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Homework: HP 6 answer reading questions

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1 Why would a mutation in a skin cell not be passed on to future generations?
Homework: HP 6 answer reading questions DNAProtein Unit Exam on Friday Study guide given out today!

2 Types of Mutations 1. Frameshift- results from the addition or deletion of a nucleotide This will cause a shift in every codon after the addition or deletion Usually more damaging than a point mutation 2. Point Mutation- results from the substitution of a nucleotide

3 What causes DNA mutations?
Random-DNA replication is very complicated and sometimes mistakes occur. Radiation- The energy in radiation can actually break or damage nucleotides in a DNA strand UV rays Chemical Exposure- Chemicals can break or damage bonds between nucleotides in DNA Ethidium Bromide

4 UV Radiation UV Radiation causes breaks in the DNA strands that can result in cancer

5 UV Radiation Causes Mutations

6 UV radiation and skin cancer
Why is UV radiation mostly associated with skin cancer?

7 UV Radiation and Cancer

8 Mutations Flow Charts 1st box: DNA mutation/DNA changed
Last box: Mutation passed on/not passed on to next generation

9 UV Radiation and Ethidium Bromide Reading
Complete on a legal size sheet of paper Complete at least 1 per group!


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