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The slide show was designed and produced for the NMA by STEP, the

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1 The slide show was designed and produced for the NMA by STEP, the
Science Training & Education Partnership Training & Science Education Partnership The material in this slide show is provided free for educational use only. All other forms of storage or reproduction are subject to copyright- please contact the National Marine Aquarium

2 Using the oceans wisely

3 We use the seas and oceans for all sorts of things
The slides show some of the uses we have for the oceans, and some of the risks

4 We get oil, gas and minerals from the sea bed
The picture shows an oil rig in the North Sea Oil formed at the bottom of ancient oceans

5 We have to take care not to damage the oceans

6 Very many people live close to the sea
By the year 2020, 75% of the world’s human population will live within 60 kilometres of sae coasts or estuaries

7 Shipwrecks can spread oil, and harm plants and animals

8 Fishing provides food for many people
Current annual fish catches total million tonnes, and provide about 20% of human protein consumption

9 Many different types of animals are caught for food

10 The graphic includes some of the types of animals exploited by past and present fisheries, including whales, fish (mackerel, cod, tuna, shark), crustaceans (crab and krill), molluscs (squid and clam)

11 However, we need to be careful that we don’t take too many fish
The following sequence illustrates the need to sustainability in fisheries

12 … and others get eaten by bigger fish
But some fish die of old age …. The birth of new fishes increases the number The sequence illustrates the balance between the addition of new fish and the loss through death and predation

13 If the number of new fish born balances the number which die…
…the number of fish stays the same If this slide is too complex, the ideas could simply be talked through using the following slides


15 The left hand pan represents the addition of new fish, the right hand the death of fish. The graphic is revisited after introducing the additonal impact of fisheries

16 Fishing removes more fish than usual

17 … the number of fishes gets smaller ...
If fishing takes too many fish …. … the number of fishes gets smaller ... … until there might be none left at all

18 Here, the extra impact of fishing has upset the balance

19 You have seen that - The seas give us oil, gas and minerals
We have to look after the seas and oceans

20 You have seen that - Fishing is an important source of food
If we fish too much, fish numbers get smaller

The material in this slide show is designed to support the teaching of science at Key Stage 1 A full description of the slide show, and linked activities for students, can be found on the National Marine Aquarium (NMA) web-site: Teachers are free to amend the slide show in whatever way they feel fit, or to use slides in other contexts. However, please note that neither the NMA nor the designers will accept responsibility for modifications, and original material remains copyright of the NMA Individual images used in the slides are copyright of NMA or STEP, except where acknowledged separately The slides have been set up to display as A4 landscape format. If they are incorporated into other slide sequences with different display settings, change in aspect ratio and text location will occur The slide sequence contains the minimum of effects and transitions. However, there are some automated animations, and teachers will wish to make sure that they are familiar with the sequence before use in class Use the PowerPoint notes viewer to obtain additional information for some slides

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