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Lab Safety Science.

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1 Lab Safety Science

2 Rule #1 In order to participate in labs, you must always wear appropriate lab clothing. Clothing that isn’t suitable for the lab may include long sleeve shirts, baggy clothing, athletic jerseys, open toed shoes (sandals etc.), and dangling jewelry. Specific clothing requirements will be announced in advance. If you don’t follow these dress code rules, you will not participate in the lab.

3 Rule # 2 Be aware of all the lab safety equipment. Fire extinguisher
Fire blanket Eye wash First aid kit If there is an accident, be sure to assist your lab partner and immediately inform the teacher of the accident.

4 Rule # 3 Broken glass Throughout the year, you will use glassware in the lab. If glass is broken don’t pick it up with your bare hands, but notify the teacher so the broken glass can be properly disposed of with a broom and dust pan.

5 Rule # 4 NO HORSEPLAY! Horseplay in the lab can result in injuries and will not be tolerated. 1st offense-dismissal from that lab. 2nd offense-dismissal from labs for the remainder of the 9 weeks. 3rd offense-dismissal from labs for the remainder of the year.

6 Rule # 5 Equipment use. Lab equipment is intended to be used for lab procedures only. If it is used for other purposes there will be consequences. 1st offense-dismissal from that lab 2nd offense-dismissal from all labs the remaining 9 weeks 3rd offense-dismissal from labs the remainder of the year.

7 Rule # 6 Follow only the provided lab procedures for each lab.
Attempting to do your own lab procedures will result in the same consequences as those for horseplay and improper use of equipment.

8 Rule # 7 Never taste or drink any substances in a lab, unless given permission by teacher. Many of the substances used during labs are harmful and dangerous if swallowed.

9 Rule #7 continued Never bring food, drink, or candy into the lab.
These items can damage lab equipment. If lab equipment is damaged due to a breakage of this rule, you will be responsible for the damages.

10 Rule # 8 Acid and water. When mixing water and acid; always pour acid into water never water into acid. This rule goes for any chemical.

11 Rule # 9 When participating in labs, always keep lab areas clean of any extra items. This means all that you need to have on your lab table or desk is lab materials, equipment, lab write-up, and pencil.

12 Rule #10 Be sure to dispose of all reagents as directed. For each lab, you will be instructed of how and where to dispose of all reagents. Most instances it will be in the trash or down the sink.

13 Rule # 11 Wash hands and clean lab area when you finish your lab.

14 Mrs. Hall's Lab Law Always leave the lab in better shape than when you entered.

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