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Cervical Cancer Screening Primary Drivers (Practice Level)

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1 Cervical Cancer Screening Primary Drivers (Practice Level)
Train staff on our goals: where are we now and where do we want to go? Create a patient reward system to encourage patient activation Train patients on why this is important to their health Use posters in open access and other spaces such as bathrooms During rooming encourage MA to ask patient if she would like pap that day Create a Public Service Announcement to help patients understand importance Create a provider report card on how their patient panel is working Make sure patients are aware costs could be paid for by ODH Look for help from community resources to educate and encourage patients in homeless service areas Raise Awareness of Importance Identify ACOG guidelines with agreement on practices Use pre-visit screen visit questions Use health history in (EHR) to identify qualified patients (health maintenance protocols) Set reminder system within EHR for when due Consistent area in EHR or paper chart on pap status Use patient portals Use population health reports to send letters and make phone calls Set system alerts Use of texting with patients Use survey forms at the time of appointment Talk to the appointment Have open access appointments Use of focus group with qualified pts to identify what prevents them from getting paps Use of health advocate in community to stress the importance of pap Education at health fair Set a pap clinic such as flu clinic College campus reach out Public Service Announcements Use of clinical alerts at front desk to offer pap at time of appointment Work in pap for regularly scheduled appointments Ask patients who call for SDA if they would like to have their PAP completed Extend after hours Identify female patients ages who are due Id patients with a hx of hysterectomy Run report on patients who had a pap in 2012 (CPT) Id patients with family history of any cancer Train staff on entering data into the EHR Track referrals of from other providers for paps Run reports to identify abnormal paps Retrieve patient self report and follow up referral report Have MOU with contracted serviced on how to retrieve reports Alternate reimbursement options Test optional productivity ideas Manage patient reluctance Offer options to help patient be “ready” for the exam (a woman thing) Offer pap even if patient is only interested in her primary complaint Use interpretive services for language barriers Pre Identify Qualified Patients Within 1 year improve the number of woman completing a PAP test within the recommended guidelines by 30% Reach out to Qualified Patients Same Day Testing Ability Data Capture Addressing Barriers the Health Collaborative

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