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On behalf of: NHS Redditch and Bromsgrove CCG, NHS South Worcestershire CCG and NHS Wyre Forest CCG 11/11/2018
Understand what’s being proposed Notify LMC of comments\concerns
Aims Today Understand what’s being proposed Notify LMC of comments\concerns Group dynamic – peer review where learning from and supporting each other 11/11/2018
Discussions to Date 7 February PCE Clinical Leads 8 February
Documents shared with LMC LMC shared documents with Committee members 13 February Gov Body Chairs CIG re follow ups 22 February LMC review 11/11/2018
PCE 18\19 - Aims Build on the success of PCE 17\18
Reduce variation to deliver improved health outcomes Investment to support release of capacity in & sustainability of general practice Investment proportionate to increased workload Must align to strategic direction – improving heath outcomes, working at scale, integration and FRP delivery Enable the paradigm shift needed to create a more integrated way of working, led by strong primary care teams based around General Practice Continue to allow flexibility in focus and delivery of actions Be more specific where appropriate and more light touch where appropriate 11/11/2018
Reflection on 17\18 THANK YOU – KEEP GOING!
Clinical peer review at group level Releasing clinical capacity Reducing spend 14% at month 10 reduction in referrals 35% reduction in formulary prescribing savings at month 8 Inconsistency between groups BUT THANK YOU – KEEP GOING! Group dynamic – peer review where learning from and supporting each other 11/11/2018
PCE 18\19 INVESTMENT £11 per head Funding
2 year contract – Variable elements (eg levels of reduction in variation) It’s a Gamble No 0.5% Reserve EMIS v actual activity -need to understand this and see stepped change 18\19 BUT PRACTICES DELIVER £101k PER AVERAGE PRACTICE 11/11/2018
Bridging the £1.3m Gap – South Worcs
£x PMS Premium will be vired to Local Enhanced Services budget £200K Locality Commissioning Funds Recycle Engagement Monies Leaves £300K – Exploring options – may need to cover gap from Improving Access to GP Services allocation and reduced service expectation 11/11/2018
CCG Financial Recovery Targets 18\19
Savings areas supported through PCE Full year benefit from 17/18 £m Addition target for 18/19 Total Outpatients - referral variation £0.4m £0.8m £1.2m Prescribing – including formulary; variation; repeats & self care £1.9m £3.6m £5.5m Emergency admission reducing variation £2.9m Outpatients – follow-ups £1.8m TOTAL £2.3m £9.1m £11.4m 17\18 benefit will be delivered with no further action by practices 11/11/2018
PCE 18\19-OVERVIEW One Contract £11 per patient B\F PCE1-3 elements
Best Practice, Education & Development (IQSP, Study Days, LTCs, Audits, Referrals – Maintain or Improve (+ 2% growth) Prescribing – Maintain or Improve (+4% growth) Repeat Waste – More specific than 17\18 NEW: Best Practice: Mental Health Follow ups Emergency admission avoidance via Neighbourhood Teams Removal of Asthma & COPD indicators for South Worcs Practices On behalf of: NHS Redditch and Bromsgrove CCG, NHS South Worcestershire CCG and NHS Wyre Forest CCG 11/11/2018
INVESTMENT This new contract represents the biggest investment so far in general practice. We recognise that practices cannot achieve the requirements in isolation and will require support from each other, working collectively and with others, and from the CCG Eg CCG account managers, neighbourhood team managers 11/11/2018
Where’s the Money coming from
PCE Funding Sources /19 R&B SW WF Total £'000 Year 3 PMS Premium Available 512 1,951 622 3,085 Medicines Optimisation - Funded as 17/18 outside PMS ex ESLIS 377 699 265 1,341 Medicines Waste funded as 17/18 outside PMS from CCG resources 251 466 177 894 Additional resources to be invested (engagement) as 17/18 141 Co- Commissioning Overall GAP (46) (1,314) (301) (1,661) CCG Recurrent Support 214 502 193 909 Other CCG Support 240 86 326 EOL LES 88 52 140 Extended Access - Balance of Funding 290 Use of CCG Transformation Reserve 305 584 203 1,015 Year 2 CCG Funded Sustainability & Transformation 2,092 3,885 1,474 7,452 11/11/2018
18\19 GP Funding 18\19 GMS Uplift ? PCE 18\19 £11 ppatient
17\18 GMS Global Sum £85 per patient* 18\19 GMS Uplift ? PCE 18\19 £11 ppatient Local Enhanced Services £ 8 ppatient 18\19 Transformation Funds £ pp TOTAL £ pp * 20 practices above national funding level 11/11/2018
Integration & Reducing Variation in Emergency Admissions Options
Include all requirements in PCE – Clinical view = all in PCE OR Some tasks in PCE eg – peer review 3. Replace all or some QOF domains with focus on integration, MDT’s, local solutions within a collective framework Not Supported 11/11/2018
Contract Elements 11/11/2018
Best Practice Summary CCG IQSP, audits, 2 study days All 3 CCGs
LTC – improvement compared to March 18 : Stroke –AF007 5% improvement – up to 95% Hypertension –HYP006 5% improvement up to 87% New approach to planned end of life care : Hold a monthly MDT meeting using a template to discuss new patients added to the palliative care register, and those already on the register where needed New patients added to register to have Advance Care Planning discussion to include preferred place of care\death & DNAR\Respect as appropriate Review all deaths regardless of whether the patient was on the palliative care register or not Nominate a lead admin person for end of life Complete an audit annually of the percentage of patients dying in their preferred place Use of Mild Cognitive Impairment Read Code & Development of Register – Year 1 Rationale re AF/Hyp January Performance AF007: R&B: Range 82% - 100%, average 92%, 12 practices at 94% or above. 8 at 95%+ WF: Range 88% - 98% 2 practices above 97.8% in WF SW: Range 81% -99% 4 practices above 97.8% Perf Jan HYP006: RB Range 77-90% SW Range74-91% WF Range 76-88% End of Life based on recommendations from Dr Clare Marley, work in WF/RB via LES. SW no longer have COPD/Astma 11/11/2018
Reducing Variation – Referrals 18\19 Modelling
GP practices to reduce variation by coming in line with Worcestershire median for referrals (127 per 1000 weighted patients, range 76 to 191) Top 20 specialities as in 2017/18 with the removal of diagnostics for cardiology and neurology % reduction capped at 15% All practices should contain 2% growth The Worcestershire CCG median referral level is 127 per 1000 weighted patients Cap of 15% is to make the target achievable for all groups and thus ensure continued engagement. Range of reduction 49 fewer (Rurals) to 1,534 (Redditch Town) 11/11/2018
Reducing Variation – Prescribing 18\19 Modelling
GP practices to reduce variation by moving towards Worcestershire median for prescribing (£38,265 per 1000 ASTRO Pus, range £26,990 to £46,836) Practices to reduce non-formulary prescribing % reduction in variation capped at 6% All practices should contain growth CCG will address issues of secondary care non-compliance 11/11/2018
EPS & ERD Increase use of electronic transfer of prescriptions (EPS) to a minimum of 50% of potential opportunity by March 2019 Practices above 45% at March 2018 must increase by at least 5% by March 2019 Practices above 70% at March 2018 must maintain this level Increase use of e-Repeat Dispensing (eRD) to a minimum of 5% of EPS items by March 2019 Practices over 3% at March 2018 should increase by at least 2% by March 2019 Practices 25% at March 2018 should maintain this level EPS current range (0 to 92%) based on potential EPS items (excludes those not allowed and all items for dispensing patients Use of EPS delivers time savings for GPs and practice staff - an average practice (53.4% EPS, 10,920 patients per month) saves an average of 80 minutes of GP time every day by signing electronic repeat dispensing prescriptions versus paper. More info and the benefits of EPS can be found at: eRD current range (0-39% of active users) Use of eRD is included as it can help free GP and practice time in managing repeat processes. NHS Digital can provide practices with specific patient information as to which patients have not had a change in medication for a period of time and are therefore suitable for eRD. For further information: 11/11/2018
Reducing Outpatient Activity
The CCGs currently spend £26m per annum on follow-up outpatient activity - of which £18m is with Worcs Acute. Evidence from elsewhere indicates that a proportion of this activity does not add clinical benefit - and does not need to take place; and a proportion of activity that could be dealt with on an exception basis and/or via non face to face contact. The CCGs believe that there is a step change opportunity to reduce follow-up activity in order to reprioritise clinical time. The objective is not to shift activity from acute and re-provide within primary care on a like for like basis - but to fundamentally review how patients can receive follow-up care, where this is needed, and in the most efficient and effective way. The purpose of this initiative is to support a reduction of 10% which roughly correlates to circa 9 patients per practice per week. This is being developed with the full support of the WRH Trust management & clinicians 11/11/2018
Reducing Out Patient Follow Up Attendances
Quarter 1 – Phase 1 Follow Up Reduction Review a sample of OP follow-up waiting list against a range of parameters to be determined by the CCG (under development) Identify procedures\conditions where routine follow up appts could cease or be followed up remotely by telephone (example) with appropriate secondary care support / communication Share results at PCE Meeting, amend if appropriate Share results with CCG Elective Care Clinical Leads (Richard Davies, Nikki Burger) via a template of additional opportunities to reduce follow up activity 11/11/2018
Reducing O\P Follow Up Attendances
Quarter 2 – Phase 2 Coproduction Elective Care Clinical Leads review templates to test hypotheses and determine: Specialties where there is greatest potential for reduction in follow-up activity and liaise with secondary care to agree rapid access where this may be required Role of Secondary Care Potential role of general practice to be undertaken within £11 per head investment Identify opportunities where invest to save business case is necessary Practices (eg PCE clinical lead) to participate in co-production conversations through NB Work is underway to gain support from secondary care to simultaneously instigate peer review of variation in numbers of follow-up appointments between clinicians. 11/11/2018
Integrated Working\Neighbourhood Teams
Aim Stabilise & Support general practice Reducing variation in emergency admissions Key Requirements Leadership (Neighbourhood Team & MDTs) Engagement across all practices Develop & Implement a Plan 11/11/2018
Neighbourhood Team & Multidisciplinary Team Lead(s)
Neighbourhood level actions Identify a GP lead (neighbourhood Team lead) taking overall responsibility for delivery of the neighbourhood plan, represent practices from the neighbourhood on the Alliance Board and participate in 2/3 county wide leadership team development events per year, lead an annual review of progress, identifying achievements and lesson learned to be shared with Alliance Board Develop and implement a neighbourhood plan, addressing priorities identified within the Neighbourhood team profile , including the delivery of an agreed reduction in variation of emergency admission rates Take corrective action when plan not delivering required outcomes Identify a lead from within General practice* who will be responsible for developing and implementing a locally agreed MDT approach for the neighbourhood. The lead will be responsible for: Reviewing current MDT arrangements across the neighbourhood Ensuring the agreed MDT approach is adequately resourced and chaired, including the provision of administrative support Seeking out and sharing good practice and learning Establishing and leading a neighbourhood level forum for sharing learning and best practice from practice based discussions And ensuring actions/learning is reflected in delivery plan MDT Focus must include: patients who are frequent attenders in primary care, acute services and WMAS. Patients with complex needs who would benefit from Multi Disciplinary care planning Review of patients on the frailty register who are current inpatients, facilitating timely discharge. Reflective review of patients on the frailty register following an acute emergency admission, to establish why they were admitted and any additional interventions captured on an action plan to prevent future readmission. * Can be same individual 11/11/2018
Practice Responsibilities
Identify a practice lead GP* to participate in monthly meetings with neighbourhood health and social care leads, supporting the development and implementation of the out of hospital based care model, including engagement in the development and delivery of the neighbourhood team plan Review practice level data, supporting the development & implementation of neighbourhood plan specifically focussing on actions which deliver the agreed reduction in variation of emergency admission rates Take corrective action when plan not delivering required outcomes Identify a practice lead* responsible for supporting the locally agreed MDT approach by: Identifying patients/issues for discussion Sharing information in a timely way to allow for meaningful discussion at the meeting Attending Multidisciplinary Team meetings, where appropriate Ensuring the primary care actions following the MDTs are completed, i.e. uploading recommendations onto EMIS Disseminating actions and learning as appropriate with practice team Identify common themes and share best practice at neighbourhood level Contribution of the evaluation of the MDTs by providing feedback and conducting patient surveys, as required 11/11/2018
CCG Staff will support groups in development\completion
Summary Clinical Peer Review individual practice & PCE group Releasing clinical capacity Develop & implement Plans reduce variation-Referrals/prescribing Completion of Reducing Outpatient Follow Ups Template Neighbourhood Team Plan setting out how variation in number of emergency admissions will be reduced CCG Staff will support groups in development\completion Medicines Commissioning team will lead development of prescribing plan 11/11/2018
TIMESCALES Referrals\Prescribing
Plan Deadline Panel Members Referrals\Prescribing As soon as possible, no later than 27th April 2018 Drs Gemma Moore, Roy Williams, George Henry and Jonathan Leach Follow up template Within two weeks of data being received & on-going Elective Care Clinical Leads Emergency Admissions 27th April 2018 Tim Tebbs & Simon Trickett with Alliance Board Chairs Integrated Care Partnership Board
Commissioning Policies, Templates & Surveys
As per 2017\18 New developments to be discussed with LMC before inclusion (Clause 4.4) Quarterly Workforce Survey Completion of Resilience Tool\Questionnaire?” 11/11/2018
Monitoring What does “Light Touch” mean?
Referral Plan refresh if achieving or over-achieving (6 Month 10) Less Reporting if achieving or over-achieving Earned autonomy in year 11/11/2018
Payment Top slicing for leadership roles:
PCE Clinical Lead(Referrals & Prescribing) PCE Pharmacist Lead Neighbourhood Team Lead* Multidisciplinary Meetings Lead* NOTE – value of Top Slice will vary depending on the size of the group. Smaller groups will be ‘losing’ more, and larger groups contributing less. The argument in support of this approach is that we have tried to encourage larger scale working but were petitioned to accept smaller groups; This differential cost is a consequence of working at a smaller scale. MINIMUM RATES *Could be one individual ** Top slicing will impact more on smaller groups 11/11/2018
Payment Mechanism (previously Section 7, PCE 17\18)
Frontloading: April – 25% of £11 Leadership payment as soon as arrangements confirmed Plans to CCG by 11 May Review plans by 18th May Jun 1st – 50% less leadership amount (paid to practices with nominated leads) 25% post Jan 2019* * Final payment reconciled to amount due based on delivery of plans and actions or claw back applied to areas not delivered 11/11/2018
NO CHANGE to 17\18 CLAUSES Section 9 – Clinically Led Review
Section 10 – Breach of Contract Section 11 – Witholding or Deducting Monies Section 12 – Disputes Section 13 – Contract Notice 11/11/2018
Engagement & Consultation
28 February 28 Feb-15 Mar By 16 March 19 March FRP sign off Business Case Discussions at Localities Practices send comments to LMC LMC send final comments to CCG 14 March PCCC decision to invest 21 March 23 March 29 March Launch of contract/study day CCG to issue contracts to practices Practices to return signed Contract 1 April New contract starts Future Practice Communication & Engagement Quarterly Strategic Commissioning meetings with Exec Leadership Team (and annually with Gov Body) Huddle IQSP PCE Study Days 11/11/2018
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