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Let’s do this! Finish Strong!

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s do this! Finish Strong!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s do this! Finish Strong!
Seniors! Class of 2018! Let’s do this! Finish Strong! ** Sign up RIGHT NOW for senior reminders and updates, and an EASY way to ask questions!** DIRECTIONS TO SIGN UP: SEND your text to number: 81010 TEXT the OR… click on

2 Topics to cover: Graduation: practice, buses, etc..
Naviance/ transcripts Prom 6 Flags trip Graduation “Senior-Send Off” party Senior final exams Seniors only “” for… reminders… Graduation yard signs Yearbooks

3 Finish strong!! It DOES matter!! Here’s proof!!

4 Graduation: Things YOU need to do
Pay for caps/ gowns: $37 Go online to OR bring cash May 9-10th If you NEVER filled out a card or ordered a cap/gown, then the price is $50 Remember the senior assembly in the fall? Yes? Then you have an order! Caps/gowns delivered during lunch periods those days Request off work May 24th & and 25th--- Rehearsal and Graduation! Pass all your finals! May 16th and May 18th Grades will be finalized by Monday May 21st Pay ALL your fees by May 18th- Unpaid fees DO go to collections

5 Graduation: Here is how it’s happening
May 24th from 4:00pm-6:30pm: Grad Rehearsal Rehearsal- in the auditorium BRING YOUR GOWNS for the panoramic photo! Then party right after (entrance fee)! May 25th Check in at 4:00 WITH YOUR CAPS/GOWNS but NOT ALL YOUR STUFF! 4:00-4:30pm Get on the bus! And NO, you CAN’T get off the bus! 6:00pm Arrive at NIU 6:30pm Find your area in the auxiliary gym 7:00pm graduation ceremony begins **Appx. 8:45pm to 9:15pm** pick up your diploma in the auxiliary gym- YOU NEED A PHOTO ID FOR THIS!! FIND YOUR FAMILY, (not in the gym) TAKE PICS, then…. LEAVE

6 Graduation Bus Info Family does not come with the graduate on the bus
ALL GRADS TAKE THE BUS– AND BRING YOUR SCHOOL ID FOR CHECK-IN Family does not come with the graduate on the bus Student line up will begin at 4:00pm outside door 8. (LOTS of buses= lots of traffic!!) Annie Glidden Rd. exit from I-88 closed so you’ll need to exit on Peace Road. TELL YOUR FAM!! IF you ARE taking the bus BACK to EAHS, pick up a form today in the lobby as you leave IF you are going home with the fam, DO NOT complete the form! FAMILY BUS: $5 per person– was ALREADY due Monday April 30th Tickets come with important info to be given to your family (conduct, no balloons, etc..) Ticket is round trip, BUT the buses will be leaving approximately 30 minutes after diplomas are dispersed.

7 Naviance/ College/ Scholarships
Going to college? Complete the info on NAVIANCE! (screenshot in a second…) Earned a scholarship? See Mr. Rathje in the Career Center TODAY! Need A scholarship? See Mr. Rathje in the Career Center!

8 (Other power point, now, Mr. Gerk….)


10 Prom 2018: “Enchanted Forest” Sat. May 5th, 6pm-11pm
GOING TO PROM? Pick up an info sheet in the lobby when you leave, or in the main office, or after school outside the auditorium Info sheet has: directions, time details, expectations, etc. Remember to bring your guest pass info, photo ID, ticket/key chains will help 6pm start, 7:15-8:30 dinner, NO ONE GETS IN AFTER 8:30. Evening ends at 11pm Bring photo IDs. NO- re-admittance or even going to your car after entrance. Dress code rule: If photographers cannot take your picture because making $ off your picture would send the photographers to jail– you cannot wear it! FREE HUGE PHOTO BOOTH ALL NIGHT LONG! Security and police will be there! Make good decisions! NOT going to Prom? Be safe! Netflix and Grill! It will be nice outside!

11 P.R.O.M Trailer. - Google Drive.html

12 6 Flags Trip: Saturday May 19th 7pm-6am
286 seniors attending! Wow! Make sure to turn in your permission/ behavior contract form BEFORE you get on the bus! Bring: layers of clothing (with pockets!), extra $$, cell phone, GOOD WALKING SHOES (they make you take off sandals for rides= gross!) Don’t bring: illegal things, food/drinks (not allowed into park), bad walking shoes Sat. May 19th: pizza from 7pm-7:15pm, meeting in auditorium, get on buses and leave by 7:45pm, arrive by 9:00pm, BUFFET from 11pm-1am, meet and leave by 4am Sunday morning. ANY suspendable or arrestable behaviors= not participating in graduation! Also- Six Flags arrests people. Bugs Bunny is no joke. They even have 21 Jump Street Cops!

13 Rehearsal and “send-off party” May 24th
Honors Night: (Invite only)May 23rd, 7pm- WEAR GOWNS! Rehearsal May 24th: 4pm-6:30pm. Find name in auditorium. BRING GOWNS for panoramic picture NO SHOWING UP= NO WALKING IN CEREMONY Send off party 6:30pm-8:30pm: $5 per person at door OR $3 in advance in lunch rooms May 14-18 Seniors may bring up to 2 guests. Guest passes are needed for Non-EAHS guests. TONS of food, DJ, yearbook signing, some games, PRIZES, and MORE!

14 More Info!! Sign up RIGHT NOW for senior reminders and updates, and an EASY way to ask questions! SEND your text to number: 81010 TEXT the Yearbooks are $35. See Ms. Mc Goldrick in room 339 for details Kiss a Senior goodbye $1- notes to Seniors; See Mrs. Gillespie in 369 Graduation yard signs are on sale! $7 in during lunch periods until May 15th- see any NHS member or Mrs. Kleimola for details DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP ANY PAPERS YOU NEED AS YOU LEAVE! Graduation photos will be available at

15 Election ends at 3pm today
Prom Court 2018 Election ends at 3pm today Link is:

16 Prom Court 2018: Final Elections Ballot Info Prom King:
Jerry Llanos Avion Mason Salvador Navarro Edgar Perez Prom Queen: Jackie Cabrera Alexia Castillo Susana Salgado Vanessa Zamora

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