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Touch Football Officiating Level 1
Regina Touch Football Officials Association Football Canada
Reaction Time The speed of the decision is directly proportional to its acceptance Speed of decision leads to game control Anticipation of infractions leads to errors Poor reaction time limits officiating success Confidence (Poise) Emotional control or stability is essential in maintaining game control Act deliberately - maintain a steady pace when calling infractions Volatile situations require calmness on the officials part Avoid the “I caught you” manner in your actions and instructions Use your whistle with authority Consistency Inconsistency is the players major complaint Know the intent of the rule and apply it accordingly The time of the game has no bearing on your calls Bad reaction time will kill you in the eyes of the players and fans, they will assume you are not paying attention Blow the damn thing!!! This will impart its own calm into the situation as players know the play is done with and will back off to wait for the call Try to call the same way, if you change your mind they will be all over you - players never forget a call
Judgement Related to knowledge and understanding of the rules Developed through experience and self-analysis An unending development project Each situation should be ruled upon within its own context Hustle The key to better mechanics Visibly obvious Creates a positive impression Decisiveness Avoids the aspect of controversial calls Creates a positive image in terms of rules knowledge Hesitancy is the opposite to decisiveness If a decision has to be made - make it properly without delay Don’t remember what some player did on a previous play, in this or another game Hustle is the number one thing that will keep people off your ass Don’t hesitate, make the call and if you have to discuss and make a change that is still better than fumbling for a call
Courage Make all calls to the best of your ability Don’t hedge on difficult calls Don’t be influenced by players, fans or coaches Anyone can call the obvious - the competent official makes the difficult calls in the manner described above Objectivity Avoid popular decisions Judge each play on its own merits, ask yourself - “If I had to call it again, would I call it the same way?” Rapport Display courtesy and respect at all times Be human - yet remain in control Be approachable and receptive to questions Be aware of the image you are portraying Make your call, don’t let yelling or whining influence you Give the same respect as you expect to receive
Rules Knowledge An exact knowledge if the rules and their intent is essential Constant review is needed to stay on top Case books provide an excellent refresher Quizzes and exams should be used as learning devices by reviewing areas of error Physical Condition and Appearance To be able to stay in position, keep sharp and pull your weight on the officiating team Looking the part is half the battle Sloppy appearance is regarded by players as ineptness Duties and Mechanics Know where to be and when Develop teamwork Being in the right place facilitates decision making We don’t expect you to know al the rules, but if you are not sure make the call anyway and ask for help This is why we penalize for sandals, drinking slurpies and talking on cell phones - don’t expect respect if you don’t show it! If you are wearing a ref pinnie wear it right! Mechanics + hustle are the two most important things you can do - if you hustle and are in the right place you will make better calls and if you make a mistake you will likely get the benefit of the doubt
KICK-OFF DUTIES Following the pre-game conference with the team captains, proceed to the position for the kick-off. Line up on the team bench side, twenty yards/metres downfield from the point of the kick-off. Here you can determine offsides by members of the receiving team and determine if the kick off traveled the necessary twenty yards/metres. Prior to the kick-off, count the number of players on the field for the receiving team. Signal that you are ready by raising one arm in the air, so that the Referee can see it. Once the kicker begins his approach to the ball, raise both arms to shoulder level (put up the "gates") to indicate that there can be no more substitutes. You are responsible for the sideline. If the kick is deep, proceed downfield, staying outside the widest man. Get parallel to the ball carrier and follow the play upfield. You will be in a position to call touches and to determine and indicate, by the appropriate signal, whether a pass is onside or offside. If the ball is on the far side of the field, move towards the centre of the field, but still remain outside the widest player on the receiving team. If you have remained parallel to the ball carrier as he runs upfield, you probably will be in the best position to spot the ball following the touch. Do so by positioning your foot at a spot parallel to where the ball was located at the time the player was touched. The toe should be in line with what you think is the forward point of the ball. If the ball is kicked out of bounds without being touched by the receiving team, it is your responsibility to throw your flag and mark the spot where the ball went out. Hold that spot until the Referee determines whether the receiving team will take the ball at that point or have the kick off repeated. If the ball goes out of bounds, in flight, on your side, the Referee will direct you to the position where the ball left the field of play. You should ensure that a ball is available and spotted for the next scrimmage play. Be 15 minutes early if possible, let the refs know who you are and what team you are representing
BJ HL Signal ready by raising one arm in the air WATCH for ROUGH PLAY!
Duties of HL and BJ on a kick-off HL moves downfield after determining the kick has traveled 20 yards, keeping outside the widest player on the receiving team Call tags & rough play G BU O O 10 O 20 O O BJ Back Judge moves behind ball carrier to watch for touch. Signals onside or offside pass Call tags & rough play 30 O O 40 HL 50 C • R X X X K X X X
SCRIMMAGE DUTIES Prior to the snap on a scrimmage play, position yourself by straddling the line of scrimmage next to the sideline on which the team benches are located. When the huddle breaks and you can see how the Team A players are spread out, you can adjust your position by moving in towards the centre of the field. However, you must always remain outside the widest receiver and should never move in closer than the hash mark on the bench side of the field. If the play starts at the nearest hash mark, you should stand out of bounds at the scrimmage line prior to the snap of the ball. Count the Team A players that are on the field for each play. Visually inspect that the bean bags are positioned properly. When Team A breaks the huddle, raise your arms to shoulder height (put up the "gates") to signal that further substitution is prohibited. Keep the gates up until the centre is over the ball. While the gates are up, visually check to see if the Team B rusher is lined up properly. You must never turn your back to the play. Learn to read patterns as they develop. Watch the players and not the ball. Study the rules on pass interference. Be sure when you make the call. Communicate, during the game, with the Headlinesman and the Referee, concerning downs and possible situations that may develop. Assist in relaying the ball to the point of next scrimmage as quickly as possible. In short out of bounds plays, come up to give assistance Be aware of the down and distance to be gained for a first down. Keep the players boxed in. When the ball is blown dead, officials away from the area should look for dead ball infractions.
SCRIMMAGE DUTIES Check the centre as he handles the ball prior to the snap. If the ball was on the ground when Team A huddled, the centre can lift it again, the ball will be in play. If the ball was brought into the huddle, the centre must place it on the ground and cannot lift it again except to put it into play. You must check to see if the ball is lifted in any way prior to the snap. Check the positions of the Team B players near the line of scrimmage. It is important to remember who can potentially be a rusher. If Team A has a player lined up in the backfield as a halfback, you should take notice of any Team B player who might rush in to cover the halfback. This Team B player must start from a position that is five yards/metres from the line of scrimmage or else wait for the rusher to cross the line of scrimmage first. The rule to remember is that the first Team B player to cross the line of scrimmage must have started from a position five yards/metres from the line of scrimmage. When calling offside on Team B, you should not throw the flag until the first Team B player has crossed the line of scrimmage. It is only at this time that a Team B offside can be declared to have occurred. It is possible for a rusher who has moved into the five yard/metre neutral zone before the snap, to return to his original position after the snap and then rush i As the ball is snapped, check for offside on Team A or Team B. If there is none, pick up the Team A receivers in your designated zone and watch for any pass interference. If someone is offside, signal the infraction, then pick up your receivers. Always remain outside the widest Team A player. You should float downfield as you are watching the receivers. As the play develops, it is important to watch the players and not the ball. If the ball is thrown downfield, go for the ball to get into a lateral position and follow the play downfield. Look for the touch and mark the position of the ball at the time the player is touched. When spotting the ball, mark the spot with your toe and hold the spot until the Back Umpire or the Referee spots the ball. If the spot is close to a first down, the ball should not be brought into the hash marks until a measurement has been made. The position of the first down marker should not influence the official in spotting the ball. Remember - spot first, look later. If the Back Umpire is holding the spot where the touch took place, then you should retrieve the ball. If the ball has been retrieved, then look to see if you can retrieve the bean bans. After each play, you should repeat the Referee's signal of the number of the next down. If you do not agree with the down number as signaled by the Referee, you must immediately check with the Referee to ensure that any disagreement is solved before the ball is put into play.
HL Duties on Scrimmage Play
10 20 30 40 • C QB X R O BU HL HL position HL Duties on Scrimmage Play Count offensive players Watch for receivers lining up or running offside Watch for QB running over the LoS and help Head Referee with this call Move at least as far as 1st down bag or…move downfield with play, watching for infractions and spot of ball Hold or take the spot where the ball is when declared dead Give warnings to players who are lined up offside, if you signal good or back on every play the receivers will know to look at you If the QB rolls to the left, move onto the field, the sideline is not a barrier! If the nearest receiver is 10 yards on the field, split the distance to be closer to the action, you can always move out if the play comes your way LoS
BJ Duties on Scrimmage Play
10 20 30 40 • C QB X R O BU BJ position BJ Duties on Scrimmage Play Count defensive players Watch for Rusher going offside Watch for multiple rushers Watch for defenders lining up or running offside Move at least as far as 1st down bag or…move downfield with play, watching for infractions and spot of ball Hold or take the spot where the ball is when declared dead Remember, the second rusher can’t cross the line of scrimmage before the first rusher unless he is 5 yards back as well Warn the rusher if he is leaning or over the bag, if you can get them to check in with you every play you are helping the game to move smoothly BJ
GOAL LINE DUTIES Your primary responsibility now becomes the goal line. Line up in the regular position, straddling the line of scrimmage, then move to the goal line after determining if there were any offsides. Make sure to also keep an eye out for the QB running and help the Head Referee with this call. Hold this position on the goal line and watch for any interference in your zone of coverage. If the pass is thrown close to the goal line or if the ball carrier is attempting to run into the end zone, you must determine if the forward point of the ball touches the plane of the goal line
Goal Line responsibilities
BJ • R O G O O O O O O O O 5 • C HL X X X X X 10 QB 15 20
HL Duties on Punt Play HL Punt positioning
10 20 30 40 • C QB X R O BU HL HL Punt positioning HL Duties on Punt Play Hold the LoS until you are certain that the ball will cross the LoS, in flight. If the punt is good, hustle downfield and get parallel to the ball carrier, and follow them. Call “no yards” where applicable Move into the field, no further than hash mark, if the play goes to the opposite side of the field Give warnings to players who are lined up offside, if you signal good or back on every play the receivers will know to look at you If the QB rolls to the left, move onto the field, the sideline is not a barrier! If the nearest receiver is 10 yards on the field, split the distance to be closer to the action, you can always move out if the play comes your way LoS
BJ Duties on Punt Play BJ punt positioning
10 20 30 40 • C QB X R O BU BJ punt positioning BJ Duties on Punt Play Position yourself 5-10 yards away from but parallel to the return player Be alert for laterals Make a ‘no-yards’ call if applicable Move into the field, no further than hash mark, if the play goes to the opposite side of the field Watch for return punts from the end zone. Remember, the second rusher can’t cross the line of scrimmage before the first rusher unless he is 5 yards back as well Warn the rusher if he is leaning or over the bag, if you can get them to check in with you every play you are helping the game to move smoothly BJ
Other Duties General After each play hustle back to the line of scrimmage and confirm the down with the Head Referee. Try to pay attention and know what down it is; the more you are paying attention to the game the better job you will do and the less hassle you will take from the teams. Use of the Whistle The whistle is used to kill the play. It must be blown with authority (a loud, sharp blast). Never blow the whistle on the assumption or expectation that a touch will be made. If you see it, call it. Spotting the Ball When the play is over and you have the exact location of where the ball is, inform the other officials verbally that you have the spot. This will allow them the opportunity to retrieve the ball and set up for the next play. In order to spot the ball correctly, place your foot parallel to the sideline and use your toe to represent the forward point of the ball. Also, turn your body so that it faces the direction of travel of the ball and of the team that has possession of the ball. Have the players bring the ball to you then place the ball parallel to your foot with the front end of the ball lined up with your toe. hustle will always buy you some good will, try to look like you actually care what is happening Hand whistles will be used this year so you don’t have to put them in your mouth; make sure to familiarize yourself with how they work be decisive about your spots, if the on filed official asks for your spot, be quick, be affirmative and don’t wave him back or forth for a couple inches
Other Duties Spotting the Ball - continued If you have a penalty to report to the Referee, have another official come and take your spot. In some cases, if the play is too far down the field, use your hat or flag to mark the spot and then report your penalty to the Referee. This will reduce the playing time lost since touch football is straight time. If another official has the spot and a penalty, take that official's spot and allow him/her to report to the Referee. Never yell out or tell either team the call, only report to the Head Referee and keep your tone even and calm End of Game pick up pylons on your side of the field if you are doing the last game of the day return flag and whistle to the Head Referee sign the scorecard so your team does not get penalized if you see something, call it. If you are not sure, call it and discuss with the officials. Throw the flag where people can see it, don’t just drop at your feet. If the Head referee does not see the flag, blow your whistle until he pays attention
Terms to Know Rule 7 - Out of Bounds Rule 8 – Control of the Ball
Touching any part of the white line with any part of the body means you are out bounds. Rule 8 – Control of the Ball Control can be established with one hand or even by an arm or leg as long as is it not using the ground to assist. Rule 9 – The Touch The touch must be done with the hand, not another part of the body. Only one hand is necessary – can touch any part of the body (including swinging ponytails) or the ball. Rule 10 – Live Ball/Dead Ball Read over definitions of live, free, loose, downed, dribbled, dead ball in rulebook. Rule 12 – Scoring As soon as the ball crosses the plane over the goal line, it is in the end zone. It must be completely outside the goal line to be considered out of the end zone.
Rule Changes Regulation 2.2.1 Regulation 2.2.2 Rule 3.2.1
Ball skin may be pebbled grain leather or other composite/ synthetic leather material. Regulation 2.2.2 The ball may be of any color. Rule 3.2.1 Substitute players may enter the field only from their bench area and only when the ball is dead. They may not enter the field after the kicker begins the approach to kick the ball on the kick off or after the offensive team breaks its huddle. A player who enters the field to communicate a play to a teammate must remain on the field for the next play. If there is no huddle, substitutions should be made immediately after the end of the last play and before the official signals no substitutions. The penalty for violating these rules is illegal substitution.
Rule Changes Rule 4.6.1 The Referee shall be the official time keeper and shall be governed by the timing regulations in determining the amount of playing time that has elapsed. Game timing issues are corrected only at the discretion of the referee. Rule 6.5.4 When a touchdown is scored on the final play of a period and the offense chooses to make a convert attempt, it must be completed before that period is considered complete.
Rule Changes Rule Each team is allowed 1 60-second time out per half, including any overtime half, and 1 60-second time out which can be used at any time during the game, including any overtime game. Any on-field player may request a team time out. Violation of these rules shall be penalized for delay of game. Procedures for administering a lime out are outlined in Regulations 11.1 and 11.2.
Rule Changes Rule The Rusher has the right to an unobstructed direct path to the Quarterback. The Rusher loses this right if any part of the Rusher’s body is within 1 yard of the Rushers Bag or greater than 5 yards away from it when the ball is snapped (we say the rusher must be outside the center’s feet). After the Center sets the ball for the snap, if the Rusher moves from 1 side to the other, and the Center is unaware of it, the Rusher loses the right to an unobstructed path to the Quarterback. These rights will be reinstated after the Rusher crosses the line of scrimmage. These rules will also apply when other defensive players are used to rush the Quarterback during the same play.
Rule Changes Rule Pass Interference in the Target Zone The ball and a first down can be awarded to the non-penalized team at the spot where the foul occurred. The defense can also elect to have the pass be considered as an incomplete pass. If this is a first or second down play, the down is not reset, but will simply be a loss of down. If this occurs on a third down play, the defending team electing to declare the pass incomplete may take over at the previous line of scrimmage.
Rule 14.1.5 Regulation 22.2.2 Rule additions
On a kickoff, an illegal procedure penalty by the offense or an offside penalty may be applied as either a 5 yard live ball foul or a 5 yard dead ball foul at the option of the non-offending team, but not on the convert attempt if a touchdown is scored. Regulation The defender/rusher will be called for a personal foul if they make ANY kind of contact with the quarterback’s throwing arm or hand above the Quarterback’s shoulders while the Quarterback is attempting to make a pass. This includes the Quarterback’s natural follow-through motion.
Rules Study During a play A2 trips and falls on a rock, cutting his shin. He bleeds profusely, soaking his sock. He gets up and catches a pass and is tagged after a 5 yard gain. If the ball is live when the injury occurs, the Officials shall not blow their whistles until the play has been completed and the ball is dead. A player or official who has any part of his uniform or equipment saturated with blood must have it changed or cleansed immediately.
Rules Study During the game, B3 is found to be wearing a pair of baseball cleats with metal spikes. Since the shoes are illegal, B3 shall be ejected from the game and the team assessed a penalty for objectionable conduct. It is the responsibility of the teams to know the rules regarding footwear as outlined in the rule book (Rule 2.5.4) and (Reg )
Rules Study During a kick off return. A9 runs onto the field to pick up the kicking tee. He does not interfere with the play. A9 is guilty of illegal substitution. Team B has the option to decline the penalty and scrimmage at the point the ball became dead or have Team A re-kick with a 10 yard penalty. (Rule 3.1)
Rules Study Team A Captain requests a measurement. The Referee believes beyond all reasonable doubt that a first down has not been made. The Referee has the right to refuse the request for measurement if the Referee is satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt that a first down has not been made. (Rule 6.7.1)
Rules Study A1 dives for and catches the ball. B1, who was covering A1 jumps over A1 to avoid contact. A1 gets up and runs. The play was dead when B1 jumped over A1 to avoid contact. B1 is considered to have touched A1 in this situation. (Rule 9.2) The key factor in awarding a touch, when one has not occurred is that the defender jumps over or, in some other manner, avoids a collision with the ball carrier and in doing so, gives up the opportunity to make a touch.
Rules Study A1 kicks off, and the ball travels only 15 yards where it is downed by A2. Ruling: The ball is dead when downed by A2 (no no-yards). Team B’s option to scrimmage the ball at the point where A2 downed it or have Team A re-kick with a 5 yard penalty (Rule )
Rules Study A1 kicks off, and the ball travels only 30 yards where it is downed by A2. Ruling: This is legal. Team B scrimmages, 1st and 10 at the point the ball is downed. (Rule )
Rules Study B4 attempts to catch a kick-off. The ball strikes his foot and rolls forward on the ground. Ruling: This is a live loose ball. B4 or any onside teammate can recover and advance the ball. Team A can down the ball by touching it on the ground or by touching B4 while the ball is loose. If Team A downs the ball, Team B will scrimmage 1st and 10 at the spot where the ball orignally struck B4 . (Rule: , 10.4, 19.2 and )
Rules Study B7, the Team B rusher lines up 5 yards from the line of scrimmage (LoS) and moves forward early. When the ball is snapped the rusher is only 3 yards away from the LoS. Realizing the situation, the rusher decides not to cross the LoS. B2 was lined up 5 yards from the LoS at the time of the snap and rushes the QB. Ruling: Team B should not be penalized. This is a legal play. B2 was the first to cross the LoS and is a legal rusher. B7 can cross the LoS to pursue the QB at any time after B2 does.
Rules Study The center comes over the ball, adjusts it prior to the snap then sets it on the ground. After the center puts his head down, the rusher jumps from one side to the other. Following the snap, the center runs into the rusher accidentally. Ruling: The rusher should be called for pass interference in the remote zone. By jumping to the other side without the center’s knowledge, the rusher looses the right to an unobstructed path to the QB prior to crossing the LoS. (Rule )
Rules Study Just as receiver A5 is about to catch the ball, B4 yells “drop it!” in an attempt to distract A5. Ruling: There is no pass interference call in this situation. (Rules’ Committee 1990)
Rules Study On the last play of the game, A5 is running toward the Team B End Zone. As he gets close to the goal line, the ball is extended with one arm in an effort to break the plane of the goal. a) He is touched by B2 after his body breaks the plane of the end zone. b) He is touched on the B2 yard line. Ruling: No touchdown in either case. Extension is illegal at any time. If this was not the last play of the game, the 5 yard penalty would be applied from the furthest point of advance of A5’s torso. Team A does not get another play. The game is over. (Rule and Regulation 10.13)
Certification Level 1 exam is an open book exam using the training manual and rule book. If you would like to write the exam we will give you a copy of the materials and you can write at home 70% is a passing grade If you would like to do more officiating take the Level 2 course and we will get you trained on field Starting wage is $25/game discuss levels, training, advancement etc. working easier games at start work with a trainer on field
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