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Radiation Quantities and Units

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation Quantities and Units"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation Quantities and Units
Chapter 3 Sherer

2 Review-Pages 53-56 Somatic effects Long term somatic Genetic effects
Box 3-1

3 Page specifically Tolerance dose was replaced with Maximum Permissible dose (MPD)-dose limits-effective dose Safe occupations (clerical) has a risk of per year- same as radiography EfD – type of radiation and the sensitivity of the tissue being exposed. The Sievert is the unit of measurement

4 Focus on these terms and definitions-page. Begins on pg 58
Exposure (X) Absorbed dose (D) Equivalent dose (EqD) Effective dose (EfD) Overall risk based on absorbed dose, tissue and type of radiation See Box 3-3 (see next slide) Absorbed Dose

5 Box 3-3(follow-up questions see assignment for this class)
Equivalent Dose EqD=D x Wr Or Sv=Gy x Wr Effective dose EfD=D xWr x Wt

6 Quality Factor, pg 63 Sherer
LET pg 63 Sherer "rate in which energy is deposited in the form of a charged particle or ion pair as it travels through matter“

7 Rem = RAD x QF LETS of 3% or less have a QF of 1 = same amount of damage of rad per rem QUALITY FACTOR and weighting factor OF ALPHA IS 20 See box Table 3-2 Sherer 1 RAD = 20 REM FOR ALPHA PARTICLE ABSORPTION


X-rays (HIGH OR LOW?) Alpha (HIGH OR LOW?) Beta (HIGH OR LOW?) Gamma (HIGH OR LOW?)

10 WR associated with Equivalent Dose- table 3-2
WT associated with Effective Dose- table 3-3

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