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Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases
Since Q depends on process, C dQ/dT also depends on process. Define a) molar specific heat at constant volume: CV (1/n) dQ/dT for constant V process. b) molar specific heat at constant at constant pressure: CP = (1/n) dQ/dT for constant P process. Consider constant V process: W = 0 and Q = Eint . Q = n CV dT (= nCV T if CV = constant) Therefore Eint = nCV dT Since Eint/n only depends on temperature end points (“Joule effect”), Eint = nCV dT for any process. Consider constant P process:. Q = nCP dT and W = -PdV Since P = constant, dV = nR dT/P, dW = - P (nR dT/P) = -nRdT Q = Eint – W nCP dT = nCV dT + nRdT CP = CV + R (for any ideal gas)
aValues at T = 300 K and P = 1 atm.
Ideal Gas: CP = CV + R a) CP > CV: true for everything (not just ideal gas) (For liquids and solids, the difference is usually small.) b) If CV = constant, then CP = constant. i) Constant V process, Q = nCV dT = nCV T ii) Constant P process: Q = nCP dT = nCP T iii) Any process: Eint = = nCV dT = nCV T c) monoatomic ideal gas: no internal excitation of molecule so Eint = N<Ktrans> = 3/2 NkBT = 3/2 nRT CV = 3/2 R = 12.5 J/molK, CP = 5/2 R = 20.8 J/molK, CP/CV = 5/3 = 1.67 aValues at T = 300 K and P = 1 atm. Small deviations of CV due to non-ideal properties – interactions between molecules
Equipartition of Energy Theorem:
The average (i.e. thermal) value of the energy for each “classical”, “quadratic” degree of freedom = ½ kBT. Consider a diatomic molecule (e.g. H2, N2, O2, HCl, … [since air is 98% nitrogen and oxygen, it is mostly diatomic]). In addition to CM translation (3 quadratic degrees of freedom), it has rotational and vibrational energy. Krot = ½ Iz2 + ½ Ix2 [no energy for rotation about inter-atomic (y) axis since Iy = 0]: 2 quadratic degrees of freedom. Evib = Kvib + Uvib = ½ (ds/dt)2 + ½ k (s-s0)2 effective (reduced) mass effective spring constant Therefore, total of 7 quadratic degrees of freedom, expect Eint = 7/2 NkBT = 7/2 nRT CV = 7/2 R = 29.1 J/molK CP = 9/2 R = 37.4 J/molK s
Molar Specific Heat of Hydrogen
CV steps from 3/2 R (T < ~ 100 K) to 5/2 R (T < 1000 K) to 7/2 R. only translations translations + rotations translations, rotations, and vibrations
Equipartition of Energy Theorem:
Hydrogen Equipartition of Energy Theorem: The average (i.e. thermal) value of the energy for each “classical”, “quadratic” degree of freedom = ½ kBT. classical: kBT >> = the quantum of energy Vibrations: vib h(k/)1/2 Rotations: rot h2/I, where Planck’s constant h = 1.05 x Js. For kBT < vib, vibrations “freeze out” – cannot be thermally excited, and CV 5/2 R. For kBT < rot, rotations “freeze out” – cannot be thermally excited, and CV 3/2 R. For nitrogen and oxygen, which are much heavier than hydrogen, rotations theoretically freeze out a few Kelvin, i.e. below boiling point, so not observable in gas, but vibrations freeze out near 1000 K (like H2). Near room temperature, most diatomic molecules are on the CV ~ 5/2 R shelf.
Expect CP - CV = R = 8.314 J/molK
F [Polyatomic may have 3 rotational and several vibrational degrees of freedom, some of which are frozen out at room temperature and some not.] [Deviations from expected values due to interactions between molecules (i.e. non-ideal behavior) and because CV = 5/2 “shelf” not perfectly flat.]
Problem: J of energy are transferred by heat into 10 moles of an ideal diatomic gas near room temperature. Find the work and changes in internal energy and temperature for the following cases: Constant V process Constant P process (isobar) Constant T process (isotherm)
Problem: J of energy are transferred by heat into 10 moles of an ideal diatomic gas near room temperature. Find the work and changes in internal energy and temperature for the following cases: Constant V process Constant P process (isobar) Constant T process (isotherm) Diatomic near room temp.: CV = 5/2 R, CP = 7/2 R c) T = 0 Eint = 0 W = - Q = J a) V = 0 W = 0 Eint = Q = 3000 J Eint = n CV T = 5/2 nR T T = (2/5) (3000 J) / [(10 moles)(8.314 J/molK)] = 14.4 K
Problem: J of energy are transferred by heat into 10 moles of an ideal diatomic gas near room temperature. Find the work and changes in internal energy and temperature for the following cases: Constant V process Constant P process (isobar) Constant T process (isotherm) Diatomic near room temp.: CV = 5/2 R, CP = 7/2 R c) T = 0 Eint = 0 W = - Q = J a) V = 0 W = 0 Eint = Q = 3000 J But Eint = n CV T = 5/2 nR T T = (2/5) (3000 J) / [(10 moles)(8.314 J/molK)] = 14.4 K b) Q = n CP T = 7/2 nR T T = (2/7) (3000 J) / [[(10 moles)(8.314 J/molK)] = 10.3 K Eint = nCV T = (5/2) nR T = 2143 J W = Eint – Q = (2143 – 3000) J = J
CP / CV = (CV + R)/CV = 1 + R/CV, ( = constant (> 1) if CV = constant).
CV = 3/2 R = 5/3 = 1.67 (its maximum value for ideal gas in 3D) CV = 5/2 R = 7/5 = 1.40 CV = 7/2 R = 9/7 = 1.29
Significance of CP/CV
Consider an adiabatic (Q = 0: well insulated and/or too rapid for heat flow, but still “quasi-static”) process in an ideal gas with constant CV (e.g. on a “shelf”). dEint = dW nCV dT = -P dV dT = - (1/nCV) PdV But PV = nRT nR dT = P dV + V dP (P dV + V dP)/nR = - (1 / nCV) P dV (P dV + V dP) = - (R / CV) P dV (1 + R/CV) P dV = - V dP P dV = - V dP dV / V = - dP / P ln V = const – ln P exp( ln V) = exp (const – ln P) V = const/P PV = constant = PiVi (for an adiabatic process in an ideal gas with constant CV.)
adiabats PV = constant
since > 1, adiabats are steeper than isotherms
Problem: Consider a diatomic ideal gas at high temperature, so CV = 7/2 R and = 9/7. It is adiabatically compressed so that Pf = 3 Pi. What are the ratios of Vf/Vi and Tf/Ti? PfVf = PiVi Vf/Vi = (Pi/Pf)1/ = (1/3)7/9 = 0.426 Tf = PfVf/nR = (3Pi) (0.426 Vi) / nR = 1.28 Pi Vi/nR = 1.28 Ti Tf/Ti = 1.28
Problem: Consider the quasi-static cycle on the right, for n moles of an ideal gas with molar specific heat ratio . AB is an adiabatic process. Find the work, heat, and Eint for each step. [Give all results in terms of n, , P0, V0.] Preliminaries Find CP and CV in terms of : CP = CV + R Therefore = (CV+R)/CV = 1 +R/CV CV = R/(-1) CP = R/(-1) 2) Can find T’s in terms of PV’s, so first must find PB: PAVA = PBVB PB = PA(VA/VB) = P0/3 TA = P0V0/nR TB = (P0/3)(3V0)/nR = P0V0/(3-1nR) TC = (P0/3)(V0)/nR = P0V0/(3nR)
Problem: Consider the quasi-static cycle on the right, for n moles of an ideal gas with molar specific heat ratio . AB is an adiabatic process. Find the work, heat, and Eint for each step. [Give all results in terms of n, , P0, V0.] CV = R/(-1) CP = R/(-1) PB = P0/3 TA = P0V0/nR, TB = P0V0/(3-1nR) TC = P0V0/(3nR) CA is constant volume, so WCA = 0 and QCA = nCV(TA-TC) = [P0V0/(-1)](1-1/3) (heat in) ECA = WCA + QCA = P0V0/(-1)](1-1/3) BC is constant pressure, so WBC = -PB(VC-VB) = (2P0V0/3) QBC = nCP(TC-TB) = - [P0V0/(-1))](1/3-1 – 1/3) = -2P0V0/[3(-1)] (heat out) EBC = WBC + QBC = (2P0V0/3) [1-/(-1)] = -2P0V0/[3 (-1)] AB is adiabatic, so QAB=0. WAB = - PdV = - P0 (V0/V) dV WAB = -P0V0 dV/V = [P0V0/(-1)][1/(3V0)-1 – 1/V0-1] = -[P0V0/(-1)] [1 - 1/3-1] EAB = WAB + QAB = -[P0V0/(-1)] [1 - 1/3-1]
WCA = 0, QCA = (P0V0 /(-1)](1-1/3), ECA = [P0V0 /(-1)](1-1/3)
WBC = (2P0V0/3), QBC = -2P0V0/[3(-1)], EBC = -2P0V0/[3 (-1)] WAB = -[P0V0/(-1)] [1 - 1/3-1], QAB = 0, EAB = -[P0V0/(-1)] [1 - 1/3-1] Note that Ecycle = EAB + EBC + ECA = [P0V0 /(-1)] [1- 1/3 -2/3 /3-1] = [P0V0 /(-1)] [-3/3 + 1/3-1] = 0 , as expected!
WCA = 0, QCA = (P0V0 /(-1)](1-1/3), ECA = [P0V0 /(-1)](1-1/3)
WBC = (2P0V0/3), QBC = -2P0V0/[3(-1)], EBC = -2P0V0/[3 (-1)] WAB = -[P0V0/(-1)] [1 - 1/3-1], QAB = 0, EAB = -[P0V0/(-1)] [1 - 1/3-1] e.g. if diatomic near room temperature, = 7/5: WCA = 0, QCA = ECA = 1.96 P0V0 WBC = 0.43 P0V0, QBC = P0V0, EBC = P0V0 WAB = P0V0, QAB = 0, EAB = P0V0
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