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Building After a Flood and Flood Insurance (Last updated July 25, 2006)

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2 Building After a Flood and Flood Insurance (Last updated July 25, 2006)

3 If I self-finance a new house or rebuild my home in a Special Flood Hazard Area and I will not purchase flood insurance, must I comply with the communitys floodplain management program? You cannot receive a building permit unless you comply with the communitys floodplain management program

4 When I sell my pre-Flood Insurance Rate Map house, does it stay in the pre-FIRM classification for insurance premium purposes or will the new owner be required to pay a higher premium? It stays in the pre-FIRM classification Participation in flood insurance must be continuous to keep the original premium. If a new FIRM places the structure in a zone with higher rates, the premium for the current zone would apply.

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