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Vertical Applications TAG

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1 802.24 Vertical Applications TAG
July 2018 Closing Report San Diego, CA, USA Tim Godfrey, EPRI

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Overview Officers TAG Chair: Tim Godfrey Secretary & TAG Vice Chair: Ben Rolfe Task Groups Smart Grid TG Tim Godfrey IoT TG Chris DiMinico 27 Voting Members Agenda: Meetings for the Week Tuesday PM Wednesday PM Thursday PM <author>, <company>

3 Liaison with IEC SEG8 Scope of SEG8: Liaison Request drafted in May
Assess, provide an overview and prioritization of the evolution of technical development and standardization in the field of communication technologies and architectures Liaison Request drafted in May Approved in , notify EC, send to SEG8 after this meeting Tim Godfrey, EPRI

4 ITU and Radio Regulatory Items
Update from Discussion on FCC notice on 3.7 – 4.2 GHz? Will the rules be similar to CBRS at 3.6 GHz? Possibility of developing a white paper on working with CBRS rules for Smart Grid FANs Watch development of NPRM over coming months Tim Godfrey, EPRI

5 Future Opportunities Tracking
Are there any new utility industry activities or organizations that could benefit from a liaison to ? ATIS is developing spreadsheet to classify IoT services, and their characteristics, and communication link requirements. Action: Establish a liaison with that group. Potentially have a liaison request by September meeting Tim Godfrey, EPRI

6 Future Opportunities Tracking (.2)
white paper on IoT and P2413? Maybe more towards completion of P2413? Agnostic to underlying communications, but applicable to all 802 standards. Highlight the relationship between P2413 and 802 standards Discuss in Tim Godfrey, EPRI

7 TSN White Paper Discussed and reviewed in 802.24.1 and in 802.1 TSN
Updated document r14 uploaded to Mentor following May meeting. Announce comment collection in and 802.1 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

8 g and ah Coexistence Action Plan for as moves from SG to TG will develop a whitepaper/document for application-specific use cases. Identifying where each standard is most suitable, and how to make best use of other changes. Identify use cases where g is not sufficient and both are needed Could be choices of applications, channel guidelines, duty cycle, Avoid perception that 802 standards are unable to coexist Evaluate and describe potential application-level implications of delay/latency increases due to mutual interference If NS-3 simulation models can be shared, others in IEEE 802 could progress that work. MERL will share simulation models on Github. New modules for 11ah 15.4g Tim Godfrey, EPRI

9 Nendica IEEE 802 network enhancements for the next decade Industry Connections Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) NENDICA develops reports on specific topics. Completed data centers. Now working on Flexible Factory IoT Potential activities Identify vertical applications that could be enabled by TSN features Identify vertical application that could be enabled if TSN features were present in wireless standards Can interfaces between wired and wireless map application-specific streams? Provide vertical application requirements (needs, underlying problems) to Nendica. Nendica is linked with – Describing what is needed to define a common framework for TSN across wired and wireless standards. How do they fit together. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

10 Sub 1 GHz White Paper Review “802.24 TAG white paper_edits.docx”
Continue addressing comments and questions on ownership and rights of wireless matrix Jonathan Goldberg and Katherine Berger will provide guidance on NIST permission process Tim Godfrey, EPRI

11 IEEE PSCC TF S6 January 2018 Study Report – "Standards for integrating Home Automation IoT to Power Utilities Communication Systems“ TAG comments and contributions from March plenary meeting have been provided back to TF S6 chair TF S6 had face to face meeting during IEEE 802 May Interim. No response from S6 – no action at this meeting Tim Godfrey, EPRI

12 Thursday: 802.24.2 802.24.2 Liaison Coordinator's Report
Wael Diab (if not in attendance discuss finding a new person) Chris nominates Peter Jones Tim Godfrey, EPRI

13 802.24.2 Review status and development of IoT White paper
Ludwig is developing some related materials. Discussion on Single Pair Ethernet white paper r0 Start process to release as white paper. First step: comment collection on reflector TIA and IEC standards related to SPE and IoT TIA TR42 report to 802.3, ISO IEC SC25 Power over Ethernet – UL and NEC are getting involved Tim Godfrey, EPRI

14 802.24 TAG closing Action Items from this meeting
Farrokh Khatibi will provide introduction to ATIS group for liaison on classifying IoT services, and their characteristics, and communication link requirements Send Liaison Request to IEC SEG8 Establish Liaison with IEC SC25 for single pair ethernet. Chris will base on IEC SEG 8 request Call for Comments on TSN and SPE white papers Request Ludwig Winkel to provide P2413 Update in September Request IoT Use Cases from Wi-Fi Alliance IoT MSTG Follow up with Jonathan and Catherine on permissions for Sub-1GHz white paper Tim Godfrey, EPRI

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