Ra 1.6. It should bring an additional process to meet Ra > Low productivity 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無 1. Too tight tolerance of Roundness & Cylindricity 1. Need to loosen Roundness & Cylindricity regulation 1) Roundness > 0.05 2) Cylindricity > 0.05 => To improve productivity => Will be decided after 6 mon (same with No.2)

10 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1041 & EDP-F-621735-02-1041)
4. Design Overview 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) NO. DESIGN PROPOSE 5 6 1. Too tight tolerance of Out Dia. 1. To loose the tolerance of Out Dia. Φ /  Φ51.75±0.04 (revised) => This is machining area by mnGears after heat treatment, request to loosen that turning tolerance in order for productivity => Grinding may be not stable ,need to consider later. 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無 1.Too tight tolerance at Nose R 1. Request to loose the tolerance at Nose R R0.6 ±0.1 -> R0.6 Max => To improve productivity => Wating for Schaeffler (±0.2)

11 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1041 & EDP-F-621735-02-1041)
4. Design Overview 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) NO. DESIGN PROPOSE 7 8 1. No chamfer at Broach area 1. Need a chamfer at Broach area No Chamfer in red -> Proposal Chamfer C1 To be updated (mnGears) => Create chamfer when turning in order to prevent from bur pushed back by Broaching => Need to answer from Schaeffler 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無 1. Missing Spline data on hGears drawing 1. Need an additional Spline Spec as Luk’s drawing 2. Broaching data will be given by mnGears.

12 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1041 & EDP-F-621735-02-1041)
4. Design Overview 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) ▶Drawing Open issue Point EDP F EDP F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無

13 Missing some necessary specifications
4. Design Overview 2. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) ▶▶Drawing Issue List NO. Issues Point Spec Propose Remark F F Description 1 Pre broach hole Φ /0 Need update New dimension needed 2 Run out 0.03 A 0.05 A 3 Roughness Ra 1.6 Ra 3.2 4 Roundness 0.02 0.05 Cylindricity 0.03 0.07 5 Out Dia. Φ51.7 0/-0.046 Φ51.75 ±0.05 6 Nose R R0.6 ±0.1 - R0.6 Max 7 BROACH Chamfer 없음 Need Chamfer C1 8 Spline SPEC. Missing some necessary specifications Additional Spec 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無

14 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1081 & EDP-F-621735-02-1081)
4. Design Overview 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) NO. DESIGN PROPOSE 1 2 1. After broaching, these dimensions are no use 1. Need a new drawing after turning and broaching 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無 1. Too tight Run out 0.03 1. Request to loose Run out Spec Run out > 0.05 => For productivity

15 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1081 & EDP-F-621735-02-1081)
4. Design Overview 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) NO. DESIGN PROPOSE 3 4 1. Too tight Roughness regulation 1. Request to loosen Roughness regulation Ra 1.6 -> Ra 3.2 => Too tight for turning process to meet Ra 1.6. it should bring an additional process to meet Ra > Low productivity 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無 1. Too tight Roundness, Cylindricity Tight 2. Φ /-0.04 too Tight Need to loosen Roundness & Cylindricity regulation 1) Roundness > 0.05 2) Cylindricity > 0.05 => To improve productivity 2. Φ /-0.04 & Roundness 0.02 No machining on this area  Need to be modified after some production trial. 1) Φ / > Φ32.3±0.03 (revised) 2) Roundness > 0.05

16 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1081 & EDP-F-621735-02-1081)
4. Design Overview 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) NO. DESIGN PROPOSE 5 6 1. Too tight Out Dia. 1. Request to loosen Out Dia. tolerance 1) Φ / > Φ51.75±0.05 2) Φ / > Φ38.15±0.05 => This area is a machining area by mnGears after heat treatment : To improve productivity => After test, mnGears can decide the final tolerance => Datum C for OD should be added (taper arbor) Datum C modification accepted 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無 1. Too tight tolerance at Nose R 1. Request to loosen Nose R tolerance R0.6 ±0.2 -> R0.6 Max => To improve productivity

17 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1081 & EDP-F-621735-02-1081)
4. Design Overview 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) NO. DESIGN PROPOSE 7 8 1. Too tight at Angle tolerance 1. Request to loosen Angle tolerance 1) 33˚±1˚ -> 33˚±3˚ Too tight tolerance => Wating for Schaeffler’s opinion 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無 1. No chamfer at Broach area 1. Need a chamfer at Broach area No chamfer in red -> Proposal with Champer C1 => Create chamfer when turning in order to prevent from burr pushed back after broaching => Wating for answer from Schaeffler

18 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1081 & EDP-F-621735-02-1081)
4. Design Overview 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) ▶Drawing Open issue Point EDP F EDP F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無

19 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F-621734-02-1081 & EDP-F-621735-02-1081)
4. Design Overview 3. Sun Gear (EDP-F & EDP-F ) ▶Drawing Issue List NO. Issues Point Spec Propose Remark F 1081 F Description 1 Pre broach hole Φ /0 Need update New dimension needed 2 Run out 0.03 A 0.05 A 3 Roughness Ra 1.6 Ra 3.2 4 Roundness 0.02 0.05 Cylindercity 0.03 0.07 Roundness & Out Dia 0.03 & Φ /-0.04 - 0.05 & Φ32.3±0.1 5 Out Dia. Φ /-0.046 Φ51.75 ±0.05 Φ38.1 0/-0.039 Φ38.15 ±0.05 6 Nose R R0.6±0.2 R0.6 Max 7 Angle 33˚±1˚ 33˚±3˚ 가공 업체 도면 이슈 사항(M-TECH) : INC 해당 無

20 5. Process Overview Process Flow
▶ Sun Gear Shaft(EDP-F )

21 5. Process Overview Process Flow
▶ Sun Gear(EDP F & EDP F ) Cutting Up-setting Blocker Finisher Piercing Operation (OP#10) Incoming Inspection for Materials (OP#20) Materials Heating (OP#30) Hot-Forging (OP#40) Heat Treatment Equipment Name Spectrometer Induction Heater Sakamura HF Quenching Tempering Process Q’ty of Equip. 1 Location In-house Out-Source

22 5. Process Overview Process Flow ▶ Sun Gear(EDP F-621734.02-1081)
Cutting Up-setting Blocker Finisher Piercing Operation (OP#10) Incoming Inspection for Materials (OP#20) Materials Heating (OP#30) Hot-Forging (OP#40) Heat Treatment Equipment Name Spectrometer Induction Heater Sakamura HF Quenching Tempering Process Q’ty of Equip. 1 Location In-house Out-Source

23 5. Process Overview Process Flow ■ Sun Gear(EDP F-621735.02-1081)
Cutting Up-setting Blocker Finisher Piercing Operation (OP#10) Incoming Inspection for Materials (OP#20) Materials Heating (OP#30) Hot-Forging (OP#40) Heat Treatment Equipment Name Spectrometer Induction Heater Sakamura HF Quenching Tempering Process Q’ty of Equip. 1 Location In-house Out-Source

24 6. Customer Planning / Timing
Development Plan

25 7. Planning(S&S INC)

26 7. Planning(S&S INC)

27 8. Open Issue Review Open Issue List

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