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The Renaissance.

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1 The Renaissance


3 What was the Renaissance?
The French word renaissance means rebirth. So it’s a rebirth of art and learning.

4 Man’s Objectives During the Middle Ages During the Renaissance
Find God Prove pre-conceived ideas During the Renaissance Find man Promote learning

5 In the early Middle Ages, people had been happy to see themselves simply as parts of a greater whole. The Renaissance gave birth to the idea that humans can to think of themselves as individuals.

6 Humanism Intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements. Life can be enjoyed.

7 The $$$$ behind the Reniassance
Medici Family Money in banking Became rulers of Florence

8 Italian Background Cosimo de Medici Lorenzo de Medici
Advanced arts and education Lorenzo de Medici Poet Friend of Michelangelo Rebuilt University of Pisa Continued to invite scholars to Florence

9 Renaissance Man Broad knowledge about many things in different fields
Deep knowledge of skill in one area Able to link areas and create new knowledge

10 Early Renaissance Art What were the differences in the art of the Renaissance: Realism Perspective Classical themes Geometrical arrangement of figures Light and shadowing Softening of edges Backgrounds Artist able to live from commissions

11 Perspective

12 Leonardo da Vinci

13 Early Life Madonna of the Rocks

14 Milan Last Supper

15 Mona Lisa The greatness of the Mona Lisa

16 Notebooks Coded Scientific illustration Read R L with a mirror
Used science to support art

17 Notebooks 17

18 Military

19 Aeronautics

20 Anatomy

21 Technology Machines Hydraulics Vehicles on land Architecture
Scientific method

22 Legacy Only 17 paintings Notebooks Drawings of unfinished works
Diverted rivers to prevent flooding Principles of turbine Cartography Submarine Flying machine Parachute …And much more….

23 Donatello David

24 Raphael

25 Raphael Painter 25

26 School of Athens

27 Pythagoras Plato and Aristotle Socrates

28 Michelangelo Buonarroti

29 Early Life Born outside of Florence Apprenticed as a sculptor
Master recognized his talents

30 Rome


32 Pope Julius II 1503 It is because of this Pope that we have much Michelangelo's work.

33 Return to Florence Commissioned to do David



36 David

37 Return to Rome Worked on tomb for Julius II Sistine Chapel


39 Sistine Chapel

40 St. Peter’s Architect for St. Peter’s


42 Political Ideas of the Renaissance
Niccolò Machiavelli Wrote a handbook called, The Prince . He says a prince needs to be as strong as a lion and as shrewd as a fox. He wasn’t concerned with what was morally right, but with what was politically effective. He thought most people are selfish, fickle, and corrupt. 42

43 Better for a ruler to be feared than to be loved
Ruler should be quick and decisive in decision making Ruler keeps power by any means necessary The end justifies the means Be good when possible, and evil when necessary 43

44 • Growing wealth in Northern Europe supported Renaissance ideas.
Northern Renaissance • Growing wealth in Northern Europe supported Renaissance ideas. • Northern Renaissance thinkers merged humanist ideas with Christianity. • The movable type printing press and the production and sale of books (Gutenberg Bible) helped disseminate ideas. 44

45 Northern Renaissance writers
• Sir Thomas More—Utopia (1516) Northern Renaissance artists portrayed religious and secular subjects.

46 Literature: flourished during the Renaissance
This can be greatly attributed to Johannes Gutenberg In 1455 Gutenberg printed the first book produced by using moveable type. The Bible 46

47 Sir Thomas More English Humanist Wrote: Utopia
A book about a perfect society Believed men and women live in harmony. No private property, no one is lazy, all people are educated and the justice system is used to end crime instead of executing criminals. 47

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