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This is... Lab Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "This is... Lab Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is... Lab Safety

2 Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!!
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!!

3 Here is your host… Alex Trebeck

4 Now here Are the directions

5 One person from each group steps up to answer the question
One person from each group steps up to answer the question. The team that has control of the board will pick the category and question. Contestants raise hand if they know the answer, after the question has been read. If no one knows answer then contestants will be told to go to their groups. The group can then write one answer on a piece of paper, and every team who answers correctly gets points.

6 Here are the categories...

7 Student Responsibilities

8 In Case Of Emergency…

9 Experimentation Station

10 Lab-tastic!

11 1st Contestants step up and prepare for the first question

12 Student Responsibilities
In Case of Emergency Experimentation Station Lab-tastic! $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400

13 When is horseplay and running around the classroom okay
When is horseplay and running around the classroom okay? - never - during nutrition break - when getting lab equipment Column 1 #1

14 NEVER!!! Never-ever! Not now, not EVER! Column 1 answer 1

15 Oops… click above to go back

16 What should have on your desk during a big lab using lots of chemicals
What should have on your desk during a big lab using lots of chemicals? -binder and sweatshirt - nutrition snacks -science notebook, pencil and lab instructions Column 1 #2

17 science notebook, pencil and lab instructions

18 Oops… click above to go back

19 When you are finished with a lab, who is responsible for returning all the materials used to their proper places? -Templeton -the student who did the lab -the teacher Column 1 #3

20 The student who just did the lab is responsible
The student who just did the lab is responsible. I am not your mother and I am not here to clean up after you!!!!

21 Oops… click above to go back

22 What should you do if equipment is not working properly in the laboratory? - tell your lab partner to fix it - continue to try and use it - tell the teacher Column 1 #4

23 Tell the Teacher!

24 Oops… click above to go back

25 What should not be put close to flammable materials
What should not be put close to flammable materials? -a burning match -a sink -an open door

26 A BURNING MATCH! “Flammable” means is will catch on fire VERY easily!!!

27 Oops… click above to go back

28 If you cut your hand during a lab, what should you do first
If you cut your hand during a lab, what should you do first? - fill out a pass to the nurse -tell the teacher -wrap your hand in Kleenex Column 2 #1

29 Tell the Teacher!

30 Oops… click above to go back

31 If a fire starts in the laboratory, what should you do
If a fire starts in the laboratory, what should you do? -Run for the fire extinguisher -Throw water on the fire -Tell the Teacher

32 Tell the Teacher!

33 Oops… click above to go back

34 What should be used to put out a fire in a persons hair or clothing
What should be used to put out a fire in a persons hair or clothing? - A Fire Blanket - Water from the sink - Fire Extinguisher

35 Fire Blanket!

36 Oops… click above to go back

37 What type of footwear should always be worn in the laboratory
What type of footwear should always be worn in the laboratory? -closed-toed shoes -sandals -whatever looks the best

38 Closed-toed Shoes! you don’t want something bad to spill and get on your skin!

39 Oops… click above to go back

40 When is it appropriate to handle glassware with your bare hands
When is it appropriate to handle glassware with your bare hands? -when it is broken, but not hot -when it is hot, but not broken -when it is cool and unbroken

41 When it is cool and unbroken
When it is cool and unbroken! Be careful, hot glass and cool glass look exactly the same!

42 Oops… click above to go back

43 Where should you discard solid chemical waste
Where should you discard solid chemical waste? - the sink - the trash can - the container identified by the teacher

44 The Container Identified by the TEACHER!

45 Oops… click above to go back

46 Bet how much you are willing to risk
Student Responsibilities In Case Of Emergency Experimentation Station Lab-tastic! $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 Bet how much you are willing to risk $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400

47 Before beginning a lab, what should students with long hair do?

48 Tie their hair back we don’t’ want it to dangle in flames and catch on fire... remember the video!?!?!

49 Oops… click above to go back

50 A student spills chemicals in the laboratory
A student spills chemicals in the laboratory. What should he/she do first? -tell the teacher -clean it up -pour water on it


52 Oops… click above to go back

53 Your finished working with chemicals or biological specimens (like the rat). What should you do before you leave class? - wipe your hands on your clothing - treat your hands with lotion - wash your hands with soap and water

54 Wash your hands with soap and warm water!

55 Oops… click above to go back

56 If a student wears contact lenses, what should they do in the laboratory? - tell the teacher - take them out -avoid wearing safety goggles

57 Tell the TEACHER!

58 Oops… click above to go back

59 When are students permitted in the chemical storage room
When are students permitted in the chemical storage room? - when they run out of supplies - when they are under teacher supervision - when they are returning materials after a lab

60 When you are under teacher supervision!!

61 Oops… click above to go back

62 Final Jeopardy


64 Do you know what eye know?


66 When working with heat, chemicals and glassware in the laboratory, what is the best method of eye protection?


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