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City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering

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1 City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering
Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018 City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering Paseo Del Mar Permanent Restoration Project Draft EIR Public Meeting May 3, 2017 Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

2 Agenda Introductions Project History Project Description
Richard Louie, Project Manager, BOE William Jones, Environmental Management Group, BOE Project History Project Description Estimated Project Schedule California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Process Purpose of Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Meeting Key Environmental Issues Summary of Project Impacts Draft EIR Comments

3 Draft EIR Comments The following comments will be considered:
Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018 Draft EIR Comments The following comments will be considered: Verbal comments at Draft EIR meeting Comment cards at Draft EIR meeting or mailed in Written responses to Draft EIR via mail or Submit comments to: William Jones and Billy Ho City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering, EMG 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Mail Stop 939 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Public comments must be submitted by June 5, 2017 Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

4 Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018 Project History On November 20, 2011 an approximately 400-foot section of the Paseo Del Mar roadway collapsed along the coast in the community of San Pedro Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

5 Project Description The primary objective of the proposed project is to restore access along Paseo Del Mar. The proposed project would restore the section of the Paseo Del Mar roadway that collapsed in the November landslide event to its original function. Four alternatives have been evaluated for environmental impacts.

6 No Project Alternative
Required under CEQA to allow decision makers to compare the impacts of approving the project with the impacts of not approving the project. No construction activities would occur. The damaged segment of Paseo Del Mar would remain closed.

7 Alt. 1 – Bridge Spanning Over Landslide
Construct single, approximately 380-foot long- span bridge supported on stable ground outside the limits of the landslide area. Limits major earthwork & remediation of existing landslide area.

8 Alt. 2 – Anchored CIDH Piles with Buttress
Includes a single row of large diameter, Cast-in-Drilled Holes (CIDH) piles near the edge of the existing slope. Piles would connect with a reinforced-concrete grade beam & tied back with soil anchors. Reinforced-earth buttress above the piles would stabilize the head scarp & support new roadway.

9 Alt. 3 – Shear Pins with MSE Wall
Similar to Alt. 2, however a row of large diameter piles & a grid of smaller diameter piles would be constructed below the proposed roadway. The piles would handle the vertical loading of the Mechanically Stabilized Embankment (MSE) wall & mitigate lateral forces on the existing slope.

10 Dismissed Alternative - Roadway Realignment
The Initial Study and Notice of Preparation included the Roadway Realignment Alternative, which would realign the Paseo Del Mar roadway into the White Point Nature Preserve. During the environmental analysis, it was determined that this alternative would increase significant impacts to biological resources, cultural resources, and recreation. Due to public input received during the scoping process and the increased impacts, this alternative was eliminated from further analysis.

11 Project Schedule Draft EIR Public Review Period
Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018 Project Schedule Draft EIR Public Review Period 60 days: April 6 to June 5, 2017 Selection of Preferred Alternative, Approval of Project & EIR – Summer 2017 Design Phase Complete – Early 2019* Start of Project Construction – Late 2019* * Dependent upon availability of funding Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

12 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Process
Required for all discretionary actions Informs public & decision makers Feasible ways to avoid, reduce, and/or mitigate impacts Considers alternatives Discloses significant & unavoidable impacts Opportunity to comment on the environmental issues

13 Purpose of Draft EIR Meeting
To inform the public about the proposed project and disclose potential environmental impacts To receive comments from the public regarding environmental concerns To inform the public about the CEQA Process

14 CEQA Process 6. Public Review of Draft EIR
7. Prepare Final EIR with Response to Comments, Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Plan 1. Prepare Initial Study (IS) & Notice of Preparation (NOP) 6. Public Review of Draft EIR April 6 – June 5 (60 Days) 2. Distribute IS/NOP 5. Distribute Draft EIR 8. Final EIR Certification & Project Approval 4. Prepare Technical Studies & Draft EIR 3. Public Scoping Meeting 9. File Notice of Determination (NOD)

15 Key Environmental Issues Addressed in Draft EIR
Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018 Key Environmental Issues Addressed in Draft EIR Aesthetics Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology/Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hydrology/Water Quality Land Use/Planning Noise Paleontological Resources Recreation Transportation/Traffic Tribal Cultural Resources Effects Found not to be Significant Cumulative Impacts Project Alternatives Including No Project Alternative & three Build Alternatives Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

16 Comparison of Alternatives
Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018 Comparison of Alternatives No Project Alternative: Significant and unavoidable impacts to four issue areas, including aesthetics, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, and land use and planning. Alternative 1: One significant and unavoidable environmental impact related to construction noise, which is a temporary impact. Fewest environmental impacts overall, and no permanent environmental impacts. Environmentally superior alternative. Alternatives 2 and 3: Similar impacts to each other. Both Alternatives 2 and 3 would result in two significant and unavoidable impacts: aesthetics (permanent impacts) and construction noise (temporary impact). Fewer significant impacts than the No Project Alternative. Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

17 Public Review Locations
Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018 Public Review Locations Review Draft EIR online at: Review Draft EIR at document repositories: San Pedro Regional Library, 931 South Gaffey Street, San Pedro, CA 90731 Miraleste Library, Palos Verdes Drive East, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Council District 15, Harbor District Office, 638 South Beacon Street, Room 552, San Pedro, CA 90731 City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, EMG, 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90015 Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

18 Draft EIR Comments The following comments will be considered:
Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018 Draft EIR Comments The following comments will be considered: Verbal comments at Draft EIR meeting Comment cards at Draft EIR meeting or mailed in Written responses to Draft EIR via mail or Submit comments to: William Jones and Billy Ho City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering, EMG 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Mail Stop 939 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Public comments must be submitted by June 5, 2017 Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

19 Comments? Jan Green Rebstock 11/11/2018
Proposed VAPP Project Scoping Presentation

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