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Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

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1 Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord
Dec 10, 2107 Mark 1:1-15

2 Introduction – Good News
This is the beginning of the Good News Good News – Jesus is Lord Will you prepare the way for the Lord

3 Introduction – Advent 2nd Sunday in Advent
Jesus has come, Jesus is coming to us always, and Jesus will come again.

4 The Voice in the Wilderness
Anticipation People had to wait John – the Friend of the bridegroom (like best man) “A voice calling…” John is very odd.

5 The Voice in the Wilderness
Hair of a Camel


7 The Voice in the Wilderness
Hair of a Camel Locusts and Honey


9 The Voice in the Wilderness
Hair of a Camel Locusts and Honey Faithful – understands hi s mission Diet , clothing, does not distract from ministry A Very successful ministry


11 The Voice in the Wilderness
People are coming – the whole countryside and all the people of Jerusalem. John, early megachurch pastor One is coming, I’m not worthy to untie his sandals (v7) Do you take off other people’s shoes? It’s not fun John: I’m not even worthy to touch his dusty, dirty, feet. Not worthy of that priviledge.

12 The Voice in the Wilderness
John – real humility; understands Jesus Jesus will baptize w/ Holy Spirit (v8) The sign of Jesus – Holy Spirit  And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.” - Jn 1:33-34 NIV

13 Prepare the way in Anticipation
Do you prepare with Anticipation?

14 Baptism of Jesus Jesus asks John to baptize him
John thinks this is a crazy idea Jesus – Just do it. Heaven breaks loose (vv10-11) Some people saw this (Lk 3:21-22) Heaven torn open Spirit descending The voice of God ??????????????????????????????

15 Baptism of Jesus This would have been life changing
This is the one of whom John spoke

16 Prepare the way in Worship
Do you prepare by seeing Jesus for who he is? Do you focus on him as the center point of the season? Dan v. Christina


18 Prepare the way in Worship
Dan v. Christina Christina is Right Incarnational – permeates the world – people find Joy. Dan is also Right Don’t get caught up in “the fluff” ;) Prepare by seeking Christ and celebrating his coming into the world.

19 The Kingdom of God has Come Near
The structure


21 The Kingdom of God has Come Near
The structure Gospel - Good News Do you have a repentant heart? Do you believe? Repent  I used to… now I don’t. Repent of what? Many possibilities Sometimes you just know Advent is a good time – the Kingdom of God is near.


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