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Reflections on a Study of Transformation Mary Ellen Young, PhD

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1 Reflections on a Study of Transformation Mary Ellen Young, PhD
Russell Revisited: Reflections on a Study of Transformation Mary Ellen Young, PhD

2 Research Team: Jean Cole Spencer, PhD Mary Ellen Young, PhD Diana H
Research Team: Jean Cole Spencer, PhD Mary Ellen Young, PhD Diana H. Rintala, PhD Funding provided by: American Occupational Therapy Assoc. NIDRR Career Development Fellowship

3 “Russell” Study Single participant 31-year-old, Caucasian male
Sustained T-12 incomplete SCI Left arm fractured in 4 places Work-related injury Purpose to study “adaptation to injury”

4 Data collection Planned daily interviews during rehab
Team of multidisciplinary researchers Right to refuse daily interview 71 open-ended, conversational interviews Observations and videos of therapy Staff interviews

5 Data analysis Interviews transcribed and checked
“Microcoding” of first interviews Identification of themes Development of interpretive categories Inventing the process: notecards, color coded transcripts, summary sheets Constant comparison method

6 Trustworthiness Weekly team meetings for 1 year
Checking of transcripts for accuracy Team agreement on codes and constructs Peer debriefing Participant checking

7 Reporting Results Spencer, J. C., Young, M. E., & Rintala, D. H. (1995). Socialization to the culture of a rehabilitation hospital: An ethnographic study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 49,

8 Reporting Results (cont.)
Rintala, D. H., Young, M. E., Spencer, J. C., & Bates, P. S. (1996). Family relationships and adaptation to spinal cord injury: A qualitative study. Rehabilitation Nursing, 21,

9 Reporting Results (cont.)
Bates, P. S., Spencer, J. C., Young, M. E., & Rintala, D. H. (1993). Assistive technology and the newly disabled adult: Adaptation to wheelchair use. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 47,

10 Recent Reflections Research reasoning Research as an agent of change

11 Research reasoning During the interview, how does the interviewer choose what question to ask or what statement to make next?

12 Research Reasoning-- Responses Should:
Build rapport Solicit specific information Encourage him to speak freely and reflectively about his experience

13 Research Reasoning--Criteria for Evaluating Interview Statements
Research appropriateness Social appropriateness Ethical appropriateness

14 Research Appropriateness
Initiation of topics should not be done until participant has had adequate opportunity to initiate Must be relevant to research questions Must provide sufficient coverage of research questions

15 Social Appropriateness
Greetings Farewells Social amenities Rapport building Faux pas

16 Ethical appropriateness
Within scope of informed consent (autonomy) Interventions (benevolence) Withdrawal (nonmaleficence) True to science (justice)

17 Uses of Research Reasoning
Training and evaluating students Training research team members Evaluating research results

18 What is not done is as important as what is done.

19 Research as an Agent of Change
The observer changes what is observed by the process of observing. Active listening and empathetic responding are counseling interventions. Does the research process become a therapeutic intervention itself?

20 Research as the Agent of Change
Did the research process change Russell’s of adaptation to disability? Most likely, yes.

21 Recommendations Understand the therapeutic power of the research process Train interviewers Clarify ethical issues Minimize interventions Observe and document differences brought about by research itself

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