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2016 ALA Commissary Roundtable Filling the Shelves

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Presentation on theme: "2016 ALA Commissary Roundtable Filling the Shelves"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 ALA Commissary Roundtable Filling the Shelves
Presented by Joanna Boeckl (Prime Team Services) & Jason White (DeCA SO)

2 Full Shelf Initiative Committee
Joanna Boeckl (Prime Team Services) Andrew Davies (ESCO) Dave Smith (Supervalu) Gregg Koons (Mars) Jason White (DeCA SO) John Kilborn (Acosta) Lauren Elkin (L & M Marketing) Lori Reddick (Nestle) Monique Mullin-Mings (DeCA SO) Russ Moffett (ALA) Trisha Jones (MDV) Jim Diggins (S&K) Kurt Hall (Unilever) Mike Pfister (DeCA SO) Scott Marquez (Kraft Heinz) Michael Sleighter (Advantage)


4 Updating New Item Process
Revising/Updating New Item Process Coordination among all groups to improve process SO currently working with DeCA Sales & Logistics to modify/update current/existing new Item process from beginning to end to address all areas of concern/chokepoints and improve overall execution of entire process.

5 New Items Best Practices
Sales Vendors Distributors Stores


7 Stocker Profile Independent Contractor Female Military Affiliation
44.5 Years of Age Stocking for Multiple Brokers Primary Source of Income

8 Stocking Challenges Stocker recruitment Base Access Working Conditions
Word of mouth Base Access Working Conditions DeCA Store Employees Product Ordering Pay

9 Eliminating Stocking Challenges (4 C’s)
Communication is KEY Between store and stockers Daily conversations regarding what happened the night before Designate a store person Designate a stocker Between brokers/manufactures and stockers Updated listings of products to be stocked Identify new items Identify lost items Between stockers and the service provider they contract with Between stockers Develop relationships with other stockers for coverage Develop relationships within categories for support

10 Eliminating Stocking Challenges (4 C’s)
Consistency - Repetition How the products are staged Where the products are staged Times the stockers are allowed on the floor Cooperation not opposition Between the store and stockers Between brokers/manufacturers and stockers Between stockers Base access Compensation Increase Lack of time off, 7 days a week

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